323 research outputs found

    Why does wurtzite form in nanowires of III-V zinc-blende semiconductors?

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    We develop a nucleation-based model to explain the formation of the wurtzite (WZ) crystalline phase during the vapor-liquid-solid growth of free-standing nanowires of zinc-blende (ZB) semiconductors. We first show that, in nanowires, nucleation generally occurs at the outer edge of the solid/liquid interface (the triple phase line) rather than elsewhere at the solid/liquid interface. In the present case, this entails major differences between ZB and WZ nuclei. Depending on the pertinent interface energies, WZ nucleation is favored at high liquid supersaturation. This explains our systematic observation of ZB during the early stages of nanowire growth.Comment: 4 pages with 4 figures Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Giant spin-dependent photo-conductivity in GaAsN dilute nitride semiconductor

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    A theoretical and experimental study of the spin-dependent photoconductivity in dilute Nitride GaAsN is presented. The non linear transport model we develop here is based on the rate equations for electrons, holes, deep paramagnetic and non paramagnetic centers both under CW and pulsed optical excitation. Emphasis is given to the effect of the competition between paramagnetic centers and non paramagnetic centers which allows us to reproduce the measured characteristics of the spin-dependent recombination power dependence. Particular attention is paid to the role of an external magnetic field in Voigt geometry. The photoconductivity exhibits a Hanle-type curve whereas the spin polarization of electrons shows two superimposed Lorentzian curves with different widths, respectively related to the recombination of free and trapped electrons. The model is capable of reproducing qualitatively and quantitatively the most important features of photoluminescence and photocurrent experiments and is helpful in providing insight on the various mechanisms involved in the electron spin polarization and filtering in GaAsN semiconductors.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Room temperature Giant Spin-dependent Photoconductivity in dilute nitride semiconductors

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    By combining optical spin injection techniques with transport spectroscopy tools, we demonstrate a spin-photodetector allowing for the electrical measurement and active filtering of conduction band electron spin at room temperature in a non-magnetic GaAsN semiconductor structure. By switching the polarization of the incident light from linear to circular, we observe a Giant Spin-dependent Photoconductivity (GSP) reaching up to 40 % without the need of an external magnetic field. We show that the GSP is due to a very efficient spin filtering effect of conduction band electrons on Nitrogen-induced Ga self-interstitial deep paramagnetic centers.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The mathematical analysis of a syntrophic relationship between two microbial species in a chemostat

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    A mathematical model involving a syntrophic relationship between two populations of bacteria in a continuous culture is proposed. A detailed qualitative analysis is carried out as well as the analysis of the local and global stability of the equilibria. We demonstrate, under general assumptions of monotonicity which are relevant from an applied point of view, the asymptotic stability of the positive equilibrium point which corresponds to the coexistence of the two bacteria. A syntrophic relationship in the anaerobic digestion process is proposed as a real candidate for this model

    Bifurcation and stability analysis of a two step model for monitoring anaerobic digestion processes

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    This paper deals with the equilibria and stability analysis of the two step anaerobic model initially proposed by [12] to describe the dynamical behavior of an anaerobic fixed-bed wastewater treatment process. In a first part, the model is analyzed: its equilibria and their stability are established considering qualitative properties of the kinetics. In a second part, it is shown that the overloading tolerance (denoted herein OT), a parameter proposed in [9] to monitor anaerobic processes on-line, may not be suitable for monitoring the system and even causes serious problems under certain functioning conditions. Based on the analysis results established in the first part, a modified OT is proposed and evaluated in simulation

    Analysis of serum lipid profile in adult female smokers in Erbil city, Kurdistan region of Iraq

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    Background: There are few studies demonstrated the association between smoking and lipid profile in female adult smokers. Materials and Methods: This study conducted to determine and compare the serum lipid profile of female adult smokers with non-female smokers, known as controls. In 180 female subjects, the level of serum lipid profile measured. Results: Of these, 110 were smokers and 70 non-smokers (control) aged between 25 and 50 years. The study involved only smokers who had smoked for more than 5 years. Our result revealed that mean serum of total cholesterol (275.2 ± 32.6 mg/dl), triacylglycerol (188.4 ± 56.42 mg/dl), very low density lipoprotein (36.6 ± 14.2 mg/dl), low density lipoprotein (133.21 ± 9.81 mg/dl) were significantly higher in female smokers as compared to non-female smokers with mean of serum total cholesterol (172.3 ± 18.6 mg/dl), very low density lipoprotein (21.8 ± 9.6 mg/dl), triglyceride (108 ± 8.84 mg/dl), low density lipoprotein (94.54 ± 8.5 mg/dl). However, the mean of serum value for high density lipoprotein cholesterol in chronic female smokers was lower (44.6 ± 4.6 mg/dl) than in non-female smokers (55.3 ± 8.2 mg/dl). Conclusion: This study indicated that smoking cigarettes in female cause’s dyslipidemia, resulting in increased risk of cardiovascular disease among smokers

    Ultrafast observation of lattice dynamics in laser-irradiated gold foils

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    We have observed the lattice expansion before the onset of compression in an optical-laser-driven target, using diffraction of femtosecond X-ray beams generated by the SPring-8 Angstrom Compact Free-electron Laser. The change in diffraction angle provides a direct measure of the lattice spacing, allowing the density to be calculated with a precision of ±1%. From the known equation of state relations, this allows an estimation of the temperature responsible for the expansion as <1000 K. The subsequent ablation-driven compression was observed with a clear rise in density at later times. This demonstrates the feasibility of studying the dynamics of preheating and shock formation with unprecedented detail.N. J. Hartley, N. Ozaki, T. Matsuoka, B. Albertazzi, A. Faenov, Y. Fujimoto, H. Habara, M. Harmand, Y. Inubushi, T. Katayama, M. Koenig, A. Krygier, P. Mabey, Y. Matsumura, S. Matsuyama, E. E. McBride, K. Miyanishi, G. Morard, T. Okuchi, T. Pikuz, O. Sakata, Y. Sano, T. Sato, T. Sekine, Y. Seto, K. Takahashi, K. A. Tanaka, Y. Tange, T. Togashi, Y. Umeda, T. Vinci, M. Yabashi, T. Yabuuchi, K. Yamauchi, and R. Kodama , "Ultrafast observation of lattice dynamics in laser-irradiated gold foils", Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 071905 (2017) https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4976541

    Indirect monitoring shot-to-shot shock waves strength reproducibility during pump-probe experiments

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    We present an indirect method of estimating the strength of a shock wave, allowing on line monitoring of its reproducibility in each laser shot. This method is based on a shot-to-shot measurement of the X-ray emission from the ablated plasma by a high resolution, spatially resolved focusing spectrometer. An optical pump laser with energy of 1.0 J and pulse duration of ∌660 ps was used to irradiate solid targets or foils with various thicknesses containing Oxygen, Aluminum, Iron, and Tantalum. The high sensitivity and resolving power of the X-ray spectrometer allowed spectra to be obtained on each laser shot and to control fluctuations of the spectral intensity emitted by different plasmas with an accuracy of ∌2%, implying an accuracy in the derived electron plasma temperature of 5%-10% in pump-probe high energy density science experiments. At nano- and sub-nanosecond duration of laser pulse with relatively low laser intensities and ratio Z/A ∌ 0.5, the electron temperature follows Te ∌ Ilas2/3. Thus, measurements of the electron plasma temperature allow indirect estimation of the laser flux on the target and control its shot-to-shot fluctuation. Knowing the laser flux intensity and its fluctuation gives us the possibility of monitoring shot-to-shot reproducibility of shock wave strength generation with high accuracy.T. A. Pikuz, A. Ya. Faenov, N. Ozaki, N. J. Hartley, B. Albertazzi, T. Matsuoka, K. Takahashi, H. Habara, Y. Tange, S. Matsuyama, K. Yamauchi, R. Ochante, K. Sueda, O. Sakata, T. Sekine, T. Sato, Y. Umeda, Y. Inubushi, T. Yabuuchi, T. Togashi, T. Katayama, M. Yabashi, M. Harmand, G. Morard, M. Koenig, V. Zhakhovsky, N. Inogamov, A. S. Safronova, A. Stafford, I. Yu. Skobelev, S. A. Pikuz, T. Okuchi, Y. Seto, K. A. Tanaka, T. Ishikawa, and R. Kodama, "Indirect monitoring shot-to-shot shock waves strength reproducibility during pump–probe experiments", Journal of Applied Physics 120, 035901 (2016) https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4958796
