2,532 research outputs found

    A scientific approach to microphone placement for cymbals in live sound

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    Current practice regarding overhead microphone placement on drum kits at live events is largely informed by personal experience and industry-standard practice, where there seems to be a lack of scientific evidence supporting these placements. This research addresses this by first recordings from points around different cymbals which are struck by three types of drumsticks. The measurements are processed in MATLAB to produce visual representations of the auditory data. The work puts forward evidence that cymbal radiation patterns are dependent on shape, size, profile and striking method while the attack and sustain are primarily dependent on cymbal weight. Ideal overhead microphone placement diagrams are generated based on these results to give live sound engineers a quick reference guide for best practice at live events

    Genetic adaptations to SIV across chimpanzee populations

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    Central and eastern chimpanzees are infected with Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV) in the wild, typically without developing acute immunodeficiency. Yet the recent zoonotic transmission of chimpanzee SIV to humans, which were naïve to the virus, gave rise to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which causes AIDS and is responsible for one of the deadliest pandemics in human history. Chimpanzees have been infected with SIV for tens of thousands of years and have likely evolved to reduce its pathogenicity, becoming semi-natural hosts that largely tolerate the virus. In support of this view, central and eastern chimpanzees show evidence of positive selection in genes involved in SIV/HIV cell entry and immune response to SIV, respectively. We hypothesise that the population first infected by SIV would have experienced the strongest selective pressure to control the lethal potential of zoonotic SIV, and that population genetics will reveal those first critical adaptations. With that aim we used population genomics to investigate signatures of positive selection in the common ancestor of central-eastern chimpanzees. The genes with signatures of positive selection in the ancestral population are significantly enriched in SIV-related genes, especially those involved in the immune response to SIV and those encoding for host genes that physically interact with SIV/HIV (VIPs). This supports a scenario where SIV first infected the central-eastern ancestor and where this population was under strong pressure to adapt to zoonotic SIV. Interestingly, integrating these genes with candidates of positive selection in the two infected subspecies reveals novel patterns of adaptation to SIV. Specifically, we observe evidence of positive selection in numerous steps of the biological pathway responsible for T-helper cell differentiation, including CD4 and multiple genes that SIV/HIV use to infect and control host cells. This pathway is active only in CD4+ cells which SIV/HIV infects, and it plays a crucial role in shaping the immune response so it can efficiently control the virus. Our results confirm the importance of SIV as a selective factor, identify specific genetic changes that may have allowed our closest living relatives to reduce SIV's pathogenicity, and demonstrate the potential of population genomics to reveal the evolutionary mechanisms used by naïve hosts to reduce the pathogenicity of zoonotic pathogens

    The vortex state in geologic materials: a micromagnetic perspective

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    A wide variety of Earth and planetary materials are very good recorders of paleomagnetic information. However, most magnetic grains in these materials are not in the stable single domain grain size range but are larger and in nonuniform vortex magnetization states. We provide a detailed account of vortex phenomena in geologic materials by simulating first‐order reversal curves (FORCs) via finite‐element micromagnetic modeling of magnetite nanoparticles with realistic morphologies. The particles have been reconstructed from focused ion beam nanotomography of magnetite‐bearing obsidian and accommodate single and multiple vortex structures. Single vortex (SV) grains have fingerprints with contributions to both the transient and transient‐free zones of FORC diagrams. A fundamental feature of the SV fingerprint is a central ridge, representing a distribution of negative saturation vortex annihilation fields. SV irreversible events at multiple field values along different FORC branches determine the asymmetry in the upper and lower lobes of generic bulk FORC diagrams of natural materials with grains predominantly in the vortex state. Multivortex (MV) FORC signatures are modeled here for the first time. MV grains contribute mostly to the transient‐free zone of a FORC diagram, averaging out to create a broad central peak. The intensity of the central peak is higher than that of the lobes, implying that MV particles are more abundant than SV particles in geologic materials with vortex state fingerprints. The abundance of MV particles, as well as their single domain‐like properties point to MV grains being the main natural remanent magnetization carriers in geologic materials

    Visualizing molecular interactions that determine assembly of a bullet-shaped vesicular stomatitis virus particle

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    Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) is a negative-strand RNA virus with a non-segmented genome, closely related to rabies virus. Both have characteristic bullet-like shapes. We report the structure of intact, infectious VSV particles determined by cryogenic electron microscopy. By compensating for polymorphism among viral particles with computational classification, we obtained a reconstruction of the shaft ( trunk ) at 3.5 Å resolution, with lower resolution for the rounded tip. The ribonucleoprotein (RNP), genomic RNA complexed with nucleoprotein (N), curls into a dome-like structure with about eight gradually expanding turns before transitioning into the regular helical trunk. Two layers of matrix (M) protein link the RNP with the membrane. Radial inter-layer subunit contacts are fixed within single RNA-N-M1-M2 modules, but flexible lateral and axial interactions allow assembly of polymorphic virions. Together with published structures of recombinant N in various states, our results suggest a mechanism for membrane-coupled self-assembly of VSV and its relatives

    Mechanically transduced immunosorbent assay to measure protein-protein interactions

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    Measuring protein-protein interaction (PPI) affinities is fundamental to biochemistry. Yet, conventional methods rely upon the law of mass action and cannot measure many PPIs due to a scarcity of reagents and limitations in the measurable affinity ranges. Here, we present a novel technique that leverages the fundamental concept of friction to produce a mechanical signal that correlates to binding potential. The mechanically transduced immunosorbent (METRIS) assay utilizes rolling magnetic probes to measure PPI interaction affinities. METRIS measures the translational displacement of protein-coated particles on a protein-functionalized substrate. The translational displacement scales with the effective friction induced by a PPI, thus producing a mechanical signal when a binding event occurs. The METRIS assay uses as little as 20 pmols of reagents to measure a wide range of affinities while exhibiting a high resolution and sensitivity. We use METRIS to measure several PPIs that were previously inaccessible using traditional methods, providing new insights into epigenetic recognition

    Helium ion microscope – secondary ion mass spectrometry for geological materials

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    The helium ion microscope (HIM) is a focussed ion beam instrument with unprecedented spatial resolution for secondary electron imaging but has traditionally lacked microanalytical capabilities. With the addition of the secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) attachment, the capabilities of the instrument have expanded to microanalysis of isotopes from Li up to hundreds of atomic mass units, effectively opening up the analysis of all natural and geological systems. However, the instrument has thus far been underutilised by the geosciences community, due in no small part to a lack of a thorough understanding of the quantitative capabilities of the instrument. Li represents an ideal element for an exploration of the instrument as a tool for geological samples, due to its importance for economic geology and a green economy, and the difficult nature of observing Li with traditional microanalytical techniques. Also Li represents a “best-case” scenario for isotopic measurements. Here we present details of sample preparation, instrument sensitivity, theoretical, and measured detection limits for both elemental and isotopic analysis as well as practicalities for geological sample analyses of Li alongside a discussion of potential geological use cases of the HIM–SIMS instrument

    Comparative Direct Analysis of Type Ia Supernova Spectra. IV. Postmaximum

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    A comparative study of optical spectra of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) obtained near 1 week, 3 weeks, and 3 months after maximum light is presented. Most members of the four groups that were defined on the basis of maximum light spectra in Paper II (core normal, broad line, cool, and shallow silicon) develop highly homogeneous postmaximum spectra, although there are interesting exceptions. Comparisons with SYNOW synthetic spectra show that most of the spectral features can be accounted for in a plausible way. The fits show that 3 months after maximum light, when SN Ia spectra are often said to be in the nebular phase and to consist of forbidden emission lines, the spectra actually remain dominated by resonance scattering features of permitted lines, primarily those of Fe II. Even in SN 1991bg, which is said to have made a very early transition to the nebular phase, there is no need to appeal to forbidden lines at 3 weeks postmaximum, and at 3 months postmaximum the only clear identification of a forbidden line is [Ca II] 7291, 7324. Recent studies of SN Ia rates indicate that most of the SNe Ia that have ever occurred have been "prompt" SNe Ia, produced by young (100,000,000 yr) stellar populations, while most of the SNe Ia that occur at low redshift today are "tardy", produced by an older (several Gyrs) population. We suggest that the shallow silicon SNe Ia tend to be the prompt ones.Comment: Accepted by PAS

    Designing a Locally Manufacturable Wheelchair for Nepal

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    Persons with disabilities in developing countries often lack the basic equipment needed to assist them in their daily lives. International Nepal Fellowship (INF) is a Christian medical organization located in Nepal that provides medical care and assistance to people with disabilities and other conditions. Currently, INF imports expensive wheelchairs that undergo a prolonged border process before being received. INF has reached out to the Collaboratory to design a wheelchair that can withstand the challenges of Nepal’s terrain and can be manufactured from local materials. The Nepal Wheelchair team accepted this challenge and set out to design a wheelchair that can fulfill their needs. The team began by researching wheelchair models for inspiration and eventually settled on two preliminary designs. In January 2020, the team traveled to Pokhara, Nepal to gain feedback from the staff at INF and select a final design based on their comments. During this trip, the team acquired and brought back locally available materials and parts available in Nepal in order to construct a prototype. This year, prototyping has been completed for the following elements: the central frame, wheel lock, footrest, wheel mounting assemblies and armrest fixtures. As a result of knowledge gained during prototyping, some design changes to the wheelchair have been made. Moving forward, the team will test the overall prototype for durability and prepare a manufacturing manual for INF.https://mosaic.messiah.edu/engr2021/1010/thumbnail.jp

    Efficacy of miniaturized imacor trans-esophageal echocardiografm (TEE) prove in mechanical circulatory support.

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    Application of the miniaturized ImaCor Trans-Esophageal Echocardiogram (TEE) probe in Heart Transplant/Mechanical Cardiac Support Patients In the surgical cardiac care unit (SCCU), therapeutic interventions often need to be done at the bedside, necessitating the need for a rapidly employable diagnostic tool for the cardiac intensivist. We report the clinical utility of the miniature ImaCor TEE-probe in guiding management of post heart transplant (H-Txp) and mechanical cardiac support patients (MCS) and describe the economic benefit of such a device. This is an IRB approved retrospective review of MCS/H-Txp patients who had ImaCor TEE monitoring in the SCCU of our institution in 2011. The effect on management was stratified into 3 categories; Major (tamponade/device selection/RV failure), Moderate (weaning support device guidance/ inotrope management/fluid management/hemodynamic instability) and Minor (line placement/useful data). The ImaCor TEE-Probe was utilized in a total of 34 patients, of which 21 were either supported by MCS or were post H-Txp. Of these, 13 were on ECMO, 9 were post-VAD, 3 supported by the Impella device and 4 were post-H-Txp. 6 patients were placed on more than 1 method of MCS and 1 patient was supported by ECMO after a H-Txp. The device had a Major effect on management in 4 patients (19%), Moderate effect in 13 (62%) and a Minor effect in 4 (19%). The cost difference between this new device and the traditional TEE is also significant (900 USD vs 4000 USD). Our institution saved in excess of 150,000 USD with the use of this device instead of traditional TEE. This figure did not include the ability of this probe to be used repeatedly within a 72-hour time frame, and the potential cost of going to the operating theatre for further management. This device has proven to be an invaluable new adjunct in the SCCU by allowing previously unobtainable continuous real time monitoring of the MCS/H-Txp patient. Use of the ImaCor TEE-probe provides the cardiac intensivist with timely important clinical data that improves patient care and is economically advantageous