27,714 research outputs found

    Dip coating process: Silicon sheet growth development for the large-area silicon sheet task of the low-cost silicon solar array project

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    The research program to investigate the technical and economic feasibility of producing solar-cell-quality sheet silicon by dip-coating one surface of carbonized ceramic substrates with a thin layer of large-grain polycrystalline silicon is reported. The initial effort concentrated on the design and construction of the experimental dip-coating facility. The design was completed and its experimental features are discussed. Current status of the program is reported, including progress toward solar cell junction diffusion and miscellaneous ceramic substrate procurement

    Dip coating process: Silicon sheet growth development for the large-area silicon sheet task of the low-cost silicon solar array project

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    To date, an experimental dip-coating facility was constructed. Using this facility, relatively thin (1 mm) mullite and alumina substrates were successfully dip-coated with 2.5 - 3.0 ohm-cm, p-type silicon with areas of approximately 20 sq cm. The thickness and grain size of these coatings are influenced by the temperature of the melt and the rate at which the substrate is pulled from the melt. One mullite substrate had dendrite-like crystallites of the order of 1 mm wide and 1 to 2 cm long. Their axes were aligned along the direction of pulling. A large variety of substrate materials were purchased or developed enabling the program to commence a substrate definition evaluation. Due to the insulating nature of the substrate, the bottom layer of the p-n junction may have to be made via the top surface. The feasibility of accomplishing this was demonstrated using single crystal wafers

    The Ice-Rock Interface and Basal Sliding Process as Revealed by Direct Observation in Bore Holes and Tunnels

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    The glacier bed, where basal sliding occurs, was reached by cable-tool drilling and sand-pump bailing in seven bore holes in Blue Glacier, Olympic National Park, Washington. Basal sliding velocities measured by bore-hole photography and confirmed by inclinometry are unexpectedly low, ranging from 0.3 to 3.0 cm/day and averaging 1.0 cm/day. This is much less than about half the surface velocity of 15 cm/day, which was the sliding-rate expected from earlier deformation measurements in bore holes made by thermal drilling alone

    Development of a new laser Doppler velocimeter for the Ames High Reynolds Channel No. 2

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    A new two-channel laser Doppler velocimeter developed for the Ames High Reynolds Channel No. 2 is described. Design features required for the satisfactory operation of the optical system in the channel environment are discussed. Fiber optics are used to transmit the megahertz Doppler signal to the photodetectors located outside the channel pressure vessel, and provision is made to isolate the optical system from pressure and thermal strain effects. Computer-controlled scanning mirrors are used to position the laser beams in the channel flow. Techniques used to seed the flow with 0.5-micron-diam polystyrene spheres avoiding deposition on the test-section windows and porous boundary-layer removal panels are described. Preliminary results are presented with a discussion of several of the factors affecting accuracy

    Dip coating process: Silicon sheet growth development for the large-area silicon sheet task of the low-cost silicon solar array project

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    The technical and economic feasibility of producing solar cell quality sheet silicon by dip-coating one surface of carbonized ceramic substrates with a thin layer of large grain polycrystalline silicon was investigated. The dip-coating methods studied were directed toward a minimum cost process with the ultimate objective of producing solar cells with a conversion efficiency of 10% or greater. The technique shows excellent promise for low cost, labor-saving, scale-up potentialities and would provide an end product of sheet silicon with a rigid and strong supportive backing. An experimental dip-coating facility was designed and constructed, several substrates were successfully dip-coated with areas as large as 25 sq cm and thicknesses of 12 micron to 250 micron. There appears to be no serious limitation on the area of a substrate that could be coated. Of the various substrate materials dip-coated, mullite appears to best satisfy the requirement of the program. An inexpensive process was developed for producing mullite in the desired geometry

    Solitons supported by localized nonlinearities in periodic media

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    Nonlinear periodic systems, such as photonic crystals and Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) loaded into optical lattices, are often described by the nonlinear Schr\"odinger/Gross-Pitaevskii equation with a sinusoidal potential. Here, we consider a model based on such a periodic potential, with the nonlinearity (attractive or repulsive) concentrated either at a single point or at a symmetric set of two points, which are represented, respectively, by a single {\delta}-function or a combination of two {\delta}-functions. This model gives rise to ordinary solitons or gap solitons (GSs), which reside, respectively, in the semi-infinite or finite gaps of the system's linear spectrum, being pinned to the {\delta}-functions. Physical realizations of these systems are possible in optics and BEC, using diverse variants of the nonlinearity management. First, we demonstrate that the single {\delta}-function multiplying the nonlinear term supports families of stable regular solitons in the self-attractive case, while a family of solitons supported by the attractive {\delta}-function in the absence of the periodic potential is completely unstable. We also show that the {\delta}-function can support stable GSs in the first finite gap in both the self-attractive and repulsive models. The stability analysis for the GSs in the second finite gap is reported too, for both signs of the nonlinearity. Alongside the numerical analysis, analytical approximations are developed for the solitons in the semi-infinite and first two finite gaps, with the single {\delta}-function positioned at a minimum or maximum of the periodic potential. In the model with the symmetric set of two {\delta}-functions, we study the effect of the spontaneous symmetry breaking of the pinned solitons. Two configurations are considered, with the {\delta}-functions set symmetrically with respect to the minimum or maximum of the potential

    Electronic structure and magnetic properties of pyroxenes (Li,Na)TM(Si,Ge)2O6: novel low-dimensional magnets with 90 bonds

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    The results of the LSDA+U calculations for pyroxenes with diverse magnetic properties (Li,Na)TM(Si,Ge)2_2O6_6, where TM is the transition metal ion (Ti,V,Cr,Mn,Fe), are presented. We show that the anisotropic orbital ordering results in the spin-gap formation in NaTiSi2_2O6_6. The detailed analysis of different contributions to the intrachain exchange interactions for pyroxenes is performed both analytically using perturbation theory and basing on the results of the band structure calculations. The antiferromagnetic t2g−t2gt_{2g}-t_{2g} exchange is found to decrease gradually in going from Ti to Fe. It turns out to be nearly compensated by ferromagnetic interaction between half-filled t2gt_{2g} and empty ege_g orbitals in Cr-based pyroxenes. The fine-tuning of the interaction parameters by the crystal structure results in the ferromagnetism for NaCrGe2_2O6_6. Further increase of the total number of electrons and occupation of ege_g sub-shell makes the t2g−egt_{2g}-e_g contribution and total exchange interaction antiferromagnetic for Mn- and Fe-based pyroxenes. Strong oxygen polarization was found in Fe-based pyroxenes. It is shown that this effect leads to a considerable reduction of antiferromagnetic intrachain exchange. The obtained results may serve as a basis for the analysis of diverse magnetic properties of pyroxenes, including those with recently discovered multiferroic behavior.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure
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