3 research outputs found

    Website Design Build Ritual Café

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    Business in the restaurant or cafe is growing, one of which is the Ritual Cafe. Likewise with internet technology, the number and range more widely. Then look at the situation, it is necessary for the Ritual Cafe to make the internet media as a means of information dissemination and promotion. To achieve this, it needs to be designed and built the website contains an information about the Ritual Cafe. Whether it's the concept, menu, price, and so on. Website design and manufacture Ritual Cafe is expected to be able to introduce the Ritual Cafe, more broadly, and can also increase the number of customers

    Ritual Cafe Website Design

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    Usaha di bidang restoran atau kafe semakin berkembang, salah satunya adalahKafe Ritual. Begitu juga dengan teknologi internet, jumlah dan jangkauannyasemakin luas. Maka melihat keadaan tersebut, perlu bagi Kafe Ritual untukmenjadikan media internet sebagai sarana penyebaran informasi dan promo si.Untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut, maka perlu dirancang dan dibangun sebuahwebiste yang berisikan informasi mengenai Kafe Ritual. Baik itu konsep, menu,harga, dan sebagainya. Perancangan dan pembuatan website Kafe Ritual inidiharapkan akan bisa memperkenalkan Kafe Ritual secara lebih luas, dan jugabisa meningkatkan jumlah konsumennya

    System Purchase / Reservation of Goods in A-net Computer Programming Language Using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

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    System purchase / ordering of goods on the A-Net Computer consists of a purchase of data processing applications, as well as data of employees, suppliers, and goods. The application also provides information support to management functions in decision making.By using this application, is expected to assist parties interested in the trading business in obtaining the information they need, in addition to assisting also in the process of transactions that occur