137 research outputs found

    Growth of vertically aligned Si wire arrays over large areas (>1 cm^2) with Au and Cu catalysts

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    Arrays of vertically oriented Si wires with diameters of 1.5 µm and lengths of up to 75 µm were grown over areas >1 cm^2 by photolithographically patterning an oxide buffer layer, followed by vapor-liquid-solid growth with either Au or Cu as the growth catalyst. The pattern fidelity depended critically on the presence of the oxide layer, which prevented migration of the catalyst on the surface during annealing and in the early stages of wire growth. These arrays can be used as the absorber material in novel photovoltaic architectures and potentially in photonic crystals in which large areas are needed

    10 µm minority-carrier diffusion lengths in Si wires synthesized by Cu-catalyzed vapor-liquid-solid growth

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    The effective electron minority-carrier diffusion length, L_(n,eff), for 2.0 µm diameter Si wires that were synthesized by Cu-catalyzed vapor-liquid-solid growth was measured by scanning photocurrent microscopy. In dark, ambient conditions, L_(n,eff) was limited by surface recombination to a value of ≤ 0.7 µm. However, a value of L_(n,eff) = 10.5±1 µm was measured under broad-area illumination in low-level injection. The relatively long minority-carrier diffusion length observed under illumination is consistent with an increased surface passivation resulting from filling of the surface states of the Si wires by photogenerated carriers. These relatively large L_(n,eff) values have important implications for the design of high-efficiency, radial-junction photovoltaic cells from arrays of Si wires synthesized by metal-catalyzed growth processes

    Secondary ion mass spectrometry of vapor−liquid−solid grown, Au-catalyzed, Si wires

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    Knowledge of the catalyst concentration within vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) grown semiconductor wires is needed in order to assess potential limits to electrical and optical device performance imposed by the VLS growth mechanism. We report herein the use of secondary ion mass spectrometry to characterize the Au catalyst concentration within individual, VLS-grown, Si wires. For Si wires grown by chemical vapor deposition from SiCl_4 at 1000 °C, an upper limit on the bulk Au concentration was observed to be 1.7 x 10^16 atoms/cm^3, similar to the thermodynamic equilibrium concentration at the growth temperature. However, a higher concentration of Au was observed on the sidewalls of the wires

    High-performance Si microwire photovoltaics

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    Crystalline Si wires, grown by the vapor–liquid–solid (VLS) process, have emerged as promising candidate materials for lowcost, thin-film photovoltaics. Here, we demonstrate VLS-grown Si microwires that have suitable electrical properties for high-performance photovoltaic applications, including long minority-carrier diffusion lengths (L_n » 30 µm) and low surface recombination velocities (S « 70 cm·s^(-1)). Single-wire radial p–n junction solar cells were fabricated with amorphous silicon and silicon nitride surface coatings, achieving up to 9.0% apparent photovoltaic efficiency, and exhibiting up to ~600 mV open-circuit voltage with over 80% fill factor. Projective single-wire measurements and optoelectronic simulations suggest that large-area Si wire-array solar cells have the potential to exceed 17% energy-conversion efficiency, offering a promising route toward cost-effective crystalline Si photovoltaics

    Si microwire-array solar cells

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    Si microwire-array solar cells with Air Mass 1.5 Global conversion efficiencies of up to 7.9% have been fabricated using an active volume of Si equivalent to a 4 μm thick Si wafer. These solar cells exhibited open-circuit voltages of 500 mV, short-circuit current densities (J_(sc)) of up to 24 mA cm^(-2), and fill factors >65% and employed Al_2O_3 dielectric particles that scattered light incident in the space between the wires, a Ag back reflector that prevented the escape of incident illumination from the back surface of the solar cell, and an a-SiN_x:H passivation/anti-reflection layer. Wire-array solar cells without some or all of these design features were also fabricated to demonstrate the importance of the light-trapping elements in achieving a high J_(sc). Scanning photocurrent microscopy images of the microwire-array solar cells revealed that the higher J_(sc) of the most advanced cell design resulted from an increased absorption of light incident in the space between the wires. Spectral response measurements further revealed that solar cells with light-trapping elements exhibited improved red and infrared response, as compared to solar cells without light-trapping elements

    Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Evolution Using Si Microwire Arrays

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    Arrays of B-doped p-Si microwires, diffusion-doped with P to form a radial n+ emitter and subsequently coated with a 1.5-nm-thick discontinuous film of evaporated Pt, were used as photocathodes for H_2 evolution from water. These electrodes yielded thermodynamically based energy-conversion efficiencies >5% under 1 sun solar simulation, despite absorbing less than 50% of the above-band-gap incident photons. Analogous p-Si wire-array electrodes yielded efficiencies <0.2%, largely limited by the low photovoltage generated at the p-Si/H_2O junction

    High Aspect Ratio Silicon Wire Array Photoelectrochemical Cells

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    In an effort to develop low-cost solar energy conversion techniques, high uniformity vertically oriented silicon wire arrays have been fabricated. These arrays, which allow for radial diffusion of minority charge carriers, have been measured in a photoelectrochemical cell. Large photovoltages (∼400 mV) have been measured, and these values are significantly greater than those obtained from the substrate alone. Additionally, the wire array samples displayed much higher current densities than the underlying substrate, demonstrating that significant energy conversion was occurring due to the absorption and charge-carrier transport in the vertically aligned Si wires. This method therefore represents a step toward the use of collection-limited semiconductor materials in a wire array format in macroscopic solar cell devices

    Energy-Conversion Properties of Vapor-Liquid-Solid–Grown Silicon Wire-Array Photocathodes

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    Silicon wire arrays, though attractive materials for use in photovoltaics and as photocathodes for hydrogen generation, have to date exhibited poor performance. Using a copper-catalyzed, vapor-liquid-solid–growth process, SiCl_4 and BCl_3 were used to grow ordered arrays of crystalline p-type silicon (p-Si) microwires on p^+-Si(111) substrates. When these wire arrays were used as photocathodes in contact with an aqueous methyl viologen^(2+/+) electrolyte, energy-conversion efficiencies of up to 3% were observed for monochromatic 808-nanometer light at fluxes comparable to solar illumination, despite an external quantum yield at short circuit of only 0.2. Internal quantum yields were at least 0.7, demonstrating that the measured photocurrents were limited by light absorption in the wire arrays, which filled only 4% of the incident optical plane in our test devices. The inherent performance of these wires thus conceptually allows the development of efficient photovoltaic and photoelectrochemical energy-conversion devices based on a radial junction platform
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