387 research outputs found

    Wireless Emitter Location Estimation Based on Linear and Nonlinear Algorithms using TDOA Technique

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    Low-power devices such as cell phones, and wireless routers are commonly used to control Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and as the communication nodes for the sake of command and control. Quickly locating the source of these signals is ambitious, specifically in a metropolitan environment where buildings and towers may cause intervention. This presents a geolocation system that compounds the attributes of several proven geolocation and error mitigation methods to locate an emitter of interest in an urban environment. The proposed geolocation system uses a Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) approach to estimate the position of the emitter of interest. Using multiple sensors at known locations, TDOA estimates are achieved by the cross-correlation of the signal received at all the sensors. A Weighted Least Squares (WLS) solution, Linear least Square (LLS) method and maximum likelihood (ML) estimation is used to estimate the emitter's location. If the variance of this location estimate is too high, a sensor is detected and identified as possessing a Non-Line of Sight (NLOS) path from the emitter. This poorly located sensor is then removed from the geolocation system and a new position estimate is computed with the remaining sensor TDOA information. The performance of the TDOA system is determined through modeling and simulations. Test results confirm the feasibility of identifying a NLOS sensor, thereby improving the geolocation system's accurateness in a metropolitan environment

    Lettuce: a promising leafy vegetable with functional properties

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    Lactuca sativa (lettuce) belongs to Asteraceae family important leafy vegetable known for its medicinal properties. The lettuce is a food that should not lack in our meals, we should keep in mind that its low fat and carbohydrate contents and its high contents of water, it provides caloric power of only 13 Kcal /100gm are very appropriate for weight loss diets. It is rich in minerals, especially potassium that is very necessary to maintain appropriate levels of liquids in the body, together with calcium and phosphorus makes it especially for the correct well being of the bones. It contains selenium, an antioxidant that has a medicinal property in prevention of certain type of cancers, colon, prostrate and lungs. It contains many necessary amino acids for the formation of the proteins, alanine, and necessary for the construction of muscular and nervous tissues, glycine for the correct operation of immunological system. The most of therapeutic properties of this plant is due to sesquiterpene lactones- lactucin, lactucopicrin the most bioactive compound of Lactuca sativa. This review mainly focuses on the pharmacological action of the Lettuce and active constituents for the wide spectrum biological properties, such as anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, analgesic, neuroprotective and sedative properties etc. Since Lettuce has medicinal therapeutic potential its usage in dietary supplementation can be exploited. Lettuce has also acquired a folk reputation. More clinical studies are needed to further asses the efficiency and safety in therapeutic applicatio

    Comparative study between open versus laparoscopic inguinal hernioplasty

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    Background: Inguinal hernia repair is one of the commonly performed procedure and has undergone a paradigm shift from open to laparoscopic approach in the era of minimally invasive surgery but the superiority is still debatable. The aim was to compare open (Lichtenstein) versus laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal approach (TAPP) hernia repair techniques. Methods: A total of 60 patients were enrolled in the study and divided into two equal groups (open versus laparoscopic) were compared. Results: It was observed that laparoscopic repair (TAPP) has statistically significant superiority than open inguinal hernioplasty in terms of lesser post-operative pain (VAS score of 4.8±0.66, 3.67±0.66, 2.53±0.82 versus 6.7±0.92, 5.03±0.72, 3.83±0.65 at 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours post operatively, p value <0.001), shorter duration of hospital stay (3.1±0.71 days versus 5.83±0.75 days, p value <0.001) and early resumption to regular activities (10.57±2.28 days versus 12.2±1.52 days, p value 0.002). It also showed that incidence intra operative and post-operative complications was lesser in laparoscopic group but not statistically significant. Whereas duration of surgery was prolonged in laparoscopic group (104±27.49 min versus 61.5±17.08 min, p value <0.001). Conclusions: Laparoscopic inguinal hernioplasty (TAPP) is superior to open inguinal hernioplasty in terms of lesser intra operative and post-operative complications, lesser post-operative pain, shorter duration of hospital stay with early resumption to regular activities having better subjective and objective cosmetic results in short term follow-up. However, duration of surgery was prolonged on comparison with Lichtenstein open inguinal hernioplasty

    Pre-implantation genetic testing: a retrospective observational study of 13 cases of various genetic diseases successfully detected and managed at an IVF centre

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    Pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT) is an advanced form of prenatal genetic testing that is done as a part of ART cycles. The purpose of PGT is to identify genetically normal embryos in a given cohort, in order to select the most desirable embryos for implantation. With the gaining popularity of day 5 trophectoderms biopsy over day 3 blastomere biopsy, the role of PGT has become more clinically significant. To report the data of 13 couples, with diagnosed genetic condition and having risk of transmitting this condition to their offspring’s, who underwent Pre-implantation genetic diagnostics (PGT M/SR). PGT was performed in 13 couples with various rare chromosomal conditions like Hereditary Inclusion body myopathy, Col4a1 gene mutation etc at our Infertility Centre from January 2016 to January 2020. The clinical data of all these patients was reviewed and is reported in our study. A total of 193 oocytes were retrieved and 158 oocytes were fertilized by ICSI. 62 blastocysts were obtained and 55 blastocysts were biopsied for analysis. Among the 35 normal embryos, 17 embryos were transferred. 11 clinical pregnancies were established resulting in 8, disease free, live births. PGT (M/SR) is an effective molecular diagnostic test, that is a ray of hope for many genetically affected couples, as its prevents the transmission of their unwanted genetic condition to their offspring’s

    Anatomical variations of sinonasal region: a CT scan study

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    Multislice CT is currently the imaging modality of choice for evaluating PNS & adjacent structures. Such a method has been increasingly utilized in the assessment of anatomical variations, allowing their accurate identification with high anatomical details. Some anatomical variations may predispose to sinonasal disease, constituting areas of high risk for injuries & complications during surgical procedures. Therefore, the recognition of such variations is critical in the preoperative evaluation for endoscopic surgery

    Electron Trajectories and Critical Current in a Two-Dimensional Planar Magnetically Insulated Crossed-Field Gap

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    The critical current in a one-dimensional (1D) crossed-field gap is defined by the transition from a cycloidal flow to a near-Brillouin (nB) state characterized by electron flow orthogonal to both the electric and magnetic fields and uniform virtual cathode formation. Motivated by recent studies on space-charge-limited current in non-magnetic diodes, we assess the meaning of critical current in a magentically insulated two-dimensional (2D) planar crossed-field geometry. Particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations demonstrate that binary behavior between a laminar and turbulent state does not occur in 2D because the virtual cathode is nonuniform. Rather than a distinct nB state above the critical current as in 1D, there is an increase in Brillouin contribution with the presence of cycloidal components and noise even at low currents. To evaluate the electron flows in a 2D crossed-field gap in the absence of a binary transition, we developed two metrics to assess the Brillouin and cycloidal components in a 2D planar crossed-field gap for various emission widths and injection current densities by comparing the phase space plots from PIC simulations to analytical solutions for cycloidal and Brillouin flow. For a smaller emission width, less Brillouin contribution occurs for a given injection current, while maximizing the cycloidal noise requires a larger injection current. Once the virtual cathode starts to form and expand with increasing injection current, the cycloidal noise reaches its peak and then decreases while the Brillouin components become significant and increase

    Heat Energy Recovery Using Thermo Electric Generator

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    Internal combustion Engines converts only a small portion of heat energy into useful work resulting in a very low thermal efficiency. Most of the heat energy is lost in forms of cooling, exhaust gas, friction and unaccounted losses. Though energy lost in exhaust gas can be recovered by using thermoelectric generators (TEGs, also known as peltier element), which converts heat into electrical energy. A model has been prepared which helps TEG to extract heat from exhaust gas efficiently. This electrical energy obtained is used for powering hybrid drive

    In-orbit Performance of UVIT on ASTROSAT

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    We present the in-orbit performance and the first results from the ultra-violet Imaging telescope (UVIT) on ASTROSAT. UVIT consists of two identical 38cm coaligned telescopes, one for the FUV channel (130-180nm) and the other for the NUV (200-300nm) and VIS (320-550nm) channels, with a field of view of 28 arcminarcmin. The FUV and the NUV detectors are operated in the high gain photon counting mode whereas the VIS detector is operated in the low gain integration mode. The FUV and NUV channels have filters and gratings, whereas the VIS channel has filters. The ASTROSAT was launched on 28th September 2015. The performance verification of UVIT was carried out after the opening of the UVIT doors on 30th November 2015, till the end of March 2016 within the allotted time of 50 days for calibration. All the on-board systems were found to be working satisfactorily. During the PV phase, the UVIT observed several calibration sources to characterise the instrument and a few objects to demonstrate the capability of the UVIT. The resolution of the UVIT was found to be about 1.4 - 1.7 arcsecarcsec in the FUV and NUV. The sensitivity in various filters were calibrated using standard stars (white dwarfs), to estimate the zero-point magnitudes as well as the flux conversion factor. The gratings were also calibrated to estimate their resolution as well as effective area. The sensitivity of the filters were found to be reduced up to 15\% with respect to the ground calibrations. The sensitivity variation is monitored on a monthly basis. UVIT is all set to roll out science results with its imaging capability with good resolution and large field of view, capability to sample the UV spectral region using different filters and capability to perform variability studies in the UV.Comment: 10 pages, To appear in SPIE conference proceedings, SPIE conference paper, 201
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