9 research outputs found

    Моделирование развития машиностроения на базе теории нечетких множеств

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    Methodology. The study is based on general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, comparison, formalization, and others) and methods of statistical data analysis. The data regarding the main indicators of engineering enterprises’ activities (the number of enterprises, the number of employed workers, average monthly nominal salary of workers, the volume of products sold by machine-building enterprises), as well as the volume of direct investments from Ukraine to economies of the world for the period of 2010‒2017, was provided by the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. The apparatus of fuzzy logic (fuzzy sets) was used for studying and modeling the development of Ukraine’s machine-building industry in the near future. This is one of the most effective mathematical theories aimed at formalizing and processing uncertainty of information. Findings. The paper discusses the development trends of the machine-building in Ukraine for the period of 2010‒2017. Despite the fact that in the structure of investments in fixed assets the machine-building complex makes up a large third, it was found that during 2010–2017 the number of enterprises and employed workers involved in the field of machine-building was steadily declining. Using the tools of economic and mathematical modeling based on fuzzy sets, the authors developed a model for assessing the level of development of the machine-building industry in the near future. According to the simulation performed, an optimistic and pessimistic forecast was developed taking into account and without taking into account the proposed parameters that currently affect the activities of machine-building enterprises in the context of the new geopolitical situationTo analyze the state of development of Ukraine’s machine-building industry as a whole and its individual sub-sectors at the background of modern macro, micro-environment and in the context of new geopolitical situation. The task was set to model the development of the industry on the basis of the theory of fuzzy sets and to formulate suggestions for economic cooperation with foreign investors, in particular EU countries in the field of machine-buildingОцінка стану розвитку машинобудівної галузі України в цілому та окремих її підгалузей на фоні сучас­ного макро­, мікросередовища та в контексті нової гео­політичної ситуації. Для вироблення пропозицій щодо економічного співробітництва з іноземними інвестора­ми, зокрема, країнами ЄС у сфері машинобудування, по­ставлено завдання здійснити моделювання розвитку га­лузі на базі теорії нечітких множин.Анализ состояния развития машиностроитель­ной отрасли Украины в целом и отдельных ее подотрас­лей на фоне современной макро­, микросреды и в кон­тексте новой геополитической ситуации. Для выработки предложений по экономическому сотрудничеству с ино­странными инвесторами, в частности, странами ЕС в сфере машиностроения, поставлена задача осуществить моделирование развития отрасли на базе теории нечет­ких множеств