64 research outputs found

    COVID-19 : symptoms and spread

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    What symptoms does one experience if they have COVID-19? How long does it take to recover from infection? When is hospitalization likely to be necessary? Can asymptomatic people spread the infection? What precautions help minimize the risks of transmitting the infection

    Parity Violating Gravitational Coupling Of Electromagnetic Fields

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    A manifestly gauge invariant formulation of the coupling of the Maxwell theory with an Einstein Cartan geometry is given, where the space time torsion originates from a massless Kalb-Ramond field augmented by suitable U(1) Chern Simons terms.We focus on the situation where the torsion violates parity, and relate it to earlier proposals for gravitational parity violation.Comment: 7 Pages, Latex . no figures, Replaced with Revtex version, many references added and typos correcte

    Global Topology and Local Violation of Discrete Symmetries

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    Cosmological models that are locally consistent with general relativity and the standard model in which an object transported around the universe undergoes P, C and CP transformations, are constructed. This leads to generalization of the gauge fields that describe electro-weak and strong interactions by enlarging the gauge groups to include anti-unitary transformations. Gedanken experiments show that if all interactions obey Einstein causality then P, C and CP cannot be violated in these models. But another model, which would violate charge superselection rule even for an isolated system, is allowed. It is suggested that the fundamental physical laws must have these discrete symmetries which are broken spontaneously, or they must be non causal.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, latex, Revtex. Charge conjugation which is physically implemented in a cosmology with the appropriate topology is described in more detail. Some minor errors are corrected. Shortened to meet the page limit of Physical Review Letters to which this paper was submitte

    Further Evidence for Collimated Particle Beams from Pulsars, and Precession

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    We follow up on our (Radhakrishnan & Deshpande, 2001: RD01) radically different interpretation of the observed structures and morphologies in the x-ray observations of the nebulae around young pulsars (PWNe). In our general model for PWNe (RD01), originally motivated by the Chandra observations of the Vela X-ray nebula, the bright arcs, the jet-like feature and the diffuse components in such nebulae can be explained together in detail, wherein the arcs are understood as traces of the particle beams from the two magnetic poles at the shock front. We consider this as important evidence for collimated particle beams from pulsars' magnetic poles. In this paper, we discuss the variability in the features in the Vela X-ray nebula observed by Pavlov et al. (2003), and assess the relevance and implication of our model to the observations on the Crab and other remnants. Our basic picture after incorporating the signatures of free precession of the central compact object can readily account for the variability and significant asymmetries, including the bent jet-like features, in the observed morphologies. The implications of these findings are discussed.Comment: Minor revision; 12 (9+3) pages, 3 figures; To appear in Ap

    On the Emergence of the Microcanonical Description from a Pure State

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    We study, in general terms, the process by which a pure state can ``self-thermalize'' and {\em appear} to be described by a microcanonical density matrix. This requires a quantum mechanical version of the Gibbsian coarse graining that conceptually underlies classical statistical mechanics. We introduce some extra degrees of freedom that are necessary for this. Interaction between these degrees and the system can be understood as a process of resonant absorption and emission of ``soft quanta''. This intuitive picture allows one to state a criterion for when self thermalization occurs. This paradigm also provides a method for calculating the thermalization rate using the usual formalism of atomic physics for calculating decay rates. We contrast our prescription for coarse graining, which is somewhat dynamical, with the earlier approaches that are intrinsically kinematical. An important motivation for this study is the black hole information paradox.Comment: 58 pages, 2 figures. A reference adde

    Dual Computations of Non-abelian Yang-Mills on the Lattice

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    In the past several decades there have been a number of proposals for computing with dual forms of non-abelian Yang-Mills theories on the lattice. Motivated by the gauge-invariant, geometric picture offered by dual models and successful applications of duality in the U(1) case, we revisit the question of whether it is practical to perform numerical computation using non-abelian dual models. Specifically, we consider three-dimensional SU(2) pure Yang-Mills as an accessible yet non-trivial case in which the gauge group is non-abelian. Using methods developed recently in the context of spin foam quantum gravity, we derive an algorithm for efficiently computing the dual amplitude and describe Metropolis moves for sampling the dual ensemble. We relate our algorithms to prior work in non-abelian dual computations of Hari Dass and his collaborators, addressing several problems that have been left open. We report results of spin expectation value computations over a range of lattice sizes and couplings that are in agreement with our conventional lattice computations. We conclude with an outlook on further development of dual methods and their application to problems of current interest.Comment: v1: 18 pages, 7 figures, v2: Many changes to appendix, minor changes throughout, references and figures added, v3: minor corrections, 22 page

    Quantum Tests of the Foundations of General Relativity

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    The role of the equivalence principle in the context of non-relativistic quantum mechanics and matter wave interferometry, especially atom beam interferometry, will be discussed. A generalised form of the weak equivalence principle which is capable of covering quantum phenomena too, will be proposed. It is shown that this generalised equivalence principle is valid for matter wave interferometry and for the dynamics of expectation values. In addition, the use of this equivalence principle makes it possible to determine the structure of the interaction of quantum systems with gravitational and inertial fields. It is also shown that the path of the mean value of the position operator in the case of gravitational interaction does fulfill this generalised equivalence principle.Comment: Classical and Quantum Gravity 15, 13 (1998

    Infrared Behaviour of Systems With Goldstone Bosons

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    We develop various complementary concepts and techniques for handling quantum fluctuations of Goldstone bosons.We emphasise that one of the consequences of the masslessness of Goldstone bosons is that the longitudinal fluctuations also have a diverging susceptibility characterised by an anomalous dimension (d2)(d-2) in space-time dimensions 2<d<42<d<4.In d=4d=4 these fluctuations diverge logarithmically in the infrared region.We show the generality of this phenomenon by providing three arguments based on i). Renormalization group flows, ii). Ward identities, and iii). Schwinger-Dyson equations.We obtain an explicit form for the generating functional of one-particle irreducible vertices of the O(N) (non)--linear σ\sigma--models in the leading 1/N approximation.We show that this incorporates all infrared behaviour correctly both in linear and non-linear σ\sigma-- models. Our techniques provide an alternative to chiral perturbation theory.Some consequences are discussed briefly.Comment: 28 pages,2 Figs, a new section on some universal features of multipion processes has been adde

    Spin, gravity, and inertia

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    The gravitational effects in the relativistic quantum mechanics are investigated. The exact Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation is constructed for the Dirac particle coupled to the static spacetime metric. As a direct application, we analyze the non-relativistic limit of the theory. The new term describing the specific spin (gravitational moment) interaction effect is recovered in the Hamiltonian. The comparison of the true gravitational coupling with the purely inertial case demonstrates that the spin relativistic effects do not violate the equivalence principle for the Dirac fermions.Comment: Revtex, 12 pages, no figures, accepted in Phys. Rev. Let