2 research outputs found
Depresi juga dijelaskan dalam Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders V (2013) yang merupakan gangguan psikologis yang ditandai dengan munculnya kesedihan, perasaan hampa, perasaan sensitif, disertai dengan gejala somatis dan kognitif. Gejala-gejala tersebut dapat mempengaruhi fungsi dan kemampuan individu dalam melakukan kegiatan sehari-hari depresi merupakan sebuah gangguan yang berkaitan dengan adanya penyimpangan pada perasaan, cara berpikir, serta perilaku yang dimiliki oleh individu. Depresi dapat berkurang dengan beberapa terapi salah satunya terapi kognitif, sering disebut cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Terapi cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) merupakan terapi yang banyak digunakan untuk mengatasi berbagai masalah kejiwaan, termasuk stress, depresi dan gangguan kecemasan. Pendekatan terapi ini berfokus pada membantu individu mengidentifikasi dan mengubah pola pikir dan perilaku maladaptif, yang pada akhirnya mengarah pada peningkatan kesehatan mental dan kesejahteraan secara keseluruhan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Literature review. Pencarian literatur dilakukan terkait dengan efektifitas penerapan cognitive behavioral therapy  pada pasien depresi berikut: Proquest, Science Direct dan Wiley dari tahun 2019-2023 kata kunci “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy”, “Depresi”, Anxietas. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy mempengaruhi psikologis pasien terutama pada tingkat kecemasan dan depresi pasien. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ini dapat digunakan oleh perawat sebagai pendekatan non-farmakologis dalam membantu pasien agar tidak terlalu depresi dan cemas  saat menghadapi masalah mereka
The Effect of Cognitive Therapy on the Ability to Control Negative Thoughts in Low Self-Esteem Patients
Low self-esteem is the appearance of negative thoughts about the meaning of self as a response to a situation. Negative thoughts can influence how you think about yourself and how you view the world and can interfere with work, study, and daily activities. Therapy is cognitively focused on helping the client identify and correct maladaptive thoughts, type automatic behaviors, and change behaviors caused by various​ emotional problems. This research aims to analyze the influence of cognitive therapy on the ability to control negative thoughts in low self-esteem patients. This research uses a quantitative quasi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest non-equivalent group control design. The sample for this study was 64 respondents from patients with low self-esteem who were hospitalized, divided into 32 intervention groups and 32 control groups. The sampling technique for this research uses purposive sampling. Research data collection used the ATQ-B-15 (Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire–Believability-15) instrument. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, dependent t-test, and independent t-test. The results showed a change in the intervention group's ability to control negative thoughts before and after cognitive therapy (t=15.84; p=0.00). There was a difference in the ability to control negative thoughts in the post-test of the control and intervention groups (Sig.2-tailed=0.00 or p-value<0.05). Giving cognitive therapy has a significant influence on reducing the ability to control negative thoughts in low self-esteem patients.Low pride is the appearance of negative thoughts about the meaning of self as a response to a situation. Negative thoughts can influence how you think about yourself and how you view the world and can interfere with work, study, and daily activities. Therapy is cognitively focused on helping the client identify and correct maladaptive thoughts, type automatic behaviors, and change behaviors caused by various emotional problems. This research aims to analyze the influence of cognitive therapy on the ability to control negative thoughts in patients who price themselves low. This research uses a quantitative quasi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest non-equivalent group control design. The sample for this study was 64 respondents from patients with low self-esteem who were hospitalized, divided into 32 intervention groups and 32 control groups. The sampling technique for this research uses purposive sampling. Research data collection used the ATQ-B-15 ( Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire – Believability- 15 ) instrument. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, dependent t-test, and independent t-test. The results showed a change in the intervention group's ability to control negative thoughts before and after cognitive therapy (t = 15.84 ; p = 0.00). There was a difference in the ability to control negative thoughts in the post-test of the control and intervention groups ( Sig. (2-tailed) = 0.00 or p-value < 0.05). Giving cognitive therapy has a significant effect on reducing the ability to control negative thoughts in low self-esteem patients