52 research outputs found

    Independence in computable algebra

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    We give a sufficient condition for an algebraic structure to have a computable presentation with a computable basis and a computable presentation with no computable basis. We apply the condition to differentially closed, real closed, and difference closed fields with the relevant notions of independence. To cover these classes of structures we introduce a new technique of safe extensions that was not necessary for the previously known results of this kind. We will then apply our techniques to derive new corollaries on the number of computable presentations of these structures. The condition also implies classical and new results on vector spaces, algebraically closed fields, torsion-free abelian groups and Archimedean ordered abelian groups.Comment: 24 page

    Differential-algebraic jet spaces preserve internality to the constants

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    This paper concerns the model theory of jet spaces (i.e., higher-order tangent spaces) in differentially closed fields. Suppose p is the generic type of the jet space to a finite dimensional differential-algebraic variety at a generic point. It is shown that p satisfies a certain strengthening of almost internality to the constant field called "preserving internality to the constants". This strengthening is a model-theoretic abstraction of the generic behaviour of jet spaces in complex-analytic geometry. A counterexample is constructed showing that only this generic analogue holds in differential-algebraic geometry.Comment: 13 page

    Scott Ranks of Classifications of the Admissibility Equivalence Relation

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    Let L\mathscr{L} be a recursive language. Let S(L)S(\mathscr{L}) be the set of L\mathscr{L}-structures with domain ω\omega. Let Φ:ω2→S(L)\Phi : {}^\omega 2 \rightarrow S(\mathscr{L}) be a Δ11\Delta_1^1 function with the property that for all x,y∈ω2x,y \in {}^\omega 2, ω1x=ω1y\omega_1^x = \omega_1^y if and only if Φ(x)≈LΦ(y)\Phi(x) \approx_{\mathscr{L}} \Phi(y). Then there is some x∈ω2x \in {}^\omega 2 so that SR(Φ(x))=ω1x+1\mathrm{SR}(\Phi(x)) = \omega_1^x + 1
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