73 research outputs found

    The Growing Complexity of Sino-Indian Ties

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    View the Executive SummaryAccording to most political observers, the global political architecture is undergoing a transformation with power increasingly shifting from the West to the East. The two most populous nations on the earth, China and India, are on their way to becoming economic powerhouses and are shedding their reticence in asserting their global profiles, making their relationship of still greater importance for the international system. The evolution of Sino-Indian ties over the last few decades and the constraints that continue to inhibit this relationship from achieving its full potential are examined. The implications of this for the United States and the wider international system are discussed.https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1494/thumbnail.jp

    India\u27s Changing Afghanistan Policy: Regional and Global Implications

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    View the Executive SummarySince 2001, the situation in Afghanistan has afforded New Delhi an opportunity to underscore its role as a regional power. India has a growing stake in the development of peace and stability in Afghanistan; and the 2011 India-Afghan strategic partnership agreement underlines India’s commitment to ensure that a positive momentum in Delhi-Kabul ties is maintained. This monograph examines the changing trajectory of Indian policy toward Afghanistan since 2001, and it is argued that New Delhi has been responding to a strategic environment shaped by other actors in the region. U.S.-led North Atlantic Treaty Organization forces are preparing to leave Afghanistan in 2014, and India stands at a crossroads as it remains keen to preserve its interests in Afghanistan. The ever-evolving Indian policy in Afghanistan is examined in three phases before implications of this change for the region and the United States are drawn. There has been a broader maturing of the U.S.-India defense ties, and Afghanistan is likely to be a beneficiary of this trend. Managing Pakistan and unravelling Islamabad’s encirclement complex should be the biggest priority for both Washington and New Delhi in the coming years if there is to be any hope of keeping Afghanistan a stable entity post-2014.https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1534/thumbnail.jp

    Model Driven Architecture: A Review of Current Literature

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    There are numerous Model Driver Engineering (MDE) methodologies but Object Management Group (OMG) approved of Model Driver Architecture (MDA). MDA methodology has a target to systemize the software progressing procedure with the use of models rather than the old-fashioned coding based on isolation of the related theory. During the month of June in the year 2014, OMG brought second edition of MDA guide into the market in attempt to understand about essential values and to back first edition of MDA guide which came out in 2003 and had thorough provisions included within. An interval of 11 years allows the investigators to come out of behind and put forward their viewpoint with the various clarifications of MDA provisions. People often gets mistaken and consumed about what is outside of MDA scope and what is inside it. Severely mentioning to MDA standard (not MDE in general), a review of present MDA Literature is given by us here. A bit of a spotlight is also cast upon the MDA research directions, more particularly upon mechanizations of MDA progress procedure and the raised areas which it aims

    Modelling of Grid Connected Solar Wind Hybrid Energy System having Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Power Enhancement and System Stability

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    Energy demand is growing rapidly and the use of renewable energy sources plays an important role in reducing the gap between supply and demand. The introduction of multiple power electronics and non-linear loads is added to the network and causes power quality problems. The problem of lack of energy and the problem of the quality of energy can be solved at the same time using the inverter connected to the renewable sources grid system However, a grid connected microgrid suffers a crucial stability issues during a fault in utility grid. The integration of the solar system with the network is rather complex and expensive. With this construction proposal, however, it is not only possible to create an economical and simple hybrid system, but also a reliable, efficient and economical system. The system is made economic by implementing a wind energy system along with fuel cell system in the solar system. Efficient controlling methods based on intelligent control can be implemente

    An Analytical Review on Solar Chimney Power Plant Designs

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    The use of solar energy today is also necessary and important. Chimney solar power generation technology is one of the solar energy harvesting techniques where direct and diffuse solar radiation is absorbed into the solar chimney power plant. The efficiency of solar chimney has been demonstrated for power generation and is a promising approach for future power generation plans. This article provides a comprehensive scenario of solar technology research and development, as well as the history of solar chimney over the past few decades

    Hydrobiological Studies Of Keerat Sagar Pond At Mahoba District Of U.P., India

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    The hydrobiological studies of keerat Sagar pond at Mahoba district of U.P. by using physiochemical parameters The samples were collected throughout the year from December 2021 to November 2022 and various parameters such as temperature, turbidity ,pH, carbonate, bicarbonate, total alkalineity, chloride , DO and free CO2 were analysed from the pond. The results obtained from all the parameters indicate that all the factors were within the permissible limits and the pond is suitable for fisheries

    Electron Microscopy of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubesfor Display Devices Application

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    The opportunity of creating and tailoring unprecedented and beautifully symmetric 3-D structures haspropelled the science of carbon nanotubes to become one of the highly promising areas in the field ofnanotechnology. The unique properties of carbon nanotubes have promoted research in the fabrication ofdevices composed of carbon nanotubes and in other applications. Characterisation tools are crucial in the studyof these emerging materials to evaluate their full potential in applications and to comprehend their basicproperties. The aim of this study was electron microscopy characterisation of the carbon nanotubes synthesisedto fabricate display devices. Both thermal chemical vapour deposition (CVD) and plasma enhanced chemicalvapour deposition routes were used to synthesise patterned and aligned carbon nanotubes. Several batchesof CNTs were produced by varying the process parameters such as growth temperature, gas ratio, durationof growth, catalyst condition, etc. Characterisation of these CNTs have been done using scanning electronmicroscope, transmission electron microscope, high resolution transmission electron microscope, and electronenergy loss spectrum. Structure, uniformity, chemistry, diameter, length, number of walls of the multi-wallednanotubes were characterised using various electron microscopes, which finally lead to the production of thedisplay devices using CNTs.Defence Science Journal, 2008, 58(5), pp.655-663, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.58.168

    Natural Products as Prominent Source of Bioactive Components with Anti-diabetic Potential

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    Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is a chronic metabolic condition characterized by elevated blood sugar levels. It is caused by a combination of insulin resistance and insulin production impairment. The nuclear transcription factor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR-gamma) is essential for glucose homeostasis and lipid metabolism. PPAR-g agonists are a family of medicines used to manage type 2 diabetes by improving blood sugar management and enhancing insulin sensitivity. For decades, natural materials have been utilized as traditional remedies, and many of them have been demonstrated to have anti-diabetic properties. Some natural compounds have been proven in recent investigations to activate PPAR-g. We employed molecular docking and physicochemical screening in this investigation to discover natural compounds with the potential to be developed as novel anti-diabetic medicines. A library of more than 50 natural compounds was tested against the PPAR-g ligand binding domain. We also assessed the ADMET and physicochemical features of the compounds found to determine that they are drug-like. Our study shows the Drug-likeness, bioactivity score along with good ADMEt profile of various phytoconstituents with their high binding affinity toward PPAR-g (PDB ID: 2XKW) as a major target for T2DM. Physicochemical properties of selected compounds were done with SWISS ADME server while ADMEt screening was done by pkCSM server. The binding affinity and molecular interaction study of natural compounds with PPAR-g was done by using Molegro Virtual Docker (MVD). The MolDock and Rerank score of the top one compound of each category was taken to check the binding interaction with tubulin

    Carbon Nanotube–Purification and Sorting Protocols

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    Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have shown extraordinary mechanical, thermal, electrical, and electronic properties. Electronic properties of CNT are very sensitive to its diameter and chirality, making it metallicor semiconducting, depending upon its chiral vector. The extraordinary properties of CNTs have led to demonstration of several applications but commercial realisation of these devices require consistent qualityof CNTs, and these should be  free of any impurity. For development of electronic devices, CNTs should notjust be pure but also of similar length, diameter, and electronic behaviour. Such demanding requirements need development of elaborate purification and sorting protocols. In this paper,  a brief review of the existing technologies and the research done is presented.Defence Science Journal, 2008, 58(5), pp.591-599, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.58.169
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