13,009 research outputs found

    Cold-flow performance of several variations of a ram-air-cooled plug nozzle for supersonic-cruise aircraft

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    Experimental data were obtained with a 21.59 cm (8.5 in.) diameter cold-flow model in a static altitude facility to determine the thrust and pumping characteristics of several variations of a ram-air-cooled plug nozzle. Tests were conducted over a range of nozzle pressure ratios simulating supersonic cruise and takeoff conditions. Primary throat area was also varied to simulate afterburner on and off. Effect of plug size, outer shroud length, primary nozzle geometry, and varying amounts of secondary flow were investigated. At a supersonic cruise pressure ratio of 27, nozzle efficiencies were 99.7 percent for the best configurations

    Thrust performance of isolated 36-chute suppressor plug nozzles with and without ejectors at Mach numbers from 0 to 0.45

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    Plug nozzles with chute-type noise suppressors were tested with and without ejector shrouds at free-stream Mach numbers from 0 to 0.45 and over a range of nozzle pressure ratios from 2 to 4. A 36-chute suppressor nozzle with an ejector had an efficiency of 94.6 percent at an assumed takeoff pressure ratio of 3.0 and a Mach number of 0.36. This represents only a 3.4 percent performance penalty when compared with the 98 percent efficiency obtained with a previously tested unsuppressed plug nozzle

    Thrust performance of isolated, two-dimensional suppressed plug nozzles with and without ejectors at Mach numbers from 0 to 0.45

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    A series of two-dimensional plug nozzles was tested with and without ejector shrouds at free stream Mach numbers from 0 to 0.45 and over a range of nozzle pressure ratios from 2 to 4. These nozzles were also tested with and without chute noise suppressors. A two-dimensional plug nozzle has an efficiency of 96.1 percent at an assumed takeoff pressure ratio of 3.0 and Mach 0.36. A 12-chute suppressed nozzle with sidewalls has an efficiency of 81.0 percent (15.1 percent below the unsuppressed nozzle)

    Cometary Astrometry

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    Modern techniques for making cometary astrometric observations, reducing these observations, using accurate reference star catalogs, and computing precise orbits and ephemerides are discussed in detail and recommendations and suggestions are given in each area

    The phase-dependent Infrared brightness of the extrasolar planet upsilon Andromedae b

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    The star upsilon Andromeda is orbited by three known planets, the innermost of which has an orbital period of 4.617 days and a mass at least 0.69 that of Jupiter. This planet is close enough to its host star that the radiation it absorbs overwhelms its internal heat losses. Here we present the 24 micron light curve of this system, obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope. It shows a clear variation in phase with the orbital motion of the innermost planet. This is the first demonstration that such planets possess distinct hot substellar (day) and cold antistellar (night) faces.Comment: "Director's cut" of paper to appear in Science, 27 October, 200

    First Detection of a Strong Magnetic Field on a Bursty Brown Dwarf: Puzzle Solved

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    We report the first direct detection of a strong, 5 kG magnetic field on the surface of an active brown dwarf. LSR J1835+3259 is an M8.5 dwarf exhibiting transient radio and optical emission bursts modulated by fast rotation. We have detected the surface magnetic field as circularly polarized signatures in the 819 nm sodium lines when an active emission region faced the Earth. Modeling Stokes profiles of these lines reveals the effective temperature of 2800 K and log gravity acceleration of 4.5. These parameters place LSR J1835+3259 on evolutionary tracks as a young brown dwarf with the mass of 55±\pm4 MJ_{\rm J} and age of 22±\pm4 Myr. Its magnetic field is at least 5.1 kG and covers at least 11% of the visible hemisphere. The active region topology recovered using line profile inversions comprises hot plasma loops with a vertical stratification of optical and radio emission sources. These loops rotate with the dwarf in and out of view causing periodic emission bursts. The magnetic field is detected at the base of the loops. This is the first time that we can quantitatively associate brown dwarf non-thermal bursts with a strong, 5 kG surface magnetic field and solve the puzzle of their driving mechanism. This is also the coolest known dwarf with such a strong surface magnetic field. The young age of LSR J1835+3259 implies that it may still maintain a disk, which may facilitate bursts via magnetospheric accretion, like in higher-mass T Tau-type stars. Our results pave a path toward magnetic studies of brown dwarfs and hot Jupiters.Comment: ApJ, in pres

    Scientific Bounty Among Meteorites Recovered from the Dominion Range, Transantarctic Mountains

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    The US Antarctic Meteorite Pro-gram has visited the Dominion Range in the Transantarctic Mountains during several different sea-sons, including 1985, 2003, 2008, 2010, 2014 and 2018. Total recovered meteorites from this region is close to 3000. The 1985 (11 samples), 2003 (141 samples), 2008 (521 samples), 2010 (901 samples), 2014 (562 samples) seasons have been fully classified, and 2018 (865 samples) are in the process of being classified and characterized. Given that close to 2200 samples have been classified so far, with more expected in 2020, now is a good time to summarize the state of the collection. Here we describe the significant samples documented from this area, as well as a large meteorite shower that dominates the statistics of the region