3 research outputs found

    Občutljivost za antibiotike pri povzročiteljih nezapletenega cistitisa v Sloveniji

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    Background: Acute uncomplicated cystitis in women is a common reason for antibiotic treatment in the outpatient clinic of family doctors. Microbiological diagnostics is not indicated; treatment is generally empirical and based on guidelines and recommendations. Therefore, we do not have representative data on the incidence and sensitivity of pathogens from regular laboratory work. Special targeted research is needed. Methods: We present the results of the prospective research conducted in four regional laboratories of the Centre for Medical Microbiology NLZOH between 15 September 2017 and 31 December 2019. We included 110 female patients with suspected acute uncomplicated cystitis who completed a questionnaire and submitted urine samples for microbiological examination. Results: The result of urine examination was positive in 79 patients (71.8%). Among all isolates, the most common bacterium was Escherichia coli (74%), followed by Staphylococcus saprophyticus (10%), and others. The susceptibility of E. coli to trimethoprim with sulfamethoxazole was 85.5%, to nitrofurantoin 98.4%, and to fosfomycin 100%. S. saprophyticus isolates were susceptible to the tested antibiotics except for fosfomycin, against which the bacterium is intrinsically resistant. The total susceptibility of all isolates was 85.8% - 88.2% for trimethoprim with sulfamethoxazole, 88.1% - 95.2% for nitrofurantoin, 73.8% - 80.8% for fosfomycin, 72.6% for ampicillin and amoxicillin, 97.7% for cefadroxil, and 98.9% for amoxicillin with clavulanate acid. A comparison with the results of monitoring bacterial resistance as part of the regular work of microbiological laboratories shows significant differences for most of the tested antibiotics. Conclusion: The research results show a relatively good susceptibility of the causative agents of acute uncomplicated cystitis to oral antibiotics, the only exception being amoxicillin

    Infections Caused By Community-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus European Clone (ST80) In Slovenia Between 2006 And 2013

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    According to the existing literature, a heterogeneous sequence type (ST) or clones of community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) circulate in Europe. In Europe, the European clone that belongs to sequence type ST80 is predominant

    Diversity of C. difficile PCR ribotypes isolated from hospitalised patients in Slovenia during two-winter-month period

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    Izhodišča: Clostridium difficile je trenutno v svetu med najpomembnejšimi povzročitelji bolnišničnih črevesnih okužb. Seve lahko nadalje razlikujemo z ribotipizacijo. Nekateri ribotipi (npr. 027) so v številnih evropskih državah povezani z obširnimi izbruhi, povišano obolevnostjo in povišano smrtnostjo. V tem prispevku opisujemo razširjenost različnih ribotipov na območju celotne Slovenije. Metode: Seve bakterije C. difficile, ki so jih osamili v vseh osmih laboratorijih, kjer v Sloveniji diagnosticirajo bakterijo C. difficile, smo ribotpizirali. Prav tako smo zbrali podatke o skupnem številu opravljenih preiskav na C. difficile ter demografske podatke (starost in spol bolnikov). Rezultati: V dvomesečnem zimskem obdobju je bilo v Sloveniji testiranih skupaj 860 vzorcev, od teh je bilo pozitivnih 154 (17,9 %) vzorcev pri 125 bolnikih. Odstotek pozitivnih vzorcev v posameznem laboratoriju se je gibal od 13,3 do 43,2 %. Dva od osmih laboratorijev (oba iz primorsko-obalne regije) v času študije nista imela pozitivnih vzorcev. Tipiziranih je bilo 149 sevov. Uvrstili smo jih v 35 ribotipov, vendar je bilo več kot polovica sevov (57,7 %) v samo dveh ribotipih, 027 in 014/020. Ribotip 027 v Sloveniji do leta 2010 ni bil zaznan, v tej študiji je bil najpogostejši ribotip, prevladoval pa je v severovzhodni regiji. Zaključki: Raznolikost sevov C. difficile v Sloveniji je velika. Prevladovanje ribotipa 027 in visok odstotek pozitivnih vzorcev v nekaterih regijah kažejo na možnost izbruhov okužbe.Background: Clostridium difficile is an important cause of nosocomial diarrhoea. Strains arefurther differentiated into PCR ribotypes, andsome ribotypes (e.g. 027) are often associated with outbreaks, increased disease severity and increased mortality. Here we describe the diversity of C. difficile among human isolates in Slovenia. Methods: All eight microbiological diagnostic laboratories providing C. difficile diagnostics in Slovenia have participated. Isolates from two month- winter period were collected and ribotyped.The following data were also collected from the laboratories: number of all tested samples, number of all positive samples, and patient age and gender. Results: In a two-month period, altogether 860 samples were tested for C. difficile in all participating laboratories. Of those, 154 (17.9 %) samples from 125 patients were positive. The percentage of positive samples in different laboratories ranged from 13.3 to 43.2%. Two out of eight laboratoriesdid not have positive samples. C. difficile strains(n= 149) were grouped into 35 ribotypes. However, 57.7% of all strains belonged only to two PC Rribotypes (027 and 014/020). PCR ribotype 027 was not present in Slovenia until 2010, but was in this study the most prevalent PCR ribotype and present mainly in the northeast region. Conclusions: There is a substantial diversity of C. difficile ribotypes in Slovenia. A high prevalence of ribotype 027 and a high percentage of positive samples in some laboratories indicate the presence of C. difficile outbreaks