281 research outputs found

    Сучасний стан гончарства Гуцульщини та Покуття (за матеріалами керамологічної експедиції Інституту керамології – відділення Інституту народознавства НАН України та Національного музею-заповідника українського гончарства в Опішному)

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    6–17 червня 2007 року співробітниками Національного музею-заповідника українського гончарства в Опішному та науковцями Інституту керамології було проведено керамологічну експедицію до таких гончарних осередків Івано-Франківської області: Косів, Коломия, Кути, Пистинь

    Appropriate Delivery of Advice and Guidance on Method Adaptation

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    One can find enough evidence in the IS development (ISD) literature supporting the significance of method adaptation for the realization of an effective ISD. Method adaptation involves a decision making process through which the agent(s) modifies the project situation, including the method and the project context, at hand. This paper aims at exploring how a better delivery of guidance and advice (decision support) on method adaptation, i.e. the degree of which the decision support to be provided is employed successfully, can be achieved. To do this we study several stages in which a set of advice and guidance with some decision support tools on method adaptation realized in a large-scale IT department. Each stage is distinguished with respect to the underlying discourses proposed in the decision support literature and elaborated in terms of the method used, the involved parties concerning method adaptation, and the means used in a ten-year timeline in the department. This study shows that agility of the method used, the degree of sharedness of the meaning of method adaptation held by involved parties, the decision support approach (top-down, bottom-up, or middle-out approaches reflecting the degree of dominations of involved parties) to method adaptation, and the combination of human- and technology-driven guidance are essential to an appropriate delivery of decision support for method adaptation

    Фактор страху в ранньомодерних теоріях держави: проект Томаса Гоббса

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    Стаття присвячена висвітленню трансформаційних форм та місця феномену страху в політичній теорії Т. Гоббса, значення страху в принципах державного суверенітету.Статья посвящена исследованию трансформационных форм и места феномена страха в политической теории Т. Гоббса, его значение в принципе государственного суверенитета.The article is devoted to research the transformation forms and place of the phenomenon of fear in the political theory of Thomas Hobbs, its value in the principle of state sovereignty

    On the Adaptation of an Agile Information Systems Development Method

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    Little specific research has been conducted to date on the adaptation of agile information systems development (ISD) methods. This article presents the work practice in dealing with the adaptation of such a method in the ISD department of one of the leading financial institutes in Europe. Two forms of method adaptation, static adaptation and dynamic adaptation, are introduced and discussed in detail. We provide some insights plus an instrument that the ISD department studied uses to deal with the dynamic method adaptation. To enhance our understanding of the observed practice, we take into account two complementary perspectives: the engineering perspective and the socio-organizational perspective. Practical and theoretical implications of this study are discussed.Keywords: agile method; information systems development; method adaptation; method engineerin


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate if ischemic preconditioning (IPC) prior to eccentric exercise of the elbow flexors leads to alterations in muscle oxygen saturation (SmO2) during loading. Additionally, parameters of muscle damage, like serum creatine kinase, were assessed following the loading protocol. Nineteen untrained males were allocated into two groups: (1) performing IPC prior to eccentric exercise (IPC+ECC; n=10) and (2) performing eccentric exercise only (n=9). Muscle damage parameters were significantly lower in IPC+ECC (p2 during eccentric loading (ischemia) as well as the subsequent increase of SmO2 (reperfusion) were lower in IPC+ECC (

    Higher Education Systems and Institutions, Luxembourg

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    Bordered by Belgium, France, and Germany, Luxembourg is one of the three main seats of the European Union’s institutions. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg sits at the crossroads between Europe’s Germanic and Francophone language communities. The country has experienced remarkable migratory flows, resulting in an ethnically hyper-diverse and multilingual population. Reflecting this cultural diversity, the educational system at all levels emphasizes language learning. Historically an agrarian society, a century ago it developed a very strong steelmaking industry and over the past decades has witnessed extraordinary growth in its financial services sector. Established to broaden the economic bases of the country, thus reducing overreliance on the steel and banking industries, yet against considerable pecuniary and ideological resistance, the national flagship University of Luxembourg (UL) was founded in 2003 upon initiative of a small group of elite decisionmakers. As a private, government-dependent institution (établissement public) directed by a Board of Governors (Conseil de Gouvernance), the university’s major funding is provided by the state, although its third-party funding has increased rapidly and substantially. Ironically, while spatial mobility is everywhere supported, Luxembourg has invested considerable capital and strategic planning in establishing its own national university. It aims to compete globally by concentrating its intellectual and financial resources and by building on the country’s strengths and priorities. The state took this ambitious step in scientific capacity-building in founding a research-oriented university, in so doing also providing a stay-at-home alternative for Luxembourg’s youth, traditionally educated abroad. The long-standing custom of educating elites in other countries was ostensibly justified by the establishment of cosmopolitan, Europe-wide networks. Today, rising international competition and supranational coordination have increased pressure on Luxembourg to grow its higher education system and thus also foster educational and scientific innovation. The University provides a means to diversify the economy and to integrate citizens from diverse cultural background, while the polity remains dominated by local elites. Oriented towards the Grand Duchy’s unique context—small size, but simultaneously flourishing center of European governance and international business—the University was founded upon the principles of internationality, multilingualism, and interdisciplinarity