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    This research aims to determine the effect of doses of oil palm shell ash and dolomite on the growth and production of maize plants. This study used a factorial randomized block design consisting of two factors. The first factor is the dose of palm shell ash (A) which consists of four levels, namely: (A0) = 0 g (0 tons/ha), (A1) = 30 g/polybag (6 tons/ha), (A2) = 60 g/polybag (12 tonnes/ha) and (A2) = 90 g/polybag (18 tonnes/ha). The second factor was dolomite (D) dosing which consisted of three levels: (D0) = 0 g (0 tons/ha), (D1) = 15 g/polybag (3 tons/ha) and (D2) = 30 g /polybag (6 tonnes/ha). Parameters observed were plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter, leaf area, cob length without cob, cob diameter without cob, cob weight with husk, cob weight without cob and straw weight. The effect of the dose of oil palm shell ash depends on the dose of dolomite which is shown in the diameter of the cobs without husks, in treatment D0 the dose of palm ashes 78.07 g/polybag resulted in a maximum cob diameter without husks of 3.95 cm, treatment D1 increased linearly, treatment D2 the dose of palm shell ash 85.03 g/polybag resulted in a maximum diameter of cobs without husk of 3.98 cm. The largest straw weight was 311.30 g with a dose of shell ash of 56.93 g/polybag

    Analisis Pertumbuhan Tanaman Porang dengan Pemberian Fitosan dan Kompos Jerami Padi di Lahan Salin

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    Tanaman porang merupakan salah satu produk yang memiliki prospek seperti bahan pangan alternatif sehingga peningkatan produksi terus diupayakan, termasuk memanfaatkan lahan marginal seperti tanah salin. Porang merupakan tanaman yang rentan terhadap salinitas dan memiliki masalah dormansi 4-5 bulan. Arahriset ini ialah untuk mengidentifikasi ciri fisiologis tanaman porang dan mematahkan dormansi dengan penambahan fitosan dan penambahan kompos jerami padi pada tanah salin. Penelitian ini menggunakan RAK faktorial dengan 3 ulangan dan 2 faktor yaitu konsentrasi fitosan K0 = 0 ppm, K1 = 750 ppm, K2 = 1500 ppm dan K3 = 2250 ppm; aplikasi kompos jerami padi J0 = 0 ton/ha (kontrol), J1 = 5 ton/ha (45 g/ tanaman) dan J2 = 10 t/ha (90 g/tanaman). Pemberian konsentrasi fitosan 2250 ppm dan 10 ton/ha (90 g/tanaman) kompos jerami padi mempengaruhi secara nyata terhadap parameter kemunculan bulbil, jumlah bulbil, panjang akar, bobot basah akar, bobot kering akar dan volume aka