64 research outputs found

    Abelian Hypermultiplet Gaugings and BPS Vacua in N = 2 Supergravity

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    We analyze the gauging of Abelian isometries on the hypermultiplet scalar manifolds of N = 2 supergravity in four dimensions. This involves a study of symmetric special quaternionic-K\"ahler manifolds, building on the work of de Wit and Van Proeyen. In particular we compute the general set of Killing prepotentials and associated compensators for these manifolds manifolds. This allows us to glean new insights about AdS 4 vacua which preserve the full N = 2 supersymmetry as well as BPS static black hole horizons.Comment: 22 p. (+ 14 app.); v2: published version, fix minor typos and Killing prepotential expression

    Supergravity, complex parameters and the Janis-Newman algorithm

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    The Demia\'nski-Janis-Newman algorithm is an original solution generating technique. For a long time it has been limited to producing rotating solutions, restricting to the case of a metric and real scalar fields, despite the fact that Demia\'nski extended it to include more parameters such as a NUT charge. Recently two independent prescriptions have been given for extending the algorithm to gauge fields and thus electrically charged configurations. In this paper we aim to end setting up the algorithm by providing a missing but important piece, which is how the transformation is applied to complex scalar fields. We illustrate our proposal through several examples taken from N=2 supergravity, including the stationary BPS solutions from Behrndt et al. and Sen's axion-dilaton rotating black hole. Moreover we discuss solutions that include pairs of complex parameters, such as the mass and the NUT charge, or the electric and magnetic charges, and we explain how to perform the algorithm in this context (with the example of Kerr-Newman-Taub-NUT and dyonic Kerr-Newman black holes). The final formulation of the DJN algorithm can possibly handle solutions with five of the six Pleba\'nski-Demia\'nski parameters along with any type of bosonic fields with spin less than two (exemplified with the SWIP solutions). This provides all the necessary tools for applications to general matter-coupled gravity and to (gauged) supergravity.Comment: 18 page

    Quarter-BPS Black Holes in AdS4_4-NUT from N=2N=2 Gauged Supergravity

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    We study N=2N=2 gauged supergravity with U(1)U(1) gauge group coupled to nvn_v vector multiplets and find quite general analytic solutions for quarter-BPS black holes with mass, NUT and dyonic Maxwell charges. The solutions we find have running scalar fields and flow in the IR region to a horizon geometry of the form AdS2×Σg_2\times \Sigma_g.Comment: 33 pages; v2: published version, fix minor typos, add reference

    Five-dimensional Janis-Newman algorithm

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    The Janis-Newman algorithm has been shown to be successful in finding new sta- tionary solutions of four-dimensional gravity. Attempts for a generalization to higher dimensions have already been found for the restricted cases with only one angular mo- mentum. In this paper we propose an extension of this algorithm to five dimensions with two angular momenta - using the prescription of G. Giampieri - through two specific examples, that are the Myers-Perry and BMPV black holes. We also discuss possible enlargements of our prescriptions to other dimensions and maximal number of angular momenta, and show how dimensions higher than six appear to be much more challenging to treat within this framework. Nonetheless this general algorithm provides a unification of the formulation in d = 3, 4, 5 of the Janis-Newman algorithm, from which which expose several examples including the BTZ black hole.Comment: 27 page

    A short note on dynamics and degrees of freedom in 2d2d classical gravity

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    We comment on some peculiarities of matter with and without Weyl invariance coupled to classical 2d2d Einstein-Hilbert gravity for several models, in particular, related to the counting of degrees of freedom and on the dynamics. We find that theories where the matter action is Weyl invariant has generically more degrees of freedom than action without the invariance. This follows from the Weyl invariance of the metric equations of motion independently of the invariance of the action. Then, we study another set of models with scalar fields and show that solutions to the equations of motion are either trivial or inconsistent. To our knowledge, these aspects of classical 2d2d gravity have not been put forward and can be interesting to be remembered when using it as a toy model for 4d4d gravity. The goal of this note is also as a pedagogical exercise: our results follow from standard methods, but we emphasize more direct computations.Comment: 10 pages; v2: 13 pages, add clarification

    Janis-Newman algorithm: generating rotating and NUT charged black holes

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    In this review we present the most general form of the Janis--Newman algorithm. This extension allows to generate configurations which contain all bosonic fields with spin less than or equal to two (real and complex scalar fields, gauge fields, metric field) and with five of the six parameters of the Pleba\'nski-Demia\'nski metric (mass, electric charge, magnetic charge, NUT charge and angular momentum). Several examples are included to illustrate the algorithm. We also discuss the extension of the algorithm to other dimensions.Comment: 68 pages, invited review for Universe; v2: sec. 1-4, 6 and app. B match published version, sec. 5, 7, 8 and app. A, C are specific to arxiv versio

    Deciphering and generalizing Demianski-Janis-Newman algorithm

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    In the case of vanishing cosmological constant, Demia\'nski has shown that the Janis-Newman algorithm can be generalized in order to include a NUT charge and another parameter cc, in addition to the angular momentum. Moreover it was proved that only a NUT charge can be added for non-vanishing cosmological constant. However despite the fact that the form of the coordinate transformations was obtained, it was not explained how to perform the complexification on the metric function, and the procedure does not follow directly from the usual Janis-Newman rules. The goal of our paper is threefold: explain the hidden assumptions of Demia\'nski's analysis, generalize the computations to topological horizons (spherical and hyperbolic) and to charged solutions, and explain how to perform the complexification of the function. In particular we present a new solution which is an extension of the Demia\'nski metric to hyperbolic horizons. These different results open the door to applications in (gauged) supergravity since they allow for a systematic application of the Demia\'nski-Janis-Newman algorithm.Comment: 14 pp. (+ 4 app.); v2: modifications to improve clarity, match published version, available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10714-016-2054-

    Quantum Gravity from Timelike Liouville theory

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    A proper definition of the path integral of quantum gravity has been a long-standing puzzle because the Weyl factor of the Euclidean metric has a wrong-sign kinetic term. We propose a definition of two-dimensional Liouville quantum gravity with cosmological constant using conformal bootstrap for the timelike Liouville theory coupled to supercritical matter. We prove a no-ghost theorem for the states in the BRST cohomology. We show that the four-point function constructed by gluing the timelike Liouville three-point functions is well defined and crossing symmetric (numerically) for external Liouville energies corresponding to \textit{all} physical states in the BRST cohomology with the choice of the Ribault-Santachiara contour for the internal energy.Comment: 42 page