4 research outputs found

    Digital Divide of Forest Farmers in Gunungkidul Regency of Indonesia

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    Digital divide is one of global issue mostly experienced by developing countries due to the gap of socioeconomic levels between individuals, households, business, and geographic area. This condition affects the different opportunity to access information and communication technologies (ICTs). This research aims to analyze the digital divide level of forest farmers in Gunungkidul Regency, Indonesia. Three villages in Gunungkidul Regency – Dengok Village, Jepintu Village, and Katongan Villages – were chosen purposively by considering those villages were the training location of Master TreeGrower (MTG) from Australia. The total samples were 60 farmers in which each villages was selected 20 forest peasants by simple random sampling. The data were analyzed using the Likert scale and proportional statistical test. The results show that more than 50% of forest farmers have a high level of digital divide

    Construct theoretical: Indonesian teacher engagement index (ITEI)

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    The connection and interdependency between ability, competence and other social role become one whole unity of a teacher contribute tremendously toward Indonesian teacher profile in creating a qualified generation. The ideal teacher profile is then called Indonesian Teacher Engagement. To create the profile we need to make a new approach of valid and reliable standard instrument which is called Teacher Engagement Index (ITEI). The questions in this study what is the manifestation of construct theoretical from ITEI, which encompasses conceptual and contextual definition with Indonesian teachers, its dimension and the indicators. The first stage of the research method is by conducting a library research through literature reviews which interpret the effort of education as something which has a positive impact, it is called positive education. The second stage of the research is by content validity using Delphi technique. The result of the first stage finds that ITEI is the merging of the capacity of pedagogic competence, personality, social, and the professionalism of Indonesian teachers which is manifested in 5 (five) dimensions: (1) positive, work spirit marked by high level of work enthusiasm (vigor), the totality towards work (dedication), the self engagement towards work(absorption),initiative, responsibility, and commitment, (2) High performance, marked by: student achievement and teacher achievement,(3)competence comprises of pedagogic competence, personality, social and professionalism, (4) well-being, marked by: work-life satisfaction and work-life balance. The result of the second stage research finds that the result of the first stage of the research is valid in terms of content