10 research outputs found
Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Paradigma Pedagogi Ignatian (Reflektif) terhadap Peningkatan Hasil Belajar dan Motivasi Berprestasi Belajar Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA) Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar
The Ignatian Pedagogy Paradigm is an art of thinking and doing something thoughtfully that incorporate humanistic values into learning subjects consciously. This paradigm endorses meaning of each topic within in learning materials based on students' own experience. Students take into their consciousness life values (Reflective Moment) with\in learning materials by themselves or by their groups in order that they can practice it in daily life (Action). Researcher elaborates action research method for resolving learning problems within Fifth Grade (second group) of Kanisius Elementary School Students of Sengkan Yogyakarta during natural sciences class. Researcher implements Ignatian Pedagogy Paradigm within the method. The research follows the guidance prepared by Bruce W. Tuckman and Brian E. Happer (2012). First cycle shows that mean value is 13,85 for students learning outcomes. Second cycle shows that mean value is 15,03 for students learning outcomes. The average difference between the first cycle and the second is 1,175. It says that learning outcomes of the first cycle is lower than the second; and of the second cycle is higher than the first. Value of “t” Test by counting is 2,466; and Value of “t” Test according to the statistic table is 2,000 with 0,016 score of probability and by 0,05 significant level. The research shows that the value of “t” Test by counting is higher than value of “t” Test according the statistic table. It means that implementation Ignatian Pedagogy in natural sciences subject improves study results of Fifth Grade (Second Group) of Kanisius Elementary School Students of Sengkan Yogyakarta. First cycle shows that mean value is 108,23 for students learning motivation. Second cycle shows that mean value is 116,05 for students learning motivation. The value difference between the first and the second is 7,825. It says that learning motivation of the first cycle is lower than the second; and of the second cycle is higher than the first. Value of “t” Test by counting is 2,572; and Value of “t” Test according to the statistic table is 2,000 with 0,012 score of probability and by 0,05 significant level. The research shows that the value of “t” Test by counting is higher than value of “t” Test according the statistic table. It means that the implementation of Ignatian Pedagogy in natural sciences subject improves learning motivation of Fifth Grade (Second Group) of Kanisius Elementary School Students of Sengkan Yogyakarta.Paradigma Pedagogi Ignatian (Reflektif) adalah cara berpikir dan bertindak yang menyaturagakan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan ke dalam setiap materi ajar. Para siswa tidak hanya difasilitasi mengetahui materi ajar saja, tetapi juga untuk menemukan makna dan nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam setiap materi ajar. Para siswa aktif mencari sendiri dan atau bersama-sama dengan teman sebaya, nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dari setiap materi ajar (refleksi) dan mewujudnyatakan nilai-nilai tersebut dalam tindakan nyata (aksi). Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK), untuk membantu memecahkan permasalahan yang terjadi di kelas VB Sekolah Dasar Kanisius Sengkan Yogyakarta, dalam proses pembelajaran IPA dengan pembelajaran Paradigma Pedagogi Ignatian (Reflektif). Peneliti mengadopsi model PTK yang dirancang oleh Bruce W. Tuckman and Brian E. Happer (2012). Nilai rata-rata hasil belajar siklus 1 adalah 13,85 dan siklus 2 adalah sebesar 15,03 dengan demikian diperoleh perbedaan rata-rata sebesar 1,175 dimana nilai rata-rata hasil belajar siklus 1 adalah lebih rendah dan hasil belajar siklus 2 adalah lebih tinggi. Dari uji t diperoleh nilai t hitung sebesar 2,466 dan t tabel sebesar 2,000 dengan probabilitas sebesar 0,016 pada taraf signifikansi 0,05. Karena nilai t hitung lebih besar dari tabel dan karena probabilitasnya jauh di bawah 0,05, maka penerapan pembelajaran Paradigma Pedagogi Ignatian (reflektif) dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas VB SD Kanisius Sengkan Yogyakarta, dalam pembelajaran IPA. Hasil penelitian tentang motivasi berprestasi siswa diperoleh bahwa nilai rata-rata motivasi berprestasi siklus 1 adalah 108,23 dan siklus 2 adalah sebesar 116,05, dengan demikian diperoleh perbedaan rata-rata sebesar 7,825 dimana nilai rata-rata motivasi berprestasi siklus 1 adalah lebih rendah dan nilai rata-rata motivasi berprestasi siklus 2 adalah lebih tinggi. Dari uji t diperoleh nilai t hitung sebesar 2,572 dan t tabel sebesar 2,000 dengan probabilitas sebesar 0,012 pada taraf signifikansi 0,05. Karena nilai t hitung lebih besar dari tabel dan karena probabilitasnya jauh di bawah 0,05, maka penerapan pembelajaran Paradigma Pedagogi Ignatian (Reflektif) juga dapat meningkatkan motivasi berprestasi belajar siswa kelas VB SD Kanisius Sengkan, Yogyakarta dalam pembelajaran IPA
Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jarak Pagar (Jatropha Curcas L.) Pada Lahan Pasca Tambang Timah Di Bangka Yang Diberi Pupuk Organik
PERTUMBUHAN TANAMAN JARAK PAGAR (Jatropha curcas L.) PADA LAHAN PASCA TAMBANG TIMAH DI BANGKA YANG DIBERI PUPUK ORGANIK Sukmarayu P. Gedoan1), Alex Hartana2), Hamim2), Utut Widyastuti2) dan Nampiah Sukarno2) 1)Program Studi Biologi, FMIPA Universitas Negeri Manado di Tondano; 2)Departemen Biologi, FMIPA, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor 16680 ABSTRAK Kegiatan penambangan timah menyebabkan Perubahan karakteristik fisika dan kimia tanah sehingga menjadi tidak sesuai untuk pertumbuhan tanaman. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mempelajari pertumbuhan 7 aksesi jarak pagar yang ditanam pada lahan pasca tambang timah yang diberi kompos dan kotoran sapi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di TSS 133, Kelurahan Sinar Baru, Kabupaten Bangka, Provinsi Bangka Belitung. Penelitian lapangan dilaksanakan pada Bulan Mei 2007 sampai dengan Bulan Desember 2008. Percobaan faktorial ini dirancang dalam Rancangan Petak Terbagi dengan tiga ulangan. Petak utama adalah 7 aksesi jarak pagar yang terdiri atas: aksesi Madiun, Ponorogo, Jember, Dompu, Lampung, Bengkulu, dan Sukabumi, sedangkan anak petak berupa tanah tanpa pemberian kompos dan pupuk kandang (kontrol), kompos trubus 4 kg/lubang ditambah 4 kg tanah bagian atas dan kotoran sapi 4 kg/lubang ditambah 4 kg tanah bagian atas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan awal yang paling baik untuk tanah bekas tambang timah adalah pada aksesi Jember yang ditunjukkan oleh diameter batang, berat kering tanaman, berat kering tajuk dan berat kering akar. Sedangkan tinggi tanaman tertinggi diamati pada aksesi Madiun. Penambahan kotoran sapi dapat meningkatkan produksi biji dan kandungan minyak. Produksi biji tertinggi diperoleh pada aksesi Bengkulu dan kandungan minyak tertinggi diperoleh pada aksesi Dompu. Kata kunci: aksesi, Jatropha curcas, kompos, kotoran sapi THE GROWTH OF CASTOR OIL PLANT (Jatropha curcas L.) ON THE POST-TIN-MINING LAND IN BANGKA PROVIDED WITH ORGANIC FERTILIZER ABSTRACT The activity of tin mining changes the physical and chemical characteritics of soil, so that the soil isnot suitable for plant growth. The objective of this research was to evaluate the growth of some accession of Jatropha curcas that we planted on post-tin-mining land provided with compost and cow feces. This research was conducted in TS 133, Sinar Baru Village, District of Bangka, Province of Bangka Belitung. This field research was carried out in May 2007 to December 2008. Factorial experiment was designed as split plot with three replications. The main plot was 7 accessions, i.e. Madiun, Ponorogo, Jember, Dompu, Lampung, Bengkulu, and Sukabumi. The subplot waskonds of organic fertilizer, i.e. top soil without addition of compost and cow fecer (control), trubus compost (4 kg/hole) added with top soil (4 kg/hole), and cow feces (4 kg/hole) added with topbsoil (4 kg/hole). The result showed that Jember accession had the best early growth based on the observation of stem diameter, plant dry weight, and root dry weight. The largest plant height was observed in Madiun accession. The higest seed production was observed in Bengkulu accession and Dompu accession had the higest oil content
Prevalence and molecular epidemiology of Clostridium difficile infection in Indonesia
Clostridium difficile has not been studied in detail in Asia, particularly Southeast Asia. We thus performed a prevalence study across four hospitals in Central Java province, Indonesia. Stool samples were collected from patients with diarrhoea and tested by enzyme immunoassay for glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and toxin A/B (C DIFF QUIK CHEK COMPLETE, TechLab). Specimens were cultured and molecular typing was performed. In total, 340 samples were tested, of which 70 (20.6%) were GDH positive, with toxin detected in 19 (5.6%). Toxigenic C. difficile was isolated from 37 specimens (10.9%), while a further 36 (10.6%) nontoxigenic isolates were identified. The most common strain was ribotype 017 (24.3% of 74 isolates), followed by nontoxigenic types QX 224 (9.5%), and QX 238 and QX 108 (both 8.1%). The high prevalence of C. difficile highlights a need for ongoing surveillance of C. difficile infection in Indonesia