448 research outputs found

    La cultura de alto rendimiento y los procesos de logística en una empresa del sector metalmecánico, Pucallpa,2022

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    El estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación que existe entre la cultura de alto rendimiento y los procesos de logística en una empresa del sector metalmecánico, Pucallpa,2022. El enfoque fue cuantitativo, tipo aplicado, diseño no experimental, transversal, correlacional; la muestra estuvo conformada por 25 trabajadores de una empresa del sector metalmecánico de la ciudad de Pucallpa durante el período enero-abril del año 2022; se usaron dos cuestionarios válidos a juicio de expertos y con un Alfa de Cronbach de 0.802 y 0.794, para procesar los resultados se usó el programa estadístico SPSS V26. Los resultados muestran que la cultura de alto rendimiento presenta un nivel regular en un 60%, mientras que los procesos de logística presentan un nivel regularmente eficiente en un 68%. Se concluyó que existe relación significativa entre la cultura de alto rendimiento y los procesos de logística en una empresa del sector metalmecánico, Pucallpa,2022; debido al valor obtenido en el Coeficiente de correlación de Pearson=0.961 que indica una muy alta correlación positiva, con significancia (p<0.01). Adoptar una cultura de alto rendimiento dentro de la empresa, permitirá que los trabajadores se desempeñan de mejor forma debido a que se sienten comprometidos, valorados y están continuamente aprendiendo

    Advanced Model of Eddy-Current NDE Inverse Problem with Sparse Grid Algorithm

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    In model-based inverse problem, some unknown parameters need to be estimated. These parameters are used not only to characterize the physical properties of cracks, but also to describe the position of the probes (such as lift off and angles) in the calibration. After considering the effect of the position of the probes in the inverse problem, the accuracy of the inverse result will be improved.With increasing the number of the parameters in the inverse problems, the burden of calculations will increase exponentially in the traditional full grid method. The sparse grid algorithm which introduced by Sergey A. Smolyak was used in our work. With this algorithm, we obtain a powerful interpolation method that requires significantly fewer support nodes than conventional interpolation on a full grid. In this work,we combined sparse grid toolbox TASMANIAN which is produced by Oak Ridge National Laboratory and professional eddy-current NDE software VIC-3D®to solve a specific inverse problem. An advanced model based on our previous one is used to estimate depth and width of the crack, lift off and two angles of the position of probes. Considering the calibration process, pseudorandom noise is considered in the model and statistics behavior is discussed

    Advances in developing multiscale flaw models for eddy-current NDE

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    The need to accurately model multiscale phenomena is ubiquitous in eddy-current nondestructive evaluation. By using volume-integral equations, we are able to develop a very simple algorithm for accurately computing the response of a very small anomaly in the presence of a much larger one. We validate the algorithm and its associated code inVIC-3D{copyright, serif} through benchmark data on two test sets: (1) a notch at a bolt hole with an upper surface coil, and (2) a notch in a bolt hole with a plate surface coil

    Recent Developments in Modeling Eddy-Current Probe-Flaw Interactions

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    A number of industries have been traditional users of eddy-current technology in nondestructive evaluation (NDE). The traditional mode of eddy-current inspection has been ‘monostatic,’ in which a single probe is used as both a ‘transmitter’ and ‘receiver’ Research in these industries now indicates the value of using ‘bistatic,’ or even ‘multistatic’ probe configurations, in which a single probe is used as a transmitter, and one or more probes are used as receivers. The probes may be either air core, or ferrite core, or perhaps a combination. Some examples of bistatic configurations are the split-core differential probe, and remote-field probes. The industry is turning to computer codes that are based on sophisticated computational electromagnetics algorithms in order to design these probes, and to interpret the signals that arise from the interaction of these probes with flaws

    Critical vacancy density for melting in two-dimensions:The case of high density Bi on Cu(111)

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    The two-dimensional melting/solidification transition of the high density [2012] phase of Bi on Cu(111) has been studied by means of low energy electron microscopy (LEEM). This well defined phase has an ideal concentration of one Bi atom per two Cu surface atoms (θ Bi = 0.500). The Bi density is determined accurately in situ and the highest melting temperature of 538 K occurs at exactly θ Bi = 0.500. A significantly reduced melting temperature is observed for lower Bi densities (θ Bi 0.500. At |Δ θ Bi| = 0.015 the melting temperature is reduced by about 20 K. This lowering of the melting temperature is attributed to a critical vacancy density at melting and we propose that this quantity triggers the 2D solid-liquid phase transition. For this particular system, the critical vacancy fraction for melting amounts to 5%-6%. Above θ Bi = 0.500 and near melting a homogeneous, unilaterally compressed phase, '[2012]' is observed, with a density that increases continuously with coverage. It is commensurate along and incommensurate along The ability to distinguish between Bi accommodated within the '[2012]' phase and Bi residing on top as a lattice gas by applying LEEM is of crucial importance for the analysis
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