87 research outputs found

    A perspective on joint venture: an international business expansion strategy and legal implications with specific reference to India

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    Collaboration between firms is not a new concept, but the new thing that can be seen is that the collaborations have increased significantly during the past couple of decades, along with the increasing international competition. Moreover, the nature of collaboration has changed, shifting from peripheral interests to the very core functions of the corporation, and from equity to non-equity forms of collaboration. This paper essentially focuses on the legal framework governing the various aspects of a Joint Venture in India in brief, the methods of Joint Ventures, as well as RBI regulations on the topic. The research methodology adopted is largely analytical and descriptive. Reliance has been placed largely on various sources like articles and online articles

    Efficient and Cost-effective Drone – NDVI system for Precision Farming

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    The motive of the project is to develop a under budget system that automates the process of farming by interfacing cutting edge technologies like Drones and β€˜NDVI’ to improve the level of productivity in Agriculture. Humans and satellites have a hard time beating a drone’s eye for detail in scanning farming systems from above. Flying below the clouds, collecting and sending images in almost real-time, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) gained ground quickly in agriculture in the last decade as part of so-called precision agriculture. Among their wide range of applications, they can help farmers check crops’ health, track livestock, plan fertilization, assess damages, and map fields at high-resolution. But all this comes with a cost. Currently the models of drones used for such applications cost extensively higher, which makes it unfeasible for the small farmers, especially in India. The projects aim on designing a drone system that can work on both autonomous as well as manual mode and perform mapping, inspecting and spraying processes with efficiency accuracy and considerably good speed which can help boosting the profits of the farmers with large as well as small agricultural lands. As there are lots of restrictions on Drone flight in India. The project aims to follow and implements all the norms stated by the government. (e.g., Permission before flight). The project aims towards overcoming all the above-mentioned problems by automating the procedure

    Effects of Markovian noise and cavity disorders on the entanglement dynamics of double Jaynes-Cummings models

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    Dynamics of double Jaynes-Cummings models are studied in the presence of Markovian noise and cavity disorders with specific attention to entanglement sudden death and revivals. The study is focused on the glassy disorders, which remain unchanged during the observations. The field is initially assumed to be in a vacuum state, while the atoms are considered to be in a specific two-qubit superposition state. Specifically, the study has revealed that the presence of noise, or a nonlinear pump results in interesting behaviors in the entanglement dynamics. Further, entanglement sudden death is observed in the presence of Markovian noise and nonlinear pump. The presence of entanglement sudden deaths and revivals have also been observed in cases where they were absent initially for the chosen states. The effect of noise on the dynamics of the system is to decay the characteristics, while that of the disorder is to wash them out. On the other hand, the introduction of nonlinearity is found to cause the dynamics of the system to speed up.Comment: Entanglement dynamics of variants of double Jaynes-Cummings models are studie


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    Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to medical waste management (MWM) among healthcare workers in clinics. Methods: The introduced study was an enlightening cross-sectional study. A self-directed poll was intended to record age, sex, kind of training, long stretches of training, extra preparation, information and practices on risky dental waste and information, and practice of security measures against cross-disease. The review populace included dental specialists and other medical services laborers of our emergency clinic. No data were accessible about the information on dental specialists with respect to the board of dangerous waste. From each state on India, Health-care laborers were chosen haphazardly from the rundown. A self-controlled poll was asked to the 200 medical care laborers. Overall response rate was 63% (n=200). Identity of the respondents was kept confidential. Results: A total of 200 questionnaires were distributed. Returns were 150 questionnaires with 55% males and 45% females. Only 42% of respondents were aware of the existence of guidelines of waste management. From this study, it was found that majority of study populations were not aware about the management of biomedical waste. Conclusion: Our study showed that although the attitude toward biomedical waste management was highly positive among students and they understood the importance of managing hazardous waste, the knowledge and practice still have scope for improvement. Regular monitoring and training are required at all levels for the management of hazardous dental wastes. Waste management program should be a part of academic curriculum and continuing dental education

    Stimulation of poliovirus RNA synthesis and virus maturation in a HeLa cell-free in vitro translation-RNA replication system by viral protein 3CD(pro)

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    Poliovirus protein 3CD(pro )possesses both proteinase and RNA binding activities, which are located in the 3C(pro )domain of the protein. The RNA polymerase (3D(pol)) domain of 3CD(pro )modulates these activities of the protein. We have recently shown that the level of 3CD(pro )in HeLa cell-free in vitro translation-RNA replication reactions is suboptimal for efficient virus production. However, the addition of either 3CD(pro )mRNA or of purified 3CD(pro )protein to in vitro reactions, programmed with viral RNA, results in a 100-fold increase in virus yield. Mutational analyses of 3CD(pro )indicated that RNA binding by the 3C(pro )domain and the integrity of interface I in the 3D(pol )domain of the protein are both required for function. The aim of these studies was to determine the exact step or steps at which 3CD(pro )enhances virus yield and to determine the mechanism by which this occurs. Our results suggest that the addition of extra 3CD(pro )to in vitro translation RNA-replication reactions results in a mild enhancement of both minus and plus strand RNA synthesis. By examining the viral particles formed in the in vitro reactions on sucrose gradients we determined that 3CD(pro )has only a slight stimulating effect on the synthesis of capsid precursors but it strikingly enhances the maturation of virus particles. Both the stimulation of RNA synthesis and the maturation of the virus particles are dependent on the presence of an intact RNA binding site within the 3C(pro )domain of 3CD(pro). In addition, the integrity of interface I in the 3D(pol )domain of 3CD(pro )is required for efficient production of mature virus. Surprisingly, plus strand RNA synthesis and virus production in in vitro reactions, programmed with full-length transcript RNA, are not enhanced by the addition of extra 3CD(pro). Our results indicate that the stimulation of RNA synthesis and virus maturation by 3CD(pro )in vitro is dependent on the presence of a VPg-linked RNA template

    A Synthetic Lethality Screen Using a Focused siRNA Library to Identify Sensitizers to Dasatinib Therapy for the Treatment of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer.

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    Molecular targeted therapies have been the focus of recent clinical trials for the treatment of patients with recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). The majority have not fared well as monotherapies for improving survival of these patients. Poor bioavailability, lack of predictive biomarkers, and the presence of multiple survival pathways can all diminish the success of a targeted agent. Dasatinib is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor of the Src-family kinases (SFK) and in preclinical studies shown to have substantial activity in EOC. However, when evaluated in a phase 2 clinical trial for patients with recurrent or persistent EOC, it was found to have minimal activity. We hypothesized that synthetic lethality screens performed using a cogently designed siRNA library would identify second-site molecular targets that could synergize with SFK inhibition and improve dasatinib efficacy. Using a systematic approach, we performed primary siRNA screening using a library focused on 638 genes corresponding to a network centered on EGFR, HER2, and the SFK-scaffolding proteins BCAR1, NEDD9, and EFS to screen EOC cells in combination with dasatinib. We followed up with validation studies including deconvolution screening, quantitative PCR to confirm effective gene silencing, correlation of gene expression with dasatinib sensitivity, and assessment of the clinical relevance of hits using TCGA ovarian cancer data. A refined list of five candidates (CSNK2A1, DAG1, GRB2, PRKCE, and VAV1) was identified as showing the greatest potential for improving sensitivity to dasatinib in EOC. Of these, CSNK2A1, which codes for the catalytic alpha subunit of protein kinase CK2, was selected for additional evaluation. Synergistic activity of the clinically relevant inhibitor of CK2, CX-4945, with dasatinib in reducing cell proliferation and increasing apoptosis was observed across multiple EOC cell lines. This overall approach to improving drug efficacy can be applied to other targeted agents that have similarly shown poor clinical activity
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