3,589 research outputs found

    Training Non-Specialists for Craniomaxillofacial Trauma in a Warzone Setting

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    This study investigated a simulated craniomaxillofacial (CMF) trauma training programme for non-specialist clinicians involved in warfare environments. Many clinicians lack CMF surgical training and the course was designed as a one-day research programme to establish if non-specialists could acquire CMF trauma skills adequate for a warzone. The course consisted of six simulation skills, of which four used sheep heads to teach craniotomy, epistaxis, canthotomy and cantholysis and external pin fixation for mandibular fracture fixation. In addition, two skills utilised plaster dental models designed to enable fixation of mandibular fractures with the Erich arch bar or dental eyelet wiring. This simulation-based programme taught trauma management without the expense of cadavers or risks to patients [1]. The trainees were scored for each of the six skills by hierarchical task analysis (HTA) designed by CMF specialists [2, 3]. The trainee assessment scores improved significantly in all skills post-training, regardless of their medical or surgical deficiencies demonstrating that non-specialists can learn important surgical techniques, valuable for war environments

    The concept of remembrance in Walter Benjamin

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    This thesis argues that the role played by the concept of remembrance (Eingedenken) in Walter Benjamin's 'theory of the knowledge of history' and in his engagement with Enlightenment universal history, is a crucial one. The implications of Benjamin's contention that history's 'original vocation' is 'remembrance' have hitherto gone largely unnoticed. The following thesis explores the meaning of the concept of remembrance and assesses the significance of this proposed link between history and memory, looking at both the mnemonic aspect of history and the historical facets of memory. It argues that by mobilising the simultaneously destructive and constructive capacities of remembrance, Benjamin sought to develop a critical historiography which would enable a radical encounter with a previously suppressed past. In so doing he takes up a stance (explicit and implicit) towards existing philosophical conceptions of history, in particular the idea of universal history found in German Idealism. Benjamin reveals an intention to retain the epistemological aspirations of universal history whilst ridding that approach of its apologetic moment. He criticises existing conceptions of history on the basis that each assumes homogeneous time to be the framework in which historical events occur. Insight into the distinctive temporality of remembrance proves to be the touchstone for this critique, and provides a paradigm for a very different conception of time. The thesis goes on to determine what is valid and what is problematic both in this concept of remembrance and in the theory of historical knowledge which it informs, by subjecting both to the most cogent criticisms which can be levelled at them. What emerges is not only the importance of this concept for an understanding of Benjamin's philosophy but the pertinence of this concept for any philosophical account of memory

    Mio-Pliocene Faunal Exchanges and African Biogeography: The Record of Fossil Bovids

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    The development of the Ethiopian biogeographic realm since the late Miocene is here explored with the presentation and review of fossil evidence from eastern Africa. Prostrepsiceros cf. vinayaki and an unknown species of possible caprin affinity are described from the hominid-bearing Asa Koma and Kuseralee Members (∼5.7 and ∼5.2 Ma) of the Middle Awash, Ethiopia. The Middle Awash Prostrepsiceros cf. vinayaki constitutes the first record of this taxon from Africa, previously known from the Siwaliks and Arabia. The possible caprin joins a number of isolated records of caprin or caprin-like taxa recorded, but poorly understood, from the late Neogene of Africa. The identification of these two taxa from the Middle Awash prompts an overdue review of fossil bovids from the sub-Saharan African record that demonstrate Eurasian affinities, including the reduncin Kobus porrecticornis, and species of Tragoportax. The fossil bovid record provides evidence for greater biological continuity between Africa and Eurasia in the late Miocene and earliest Pliocene than is found later in time. In contrast, the early Pliocene (after 5 Ma) saw the loss of any significant proportions of Eurasian-related taxa, and the continental dominance of African-endemic taxa and lineages, a pattern that continues today

    The pre-main sequence binary HK Ori : Spectro-astrometry and EXPORT data

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    In this paper we present multi-epoch observations of the pre-main sequence binary HK Ori. These data have been drawn from the EXPORT database and are complemented by high quality spectro-astrometric data of the system. The spectroscopic data appear to be very well represented by a combination of an A dwarf star spectrum superposed on a (sub-)giant G-type spectrum. The radial velocity of the system is consistent with previous determinations, and does not reveal binary motion, as expected for a wide binary. The spectral, photometric and polarimetric properties and variability of the system indicate that the active object in the system is a T Tauri star with UX Ori characteristics. The spectro-astrometry of HK Ori is sensitive down to milli-arcsecond scales and confirms the speckle interferometric results from Leinert et al. The spectro-astrometry allows with fair certainty the identification of the active star within the binary, which we suggest to be a G-type T Tauri star based on its spectral characteristics.Comment: MNRAS in press 8 pages 7 figure

    Recombination in Streptococcus pneumoniae Lineages Increase with Carriage Duration and Size of the Polysaccharide Capsule.

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae causes a high burden of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) globally, especially in children from resource-poor settings. Like many bacteria, the pneumococcus can import DNA from other strains or even species by transformation and homologous recombination, which has allowed the pneumococcus to evade clinical interventions such as antibiotics and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs). Pneumococci are enclosed in a complex polysaccharide capsule that determines the serotype; the capsule varies in size and is associated with properties including carriage prevalence and virulence. We determined and quantified the association between capsule and recombination events using genomic data from a diverse collection of serotypes sampled in Malawi. We determined both the amount of variation introduced by recombination relative to mutation (the relative rate) and how many individual recombination events occur per isolate (the frequency). Using univariate analyses, we found an association between both recombination measures and multiple factors associated with the capsule, including duration and prevalence of carriage. Because many capsular factors are correlated, we used multivariate analysis to correct for collinearity. Capsule size and carriage duration remained positively associated with recombination, although with a reduced P value, and this effect may be mediated through some unassayed additional property associated with larger capsules. This work describes an important impact of serotype on recombination that has been previously overlooked. While the details of how this effect is achieved remain to be determined, it may have important consequences for the serotype-specific response to vaccines and other interventions. IMPORTANCE: The capsule determines >90 different pneumococcal serotypes, which vary in capsule size, virulence, duration, and prevalence of carriage. Current serotype-specific vaccines elicit anticapsule antibodies. Pneumococcus can take up exogenous DNA by transformation and insert it into its chromosome by homologous recombination. This mechanism has disseminated drug resistance and generated vaccine escape variants. It is hence crucial to pneumococcal evolutionary response to interventions, but there has been no systematic study quantifying whether serotypes vary in recombination and whether this is associated with serotype-specific properties such as capsule size or carriage duration. Larger capsules could physically inhibit DNA uptake, or given the longer carriage duration for larger capsules, this may promote recombination. We find that recombination varies among capsules and is associated with capsule size, carriage duration, and carriage prevalence and negatively associated with invasiveness. The consequence of this work is that serotypes with different capsules may respond differently to selective pressures like vaccines

    Tooth development standards for South Australia

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    The document attached has been archived with permission from the Australian Dental Association. An external link to the publisher’s copy is included.Background: Chronological age, as recorded by registration of birth date, is referred to throughout an individual's life. This information is relevant in medical and dental practice for evaluating developmental progress, for educational purposes, and in legal matters, particularly in the application of criminal law. The absence of birth date information raises particular concerns, and estimates of chronological age are often required. Standards of dental maturation may be used to estimate age, but they have been shown to be gender and population sensitive. Methods: The revised Demirjian' system of dental age estimation was applied to a sample of 615 South Australian children in order to assess its accuracy. Results: The results of our study have shown that the Demirjian system is of limited accuracy when used to estimate the age of South Australian children. Conclusions: Generation of new standard curves, specific to the Australian population, is indicated.CJ McKenna, H James, JA Taylor, GC Townsen

    Treatment of Residential Complexes’ Wastewater using Environmentally Friendly Technology

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    Residential complexes discharge huge quantities of wastewater, which has a negative impact on nearby water bodies. Moreover, the treatment of this type of wastewater requires a large area, which could be a challenge as construction sites are normally limited in size. Different technologies have been used for the treatment of residential complexes’ wastewater (RCWW). Compared to the conventional wastewater treatments methods, sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) are lower cost and have smaller area requirements and sludge bulking rarely occurs. A considerable number of researchers have been optimising SBR operating conditions to gain a better removal efficiency of undesired wastewater pollutants. However, many researchers have reported bad, slow or incomplete particle settling. This study examines the impact of organic loading rate (OLR) on the effluent quality and sludge settling performance in a sequencing batch reactor. Four SBR reactors were used in this study; the working volume of each one is 5l. The reactors were operated under different glucose concentrations (750, 1000, 1250 and 1500 mg/l), constant aeration, 1.0 l/min, ±20 Cº temperature and 6 h cycle time. Each cycle of the SBR operation included Fill (30 minutes), React (240 minutes), Settle (30 minutes), Draw (30 minutes) and Idle (30 minutes). Influent and effluent samples were analysed for COD, NH3-N, NO3-N and NO2-N. In addition, the sludge volume index (SVI) and a morphological study were used to study the sludge characteristics. The SVI and morphological study results showed a direct relationship between the glucose concentration and sludge settling behaviour. The results obtained from this study, which operated for 120 days, showed that the sequencing batch reactor could biodegrade up to 93.2%, 95.2%, 94.9% and 96.5% for COD, NH3-N, NO3-N and NO2-N respectively with glucose concentration between 750 and 1250 mg/l, and a steady sludge settling performance occurred during that range