19 research outputs found

    Functional connectivity patterns related to the thirteen seed regions overlayed on a MNI template for the different contrasts: (A) criticism > standard, (B) standard > criticism, (C) criticism > standard, positive correlation with neuroticism and (D) criticism > standard, negative correlation with neuroticism.

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    <p>Brain regions, showing enhanced functional connectivity to our thirteen seed regions, are depicted in red for seed regions that belong to the prefrontal cluster, in yellow for seed regions that belong to the fronto-temporal cluster, in green for seed regions that belong to the occipito-parietal cluster and in light blue for seed regions that belong to the amygdala/hippocampal cluster. Connectivity results for the seed regions anterior cingulate cortex and SFG(BA10) are depicted in dark blue. Results were corrected on FWE cluster level (k>20) with an initial threshold of p<0.001 uncorrected.</p

    Four clusters were found using fuzzy c-means clustering for the contrast (criticism > standard): (A) prefrontal cluster (red bars), (B) fronto-temporal cluster (yellow bars), (C) occipito-parietal cluster (green bars) and (D) amygdala/hippocampal cluster (light blue bars).

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    <p>The seed regions anterior cingulate cortex and SFG(BA10) are depicted in dark blue. On the x-axis, the different seed regions can be found in alphabetical order. On the y-axis, membership degrees are continuously expressed as proximities to a cluster centroid, containing values between 0 and 1. ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; L_Amy, left amygdala; R_Amy, right amygdala; Cun, cuneus; L_Hip, left hippocampus; R_Hip, right hippocampus; L_IFG, left inferior frontal gyrus; L_Ins, left insula; L_SFG, left superior frontal gyrus; L_TP, left temporal pole; PCC/Prec, posterior cingulate cortex/precuneus; SFG(BA10), superior frontal gyrus (BA10); SFG(BA9), superior frontal gyrus (BA9).</p

    Seed regions associated with self-reflective processing.

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    <p>Seed regions based on a meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies investigating self-reflection. Contrast (self > baseline) (van der Meer, et al., 2010).</p

    Visualization of correlations between the seed regions based on their functional connectivity pattern.

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    <p>Gephi (0.8.1 – beta) was used to draw the graph. The following colors indicate the cluster to which a specific seed region belongs based on the fuzzy c-means clustering approach: the prefrontal cluster (red), the fronto-temporal cluster (yellow), the occipito-parietal cluster (green) and the amygdala/hippocampal cluster (light blue). The seed regions anterior cingulate cortex and SFG(BA10) are depicted in dark blue. The edges between the nodes have a mixed color. The thickness of the edges represents the strength of the correlation between the seed regions based on their functional connectivity pattern. ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; L_Amy, left amygdala; R_Amy, right amygdala; Cun, cuneus; L_Hip, left hippocampus; R_Hip, right hippocampus; L_IFG, left inferior frontal gyrus; L_Ins, left insula; L_SFG, left superior frontal gyrus; L_TP, left temporal pole; PCC/Prec, posterior cingulate cortex/precuneus; SFG(BA10), superior frontal gyrus (BA10); SFG(BA9), superior frontal gyrus (BA9).</p

    Functional connectivity results related to criticism and associations with neuroticism.

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    <p>Peak activations with corresponding T-values and Z-values of brain regions, which showed enhanced functional connectivity to our selected seed regions per cluster for the contrasts (criticism > standard), (standard > criticism) and (criticism > standard x neuroticism). Results were corrected on FWE cluster level (k>20) with an initial threshold of p<0.001 uncorrected. An asterisk (*) was used to denote clusters that survived multiple comparisons correction for applying thirteen seed regions (FWE cluster level (k>20) p = 0.05/13 = p<0.003).</p