18 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a School Campaign to Reduce Hatred

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    Combating violent extremism can involve organizing Peer-to-Peer (P2P) preventing violent extremism (PVE) programs and campaigns. In recent years, hundreds of school campaigns have been launched around the world but very few have been evaluated. In this manuscript, we present the results of the evaluation of one of these initiatives.  Study objectives consisted of: 1) Assessing the impact of the campaign in increasing students’ exposure to messages of acceptance and decreasing exposure to hate messages in the school environment, 2) Assess the impact of the campaign in improving students’ attitudes towards ethnocultural diversity. We conducted a longitudinal cohort study with control groups. The study was implemented in Utah in schools of 8th and 9th-grade levels. Two schools were identified as campaign implementation sites, and two schools of similar socio-economic and ethnocultural characteristics were identified as the control sites.  We utilized univariate and multivariate regression analysis to assess changes in students’ exposure to hate messages and attitudes towards ethnocultural diversity. Our study findings can be useful for the development of future campaigns and educational programs as they highlight the importance of ethnocultural empathic awareness in improving students’ attitudes regarding ethnocultural diversity

    Individual and area-level socioeconomic correlates of hypertension prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control in uMgungundlovu, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

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    Hypertension is the second leading risk factor for death in South Africa, and rates have steadily increased since the end of Apartheid. Research on the determinants of hypertension in South Africa has received considerable attention due to South Africa’s rapid urbanization and epidemiological transition. However, scant work has been conducted to investigate how various segments of the Black South African population experience this transition. Identifying the correlates of hypertension in this population is critical to the development of policies and targeted interventions to strengthen equitable public health efforts. This analysis explores the relationship between individual and area-level socioeconomic status and hypertension prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control within a sample of 7,303 Black South Africans in three municipalities of the uMgungundlovu district in KwaZulu-Natal province: the Msunduzi, uMshwathi, and Mkhambathini. Cross-sectional data were collected on participants from February 2017 to February 2018

    Exploring the association between misinformation endorsement, opinions on the government response, risk perception, and COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in the US, Canada, and Italy

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the adverse consequences created by an infodemic, specifically bringing attention to compliance with public health guidance and vaccine uptake. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy is a complex construct that is related to health beliefs, misinformation exposure, and perceptions of governmental institutions. This study draws on theoretical models and current data on the COVID-19 infodemic to explore the association between the perceived risk of COVID-19, level of misinformation endorsement, and opinions about the government response on vaccine uptake. We surveyed a sample of 2697 respondents from the US, Canada, and Italy using a mobile platform between 21-28 May 2021. Using multivariate regression, we found that country of residence, risk perception of contracting and spreading COVID-19, perception of government response and transparency, and misinformation endorsement were associated with the odds of vaccine hesitancy. Higher perceived risk was associated with lower odds of hesitancy, while lower perceptions of government response and higher misinformation endorsement were associated with higher hesitancy

    The Use of a Scenario-Based Nominal Group Technique to Assess P/CVE Programs: Development and Pilot Testing of a Toolkit

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    Preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) requires coordination among multiple agencies, stakeholders and systems. The complexity of this task (compounded by the variety of P/CVE programming around the world) creates a  challenge for those hoping to develop these initiatives. The purpose of this project was to develop a replicable process and corresponding toolkit to engage multiple stakeholders in consensus building around the efficacy and improvement of nascent, developing or mature systems-level P/CVE programs. As a method, we adapted the process of nominal group technique (NGT), a structured-brainstorming tool that provides an orderly procedure for obtaining qualitative and ranked information from heterogenous participant pools. The technique we developed is based on a case-study approach (“scenario”) which we then tested in three countries (USA, Sweden, and North Macedonia) with existing P/CVE initiatives at different stages of development. We conducted scenario-based NGT sessions in each location and then systematically analyzed the results using iterative qualitative coding based on a common framework. Results were analyzed to achieve consensus on the most common system-level challenges and system-level functions, necessary to overcome those challenges, in each location. Practitioners in each local jurisdiction were then able to utilize the results derived from the NGT for their own purposes, such as advocacy to policy makers, strategic regional P/CVE planning, and ongoing stakeholder engagement. Acknowledgments: This project was funded by the NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme under the award entitled "Evaluation Support for CVE at the Local Level" SPS.MYPG5556, the Swedish Contingency Agency (MSB), and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Science and Technology Directorate (Cooperative Agreement Number: 2015-ST-108-FRG005). The content of this manuscript as well as the views and discussions expressed are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of any of the above institutions, nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. government

    Youth Exposure to Hate in the Online Space: An Exploratory Analysis

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    Today’s youth have extensive access to the internet and frequently engage in social networking activities using various social media platforms and devices. This is a phenomenon that hate groups are exploiting when disseminating their propaganda. This study seeks to better understand youth exposure to hateful material in the online space by exploring predictors of such exposure including demographic characteristics (age, gender, and race), academic performance, online behaviors, online disinhibition, risk perception, and parents/guardians’ supervision of online activities. We implemented a cross-sectional study design, using a paper questionnaire, in two high schools in Massachusetts (USA), focusing on students 14 to 19 years old. Logistic regression models were used to study the association between independent variables (demographics, online behaviors, risk perception, parental supervision) and exposure to hate online. Results revealed an association between exposure to hate messages in the online space and time spent online, academic performance, communicating with a stranger on social media, and benign online disinhibition. In our sample, benign online disinhibition was also associated with students’ risk of encountering someone online that tried to convince them of racist views. This study represents an important contribution to understanding youth’s risk factors of exposure to hateful material online

    Exploring the Association between Negative Emotions and COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Unvaccinated Adults in Sweden

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has had a significant impact on individuals’ mental health. This study aimed to investigate how negative emotions toward the COVID-19 pandemic, including feeling anxious, depressed, upset, and stressed, were associated with COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in Sweden. The study is a cross-sectional online survey conducted between 21–28 May 2021, using three nested hierarchical logistic regression models to assess the association. The study included 965 unvaccinated individuals, 51.2% (n = 494) of whom reported their intention to get vaccinated. We observed graded positive associations between reported negative emotions and vaccine acceptance. Individuals who experienced economic stress had lower odds of vaccine acceptance while having a positive opinion of the government’s response to COVID-19 was associated with higher odds of being vaccine-acceptant. In conclusion, unvaccinated individuals experiencing negative emotions about the pandemic were more willing to get the vaccine. On the contrary, those with a negative opinion about the government’s response, and those that had experienced economic stress were less likely to accept the immunization

    Assessing the Impact of the Boston CVE Pilot Program: A Developmental Evaluation Approach

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    The article of record as published may be found at https://www.hsaj.org/articles/16166This article describes the use of developmental evaluation as applied to countering violent extremism (CVE) programs. It discusses the application of this method to an evaluation of the Boston CVE Pilot Program, with specific attention given to two CVE initiatives that were awarded pilot grants and volunteered to be evaluated. Developmental evaluation is an inherently iterative engagement that requires a continuous exchange between the parties designing the initiative and the parties evaluating it (the evaluation, in short, is not merely a post hoc engagement). We present the results of the evaluations using qualitative and quantitative data. The conclusion points to lessons learned in the application of a developmental evaluation framework: an assessment of the viability, utility, and benefits of utilizing such an approach to assess the impact of CVE programs (versus a traditional evaluation rubric. It also discusses the limitations that an outside organization engaged in this evaluative work might face.Sponsored the U. S. Department of Homeland Security’s National Preparedness Directorate, FEMA, CHDS is part of the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS)

    Essential Workers’ COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy, Misinformation, and Informational Needs in the Republic of North Macedonia

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in over 5.2 million deaths. Vaccine hesitancy remains a public health challenge, especially in Eastern Europe. Our study used a sample of essential workers living in the Republic of North Macedonia to: (1) Describe rates of vaccine hesitancy and risk perception of COVID-19; (2) Explore predictors of vaccine hesitancy; and (3) Describe the informational needs of hesitant and non-hesitant workers. A phone survey was administered in North Macedonia from 4–16 May 2021. Logistic regression explored associations of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy with sociodemographic characteristics, non-COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, previous diagnosis of COVID-19, and individual risk perception of contracting COVID-19. Chi-squared analyses compared differences in informational needs by hesitancy status. Of 1003 individuals, 44% were very likely to get the vaccine, and 56% reported some level of hesitancy. Older age, Albanian ethnicity, increased education, previous COVID-19 diagnosis, acceptance of other vaccines, and increased risk perception of COVID-19 infection were negatively associated with vaccine hesitancy. Results indicated significant differences in top informational needs by hesitancy status. The top informational needs of the hesitant were the freedom to choose to be vaccinated without consequences (57% vs. 42%, p p < 0.01)

    Comprehensive assessment of human pharmacokinetic prediction based on in vivo animal pharmacokinetic data, part 2: Clearance

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    A comprehensive analysis on the prediction of human clearance based on intravenous pharmacokinetic data from rat, dog, and monkey for approximately 400 compounds was undertaken. This data set has been carefully compiled from literature reports and expanded with some inhouse determinations for plasma protein binding and rat clearance. To the authors' knowledge, this is the largest publicly available data set. The present examination offers a comparison of 37 different methods for prediction of human clearance across compounds of diverse physicochemical properties. Furthermore, this work demonstrates the application of each prediction method to each charge class of the compounds, thus presenting an additional dimension to prediction of human pharmacokinetics. In general, the observations suggest that methods employing monkey clearance values and a method incorporating differences in plasma protein binding between rat and human yield the best overall predictions as suggested by approximately 60% compounds within 2-fold geometric mean-fold error. Other single-species scaling or proportionality methods incorporating the fraction unbound in the corresponding preclinical species for prediction of free clearance in human were generally unsuccessful. © The Author(s) 2012

    Comprehensive assessment of human pharmacokinetic prediction based on in vivo animal pharmacokinetic data, part 1: Volume of distribution at steady state

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    The authors present a comprehensive analysis on the estimation of volume of distribution at steady state (VDss) in human based on rat, dog, and monkey data on nearly 400 compounds for which there are also associated human data. This data set, to the authors' knowledge, is the largest publicly available, has been carefully compiled from literature reports, and was expanded with some in-house determinations such as plasma protein binding data. This work offers a good statistical basis for the evaluation of applicable prediction methods, their accuracy, and some methods-dependent diagnostic tools. The authors also grouped the compounds according to their charge classes and show the applicability of each method considered to each class, offering further insight into the probability of a successful prediction. Furthermore, they found that the use of fraction unbound in plasma, to obtain unbound volume of distribution, is generally detrimental to accuracy of several methods, and they discuss possible reasons. Overall, the approach using dog and monkey data in the Oie-Tozer equation offers the highest probability of success, with an intrinsic diagnostic tool based on aberrant values (1) for the calculated fraction unbound in tissue. Alternatively, methods based on dog data (single-species scaling) and rat and dog data (Oie-Tozer equation with 2 species or multiple regression methods) may be considered reasonable approaches while not requiring data in nonhuman primates. © The Author(s) 2012