632 research outputs found

    The Allure of High-Risk Rewards in Huntington’s disease

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    Objectives: Huntington’s disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that produces a bias toward risky, reward-driven decisions in situations where the outcomes of decisions are uncertain and must be discovered. However, it is unclear whether HD patients show similar biases in decision-making when learning demands are minimized and prospective risks and outcomes are known explicitly. We investigated how risk decision-making strategies and adjustments are altered in HD patients when reward contingencies are explicit. Methods: HD (N=18) and healthy control (HC; N=17) participants completed a risk-taking task in which they made a series of independent choices between a low-risk/low reward and high-risk/high reward risk options. Results: Computational modeling showed that compared to HC, who showed a clear preference for low-risk compared to high-risk decisions, the HD group valued high-risks more than low-risk decisions, especially when high-risks were rewarded. The strategy analysis indicated that when high-risk options were rewarded, HC adopted a conservative risk strategy on the next trial by preferring the low-risk option (i.e., they counted their blessings and then played the surer bet). In contrast, following a rewarded high-risk choice, HD patients showed a clear preference for repeating the high-risk choice. Conclusions: These results indicate a pattern of high-risk/high-reward decision bias in HD that persists when outcomes and risks are certain. The allure of high-risk/high-reward decisions in situations of risk certainty and uncertainty expands our insight into the dynamic decision-making deficits that create considerable clinical burden in HD

    Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections: A Statistically Determined Flare Flux-CME Mass Correlation

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    In an effort to examine the relationship between flare flux and corresponding CME mass, we temporally and spatially correlate all X-ray flares and CMEs in the LASCO and GOES archives from 1996 to 2006. We cross-reference 6,733 CMEs having well-measured masses against 12,050 X-ray flares having position information as determined from their optical counterparts. For a given flare, we search in time for CMEs which occur 10-80 minutes afterward, and we further require the flare and CME to occur within +/-45 degrees in position angle on the solar disk. There are 826 CME/flare pairs which fit these criteria. Comparing the flare fluxes with CME masses of these paired events, we find CME mass increases with flare flux, following an approximately log-linear, broken relationship: in the limit of lower flare fluxes, log(CME mass)~0.68*log(flare flux), and in the limit of higher flare fluxes, log(CME mass)~0.33*log(flare flux). We show that this broken power-law, and in particular the flatter slope at higher flare fluxes, may be due to an observational bias against CMEs associated with the most energetic flares: halo CMEs. Correcting for this bias yields a single power-law relationship of the form log(CME mass)~0.70*log(flare flux). This function describes the relationship between CME mass and flare flux over at least 3 dex in flare flux, from ~10^-7 to 10^-4 W m^-2.Comment: 28 pages, 16 figures, accepted to Solar Physic

    Large emergency-response exercises: qualitative characteristics - a survey

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    Exercises, drills, or simulations are widely used, by governments, agencies and commercial organizations, to simulate serious incidents and train staff how to respond to them. International cooperation has led to increasingly large-scale exercises, often involving hundreds or even thousands of participants in many locations. The difference between ‘large’ and ‘small’ exercises is more than one of size: (a) Large exercises are more ‘experiential’ and more likely to undermine any model of reality that single organizations may create; (b) they create a ‘play space’ in which organizations and individuals act out their own needs and identifications, and a ritual with strong social implications; (c) group-analytic psychotherapy suggests that the emotions aroused in a large group may be stronger and more difficult to control. Feelings are an unacknowledged major factor in the success or failure of exercises; (d) successful large exercises help improve the nature of trust between individuals and the organizations they represent, changing it from a situational trust to a personal trust; (e) it is more difficult to learn from large exercises or to apply the lessons identified; (f) however, large exercises can help develop organizations and individuals. Exercises (and simulation in general) need to be approached from a broader multidisciplinary direction if their full potential is to be realized

    Large-scale periodicity in the distribution of QSO absorption-line systems

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    The spatial-temporal distribution of absorption-line systems (ALSs) observed in QSO spectra within the cosmological redshift interval z = 0.0--4.3 is investigated on the base of our updated catalog of absorption systems. We consider so called metallic systems including basically lines of heavy elements. The sample of the data displays regular variations (with amplitudes ~ 15 -- 20%) in the z-distribution of ALSs as well as in the eta-distribution, where eta is a dimensionless line-of-sight comoving distance, relatively to smoother dependences. The eta-distribution reveals the periodicity with period Delta eta = 0.036 +/- 0.002, which corresponds to a spatial characteristic scale (108 +/- 6) h(-1) Mpc or (alternatively) a temporal interval (350 +/- 20) h(-1) Myr for the LambdaCDM cosmological model. We discuss a possibility of a spatial interpretation of the results treating the pattern obtained as a trace of an order imprinted on the galaxy clustering in the early Universe.Comment: AASTeX, 13 pages, with 9 figures, Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Pulsar kicks from a dark-matter sterile neutrino

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    We show that a sterile neutrino with mass in the 1-20 keV range and a small mixing with the electron neutrino can simultaneously explain the origin of the pulsar motions and the dark matter in the universe. An asymmetric neutrino emission from a hot nascent neutron star can be the explanation of the observed pulsar velocities. In addition to the pulsar kick mechanism based on resonant neutrino transitions, we point out a new possibility: an asymmetric off-resonant emission of sterile neutrinos. The two cases correspond to different values of the masses and mixing angles. In both cases we identify the ranges of parameters consistent with the pulsar kick, as well as cosmological constraints.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; final version; discussion and references adde

    The 3-3-1 model with S_4 flavor symmetry

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    We construct a 3-3-1 model based on family symmetry S_4 responsible for the neutrino and quark masses. The tribimaximal neutrino mixing and the diagonal quark mixing have been obtained. The new lepton charge \mathcal{L} related to the ordinary lepton charge L and a SU(3) charge by L=2/\sqrt{3} T_8+\mathcal{L} and the lepton parity P_l=(-)^L known as a residual symmetry of L have been introduced which provide insights in this kind of model. The expected vacuum alignments resulting in potential minimization can origin from appropriate violation terms of S_4 and \mathcal{L}. The smallness of seesaw contributions can be explained from the existence of such terms too. If P_l is not broken by the vacuum values of the scalar fields, there is no mixing between the exotic and the ordinary quarks at the tree level.Comment: 20 pages, revised versio

    Probing R-parity violating models of neutrino mass at the Tevatron via top Squark decays

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    We have estimated the limiting branching ratio of the R-parity violating (RPV) decay of the lighter top squark, \tilde t_1 \ar l^+ d (l=el=e or ÎŒ\mu and d is a down type quark of any flavor), as a function of top squark mass(\MST) for an observable signal in the di-lepton plus di-jet channel at the Tevatron RUN-II experiment with 2 fb−1^{-1} luminosity. Our simulations indicate that the lepton number violating nature of the underlying decay dynamics can be confirmed via the reconstruction of \MST. The above decay is interesting in the context of RPV models of neutrino mass where the RPV couplings (λi3jâ€Č\lambda'_{i3j}) driving the above decay are constrained to be small (\lsim 10^{-3} - 10^{-4} ). If t~1\tilde t_1 is the next lightest super particle - a theoretically well motivated scenario - then the RPV decay can naturally compete with the R-parity conserving (RPC) modes which also have suppressed widths. The model independent limiting BR can delineate the parameter space in specific supersymmetric models, where the dominating RPV decay is observable and predict the minimum magnitude of the RPV coupling that will be sensitive to Run-II data. We have found it to be in the same ballpark value required by models of neutrino mass, for a wide range of \MST. A comprehensive future strategy for linking top squark decays with models of neutrino mass is sketched.Comment: 28 pages, 14 Figure
