9 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Lanjut Penyebaran Lalat Argentina sebagai Pengendali Gulma Siam

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    The stem-galling fly, Cecidochares connexa is one of the natural enemies introduced into Indonesia for the control Siam weed (Chromolaena odorata). The research investigated to know the spread and establisment of C. connexa in Central Java and East Java. Survey was done in six districts started from Gunung Kidul until Madiun for sampling of Siam weed stems and calculate the parasitations of C. connexa. The results showed that C. connexa as natural enemies of Siam weed has established in Central Java and East Java with parasitation of stem reached 54.33%. C. connexa have spread more than 200 km from first site-released location in Wanagama I, Yogyakarta.Cecidochares connexa merupakan salah satu jenis serangga musuh alami yang pernah diintroduksikan ke Indonesia untuk mengendalikan gulma siam (Chromolaena odorata). Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui jangkauan penyebaran C. connexa di sekitar Yogyakarta ke arah timur dan utara dari lokasi penyebaran awal di hutan Wanagama I Yogyakarta. Survei dilakukan di Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur pada enam kabupaten di sebelah timur lokasi pelepasan lalat C. connexa, yaitu Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Wonogiri, Ponorogo, Madiun, Ngawi, dan Pacitan. Tingkat kemapanan lalat C. connexa dihitung berdasarkan persentase parasitasinya dengan mengamati keberadaan puru. Hasil menunjukan bahwa lalat C. connexa telah mapan di Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur dengan tingkat parasitasi mencapai 54,33%. Lalat tersebut telah berhasil menyebar pada radius lebih dari 200 km dari lokasi pelepasan awal di hutan Wanagama I

    Keragaman Genetik Metarhizium Anisopliae dan Virulensinya pada Larva Kumbang Badak (Oryctes Rhinoceros)

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    Rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros) is one of the important pests of coconut tree. One of eco-friendly control applied for this pest is by using entomopathogenic fungiMetarhizium anisopliae. There is not much information about the variability and virulence of M. anisopliae toward O. rhinoceros. M. anisopliae isolates obtained from Biological Control Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada were cultured on PDA medium.M. anisopliae isolates was isolated from O. rhinoceros larvae (MaOr), Lepidiota stigma larvae (MaLs), Brontispa longissima beetle (MaBl).O. rhinoceros beetles were obtained from Kulon Progo, DIY. This study used molecular test, and virulence test toward 3rd stadium of O. rhinoceros larvae by using dipping method. Molecular test by sequence and phylogenetic analysis, showed that MaOr was located at different group (out group) with MaLs and MaBr. On the density 107 conidium/ml MaOr and MaLs were more virulent than MaBl towards 3rd stadium of O. rhinoceros larvae.INTISARIKumbang badak (Oryctes rhinoceros) merupakan salah satu hama penting pada tanaman kelapa. Salah satu upaya pengendalian yang ramah lingkungan adalah dengan menggunakan jamur entomopatogen, yakni Metarhizium anisopliae. Belum banyak diketahui mengenai keragaman dan juga virulensi dari M. anisopliae terhadap O. rhinoceros. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keragaman genetik M. anisopliae dan virulensinya pada larva kumbang badak. Isolat yang digunakan berasal dari Laboratorium Pengendalian Hayati, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Gadjah Mada dalam bentuk kultur murni pada medium PDA. Isolat yang gunakan diisolasi dari larvaOryctes rhinoceros (MaOr), larva Lepidiota stigma (MaLs), dan kumbang Brontispa longissima (MaBl). Serangga yang diuji berasal dari daerah Kulon Progo, DIY. Pengujian secara molekuler dengan analisis sekuensing dan filogenetik, menunjukkan bahwa isolat MaOr terletak pada grup yang berbeda dengan MaLs dan MaBl berdasarkan pada urutan basa DNA. Pada kerapatan 107 konidium/ml isolat MaOr dan MaLs lebih virulen terhadap larva O. rhinoceros instar 3 dibandingkan dengan MaBl

    Dampak Erupsi Merapi 2010 terhadap Serangga Penyerbuk Bunga Salak

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    The research was aimed at determining the impact of Merapi eruption in 2010 on pollinator insect of Salacca edulis. The research was conducted at Keringan hamlet, Wonokerto village, Turi District, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Territory. Species and population of the insect were observed at salacca plantation that were damaged by Merapi eruption in 2010 in the following category: heavy damage, medium damage, light damage, and undamaged. Five respondents and 10 salacca plants/respondent were sampled for each of the damage category. Respondents were interviewed to understand their perception on the eruption impact against the pollinator insect. Results showed that the pollinator insect was Nodocnemis sp. The insect population was significantly influenced by the eruption. Population average on the damage category of heavy, medium, light, and undamaged were 8.59, 17.33, 31.35, and 61.10 individuals/flower, respectively. The insect population was also significantly influenced by the flower development, the highest population was observed on blooming stage (92.33 individuals/flower), while on stage of pre-and post blooming were 17.37 and 8.14 individuals/flower, respectively. The farmer respondents understood about the role of pollinator insect. They thought that the Merapi eruption influenced negatively to the pollinator insect. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak erupsi Merapi terhadap serangga penyerbuk bunga salak (Salacca edulis). Penelitian dilakukan di kebun salak di Dusun Keringan, Desa Wonokerto, Kecamatan Turi, Kabupaten Sleman, Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, selama bulan Maret−Mei 2011. Jenis dan populasi serangga penyerbuk diamati in situ pada bunga salak yang belum mekar, mekar, dan lewat mekar. Bunga salak diamati di kebun salak yang rusak akibat erupsi Merapi 2010 berdasarkan kategori rusak berat, rusak sedang, rusak ringan, dan tidak rusak. Pada setiap kategori kerusakan kebun diambil sampel 5 (lima) petani salak responden dan 10 pohon salak jantan yang berbunga diambil dari kebun milik masing-masing responden. Wawancara terhadap petani dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui kesan petani terhadap dampak erupsi Merapi terhadap serangga penyerbuk bunga salak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis serangga penyerbuk adalah Nodocnemis sp. Populasi Nodocnemis sp. secara signifikan (P <0.05) dipengaruhi oleh erupsi Merapi. Rerata populasi (ekor/tandan bunga jantan) pada kebun yang rusak berat, rusak sedang, rusak ringan, dan tidak rusak sebesar 8,59; 17,33; 31,35; dan 61,10. Populasi Nodocnemis sp. juga dipengaruhi oleh tingkat perkembangan bunga salak; paling tinggi pada bunga mekar (92,33 ekor/tandan bunga jantan), sedang pada bunga belum mekar dan lewat mekar sebesar 17,37 dan 8,14 ekor/tandan bunga jantan. Petani responden paham tentang peran serangga penyerbuk bunga salak dan berkesan bahwa erupsi Merapi berdampak negatif terhadap serangga penyerbuk tersebut

    Impact of Abamectin on Anagrus Nilaparvatae, an Egg Parasitoid of Nilaparvata Lugens

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    Anagrus nilaparvatae (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) is an egg parasitoid potential for controlling the major pests on rice, the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens [Hemiptera: Delphacidae]).Abamectin is one of insecticides registered for N. lugens. The research was aimed to investigate the impact of contact application of abamectin on the parasitism level of A. nilaparvatae under laboratory conditions. Adults of A. nilaparvatae and the first instars as well as adults of N. lugens were exposed to the residue of abamection inside the test tube. A. nilaparvatae was much more susceptible to abamectin compared to N. lugens. Application of abamectin at the recommended concentration (22.78 ppm) for 30 min caused 100% mortality, and it reduced to 85% when the concentration was decreased to 0.36 ppm. In contrast, the mortality for the first instar of N. lugens was only 15% at 22.78 and no mortality at 0.36 ppm. No N. lugens adults died even when they were exposed to 22.78 ppm. Furthermore, the parasitism test was conducted using 38 days after planting of IR-64 rice variety. Those plants were infested with 50 females of N. lugens for 2 days. A. nilaparvatae were exposed by contact to 0.02, 0.23, and 2.28 ppm of abamectin. The survivors were released to the rice plant containing eggs of N. lugens. Contact application of abamectin reduced parasitism level of A. nilaparvatae as much as 86.34, 70.01, and 28.43% with concentrations of 2.28 ppm, 0.23 and 0.02 ppm, respectively. In addition, the number of parasitoids emerged decreased with increasing concentration of abamectin. These results suggest that abamectin could be detrimental to A. nilaparvatae due to direct mortality, reduced the parasitism level, and decreased the number of progeny produced. IntisariAnagrus nilaparvatae (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) merupakan salah satu parasitoid telur yang berpotensi untuk mengendalikan hama utama tanaman padi, wereng batang padi cokelat (Nilaparvata lugens [Hemiptera: Delphacidae]). Abamektin adalah salah satu insektisida yang terdaftar untuk pengendalian N. lugens. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak aplikasi kontak abamektin terhadap suseptibilitas dan tingkat parasitasi A. nilaparvatae terhadap telur N. lugens pada kondisi laboratorium. Imago A. nilaparvatae serta instar satu dan imago N. lugens dipapar dengan residu abamektin di dalam tabung reaksi. A. nilaparvatae lebih peka terhadap abamektin dibandingkan N. lugens. Aplikasi abamektin pada konsentrasi anjuran (22,78 ppm) selama 30 menit menyebabkan mortalitas A. nilaparvatae 100%, dan mengurangi sampai dengan 85% pada konsentrasi yang lebih rendah 0,36 ppm. Sebaliknya, mortalitas instar satu N. lugens hanya sebesar 15% pada 22,78 ppm dan tidak menimbulkan kematian pada 0,36 ppm. Konsentrasi 22,78 ppm tidak menimbulkan kematian imago N. lugens. Selanjutnya, uji parasitasi dilakukan menggunakan media tanaman padi varietas IR-64 umur 38 hari setelah tanam. Tanaman diinfestasi dengan 50 ekor betina N. lugens selama dua hari. A. nilaparvatae dipapar abamektin dengan metode kontak pada konsentrasi 0.02, 0,23, dan 2,28 ppm. Parasitoid yang mampu bertahan hidup dilepaskan pada tanaman padi yang telah diinfestasi telur N. lugens. Aplikasi kontak abamektin mengurangi tingkat parasitasi A. nilaparvatae sebesar 86,34, 70.01, dan 28,43% pada konsentrasi 2,28; 0,23; dan 0,02 ppm. Selain itu, jumlah parasitoid yang muncul semakin menurun dengan peningkatan konsentrasi abamektin. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa abamektin dapat merugikan secara langsung terhadap mortalitas serta mengurangi tingkat parasitasi dan jumlah keturunan A. nilaparvatae

    Kisaran Inang Hama Krepes

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    Krepes is an acarina which caused damaged to Auricularia sp. cultivation. The fungi attacked by acarina will be dead and decayed. The host range test were done by inoculating krepes on several edible mushroom and on several stages of cultivated Auricularia sp. The research show that krepes attacks only Auricularia sp., and attack all stages of cultivated Auricularia sp.

    Biology and Demography of Helopeltis Bradyi Waterhouse (Hemiptera: Miridae) Reared on Cucumbers

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    Helopeltis bradyi is often used as for research and is required in large numbers. The insects were obtained from cacao plants and reared with cucumber fruit in the laboratory. This study aimed to determine the biology and demography of H. bradyi reared on cucumber under laboratory conditions. The demographic parameters observed were net reproduction rate (Ro), gross reproduction rate (GRR), intrinsic growth rate (r), average generation period (T), and population doubling (DT). The results showed that the egg stage lasted for 6.33 ± 0.47 days, the developmental period of the I‒V instar nymph was 2.13 ± 0.34, 2.07 ± 0.25, 2.13 ± 0.34, 2.33 ± 0.47, and 3.20 ± 0.40 days. The lifespan of male imagoes were 32.33 ± 4.92 days, and female imagoes were 24.60 ± 6.64 days. The adult female pre-oviposition period was 2.2 ± 0.40 days and oviposition period of 22.9 ± 4.66 days. H. bradyi has a type III survival curve which indicated high mortality rates during the first instar egg and nymph population. Demographic statistics of H. bradyi on cucumbers fruit are GRR of 296 individuals per generation, Ro of 196 individuals per parent per generation, rate of r of 0.18 individuals per parent per day, T of 29.34 days, and DT of 3.85 days

    Characterization of a Baculovirus of Spodoptera Litura (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae) Isolated From YOGYAKARTA

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    A Baculovirus has been isolated from cadaver of larvae of Spodoptera litura, a Noctuidae of agricultural pest, importance due to its wide-range hosts and the damage to their respective host. Phase contrast light microscopy observation from infected larvae showed that the fat body, hemocyte cells, and cells surrounding the trachea or tracheolus were the most tissue invaded by polyhedra. Transmission electron microscopy analysis of the occlusion body purified from diseased larva showed that the baculovirus envelope containing multiple nucleocapsid. Digestion of viral DNA with three restriction enzymes showed that the genome pattern of baculovirus isolated from Bantul were close to SpliNPV isolated from Japan and those of Spodoptera littoralis and quite distinct from those isolated from Southeast Asia region. Bioassay test performed on first to fifth instar larvae showed that the virus effectively control the young larvae, but showed some level of resistance against older larvae of Spodoptera litura