42 research outputs found

    Analisis Efektvitas Program Revitalisasi Pasar Tradisional Di Pasar Bulu Kota Semarang

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    The existence of traditional market be on the skids here with rapid development of modern market. Presence of modern market that managed professionally claimed have been discrediting the presence of traditional market. Revitalization of traditional market is the effort to keep the existence of traditional market and increasing the competitiveness traditional market against modern market. This research is aim to analize the effectiveness of traditional market revitalization program in Pasar Bulu Semarang City and identifying the barrier factors of effectiveness revitalization program. The research result shows that traditional market\u27s revitalization program in Pasar Bulu Semarang City is not effective because not any change mindset of traders from traditional market to modern traditional market, decline acceptance of retribution in Pasar Bulu, funding revitalization is not allocated efficiently to build complete facilities in accordance with provisions, community dissatisfaction with information service in Pasar Bulu, a descline in the income of traders, not many people community invilvement in express their opinions, traders attitude and visitors can\u27t keep the cleanliness and discipliness of the market, a lot of facilities defect numbers that not repaired soon, and market maintener haven\u27t been able to enforce rules firmly shows with a lot numbers of problem that seems to be left and not followed soon

    Analisis Kinerja Bidang Kebudayaan Dinas Kebudayaan Dan Pariwisata Kota Semarang (Penanganan Lunturnya Nilai-nilai Budaya Masyarakat Di Kota Semarang)

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    The era of globalization, the erosion of local culture in Indonesia, declining interest and public concern Semarang city of art and culture, and performance Cultural Affairs D.C.T Semarang into the background in this study. The research objective to analyze the performance of Cultural Affairs D.C.T Semarang and describe the factors supporting and inhibiting performance of Cultural Affairs D.C.T Semarang in dealing with the erosion of cultural values of the people in the city of Semarang. This study uses the theory of organizational performance with five dimensions of organizational performance namely productivity, quality of service, responsiveness, responsibility, and accountability, while also enabling and inhibiting factors are derived from the internal and external environments. The approach used qualitative descriptive. The technique of collecting data through interviews, documentation, and literature study with employees of Cultural Affairs D.C.T informant Semarang. The results showed that the performance of Cultural Affairs D.C.T Semarang in handling the erosion of cultural values of the people in the city of Semarang can be said is good, but not yet maximal because there are constraints on the dimensions of productivity and quality of service that is the lack of coordination and cooperation and the lack of community participation. Supporting factors such as the objectives in the Strategic Plan 2010-2015 D.C.T Semarang year, the organizational structure is very good, quality human resources, the attitude of discipline and mutual cooperation, RPJMD policy, economic conditions and their budgets, community participation when a big event, and public criticism and suggestions. While the inhibiting factors that limited human resources, regulations, central and local government is so strict about the grant, the absence of authority in the national film industry, certification of cultural heritage, and preservation of the Java language, limited budget, and lack of participation, interest and public awareness to conservation culture. Suggested of Cultural Affairs can improve productivity, maximize cooperation has been established, adding cooperation networks, and coordinate with the Central Government and R.E.A Semarang

    Penilaian Kinerja Pegawai Puskesmas Rowosari, Kecamatan Tembalang, Semarang

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    Salah satu upaya meningkatkan produktivitas Pegawai Negeri Sipil adalah melalui penilaian kinerja pegawai, penilaian dengan DP3 dianggap sudah tidak efektif karena sifatnya yang rahasia, penilaian bersifat subjektif, serta tidak adanya umpan Balik terhadap hasil penilaian. Perbaikan sistem penilaian kinerja pegawai menggabungkan antara penilaian Sasaran Kerja Pegawai dengan penilaian Perilaku Kerja yang diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 46 Tahun 2011. Salah satu Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat (Puskesmas) yang telah menerapkan sistem penilaian kinerja pegawai berdasarkan Sasaran Kerja Pegawai (SKP) dan Perilaku Kerja adalah Puskesmas Rowosari, Kecamatan Tembalang, Semarang. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa Input (5w+1H) dari penilaian kinerja pegawai yang dilakukan oleh puskesmas telah mengacu pada teori-teori manajemen. Ditinjau dari proses yang dilakukan baik pelatihan maupun penjelasan singkat (briefing) terkait sistem penilaian kinerja pegawai, belum berjalan secara maksimal. Ditinjau dari Output penilaian kinerja pegawai yang dilakukan oleh Puskesmas Rowosari diakui oleh pegawai mampu meningkatkan disiplin kerja serta motivasi kerja merek

    Analisis Efektivitas Organisasi Dalam Program Pelayanan Administrasi Terpadu Kecamatan (PATEN) Di Kecamatan Gunungpati Kota Semarang

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    Public services with good quality is required by community. The government passed a regulation that Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 4 Tahun 2010 Tentang Pedoman Pelayanan Administrasi Terpadu Kecamatan (PATEN) to create public service with good quality. PATEN aims to improve the quality of service and bring the service closer to the community. The purpose of this study are to describe and try to analize organizational effectiveness of subdistrict integrated administrative services program in Subdistrict Gunungpati Semarang and to describe any proponent or resistor factors which influence effectiveness of District Gunungpati's Office. The results of this study is shown that organizational effectiveness of PATEN in Subdistrict Gunungpati Semarang is as expected. In the source approach, it can be seen that PATEN support facilities are available enough to be utilized by the community. Then on the process approach, communication is created dynamically and always apply the discussion. But still have constraints on the environmental characteristics of the limited number of employees and the extent of Gunungpati District as well as differences in educational background of local communities. The researcher suggested optimizing the role of kelurahan to implement the “ball picking” system and the orientation of the employees in providing the service should always be oriented to the private sector so that the attitude of the employees can be more flexible to adjust the background of the people who come

    Efektivitas Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Di Badan Kesatuan Bangsa Dan Politik Kota Semarang

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    Accounting information system effectiveness in Badan Kesatuan Bangsa dan Politik Kota Semarang is effected by a obligation to be accountable and transparent of state's finance by a financial statement that was made from acconting information system. The phenomena that affect the effectiveness of accounting information system were data security, time, accurancy, variation of output and relevancy. The affecting factor were human resources, time and completeness of data. The solutions that given are: (1) to increase the soft skill of human resources especially time discipline by giving a strict penalty to employee to discipline them, (2) to increase the ability of accounting information system to overcome system crash that can affected employee performance and (3) from the aspect of completeness of data, employees that are producing the finance data should be moved from manual system to accounting information system so that it will decrease the possibility of uncompleteness data by giving them a training

    Analisis Kinerja Organisasi Di Dinas Sosial, Tenaga Kerja, Dan Transmigrasi Kabupaten Semarang (Studi Kasus Pada Bidang Sosial Pelayanan Bantuan Dan Jaminan Sosial Terhadap Penyandang Masalah Kesejahteraan Sosial)

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    In addressing issues of social welfare, the Government and Local Government can provide assistance and social security as an embodiment of the implementation of the obligations of the state in securing the rights to the basic needs of citizens are poor and can not afford. The study will analyze the performance conducted by the Semarang District Social Service and the factors that drive and impede performance in the Semarang District Social Service assistance services and social security to social welfare issues (POM). This study uses the theory of organization and five dimensions of performance that productivity, the orientation of the quality of service, responsiveness, responsibility, and accountability with a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection techniques used through observation, interviews, documentation and literature study with the informant Semarang District Social Service employee. The results showed that the performance is done Semarang District Social Service less than optimal because it is still a barrier such as issues of human resources, facilities and infrastructure is not sufficient enough, the limited budgetary funds to community participation is minimal. There needs to penyelenggarakan education, training and skills, and increases the number of HR from recruitment of civil servants or increase the number of temporary employees, proposed adding the amount of the budget in accordance with the needs required at the district budget Semarang, procurement of equipment and facilities, to disseminate to PMKSs with skills training, as well as improving coordination with the public and business community in supporting the program of advisory services and social security