2,258 research outputs found

    Measurements of some parameters of thermal sparks with respect to their ability to ignite aviation fuel/air mixtures

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    A method used to generate thermal sparks for experimental purposes and methods by which parameters of the sparks, such as speed, size, and temperature, were measured are described. Values are given of the range of such parameters within these spark showers. Titanium sparks were used almost exclusively, since it is particles of this metal which are found to be ejected during simulation tests to carbon fiber composite (CFC) joints. Tests were then carried out in which titanium sparks and spark showers were injected into JP4/(AVTAG F40) mixtures with air. Single large sparks and dense showers of small sparks were found to be capable of causing ignition. Tests were then repeated using ethylene/air mixtures, which were found to be more easily ignited by thermal sparks than the JP4/ air mixtures

    On board sampling of the rockfish and lingcod commerical passenger fishing vessel industry in northern and central California, May 1987 to December 1991

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    From May 1987 to June 1990 and from August to December 1991 Fishery Technicians sampled catches on board 690 Commercial Passenger Fishing Vessel (CPFV) trips targeting rockfish and lingcod from the general port areas of Fort Bragg, Bodega Bay, San Francisco, Monterey, and Morro Bay. Data are presented for species composition by port area, year, and month, for catch-per-unit-effort, mean length, and length frequency of lingcod and the 18 most frequently observed rockfish species, and for trends in fishing effort related to fishing time, depth, and distance from port. Total catch estimates are presented based on unadjusted logbook records, logbook records adjusted by sampling data and compliance rates, and effort data from a marine recreational fishing statistics survey. Average catch of kept fish per angler day was 11.8 and average catch of kept fish per angler hour was 3.7. A trend of an increasing frequency of trips to deep (>40 fm) locations was observed in the Bodega Bay, San Francisco, and Monterey areas from 1988 to 1990-91. No trend was evident relative to trip frequency and distance from port. A total of 74 species was observed caught during the study. Rockfishes comprised 88.5% to 97.9% by number of the observed catch by port area. The five most frequently observed species were chilipepper, blue, yellowtail, and widow rockfishes, and bocaccio, with lingcod ranking seventh. In general, mean length and catch-per-angler-hour of sport fishes caught by CPFV anglers varied considerably and did not show steady declines during the study period. However, port-specific areas of major concern were identified for chilipepper, lingcod, and black rockfish, and to a lesser extent brown, canary, vermilion, yelloweye, olive, and widow rockfish. These areas of concern included steadily declining catch rate, steadily declining mean length, and a high percentage of sexually immature fish in the sampled-catch. Recent sampling of the commercial hook-and-line fishery in northern and central California indicated that most species of rockfishes taken by CPFV anglers are also harvested commercially. (261pp.

    Scapular and humeral movement patterns of people with stroke during range-of-motion exercises

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Range-of-motion (ROM) exercises may contribute to hemiparetic shoulder pain, but the underlying mechanisms are unknown. This study examined scapular and humeral movement patterns in people with hemiparesis post stroke as they performed commonly prescribed ROM exercises. METHODS: Using kinematic techniques, we studied 13 people with hemiparesis, both with and without pain, as they performed three commonly prescribed ROM exercises: person-assisted ROM, self-assisted ROM, and cane-assisted ROM. Their data were compared to a group of 12 matched control subjects performing scapular plane shoulder elevation using mixed model ANOVAs. Correlation analyses were used to examine the relationship between participants’ ratings of pain and kinematic data. RESULTS: The hemiparetic group had mild pain at rest that increased during the performance of the exercises. During shoulder elevation, humeral external rotation in the hemiparetic group was decreased in all three ROM exercises compared to the control group. Scapular upward rotation in the hemiparetic group was decreased for the person-assisted ROM exercise only. No differences in scapular tilt were found between groups. The extent of movement abnormalities was not related to pain severity. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: People with hemiparesis had altered scapular and humeral movement patterns and increased shoulder pain when performing the ROM exercises. These data can assist clinicians in making decisions regarding which exercises to prescribe to preserve shoulder motion and prevent contractures in this population

    The use of the anesthetic metomidate hydrochloride as an aid in open water capture of young-of-the-year rockfish

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    Many species of young-of-the-year (YOY) rockfish, Sebastes sp. move inshore into shallow reef areas in central California each year. We monitored the dates of arrival, relative abundance, species composition, lengths, and growth rates of these arrivals to help assess recruitment variability and stock success. We tested the usefulness of the anesthetic metomidate hydrochloride as a non-lethal method to collect YOY rockfish to assess growth, abundance, and species composition. Earlier experiments by other researchers illustrated the usefulness of metomidate to collect benthic-oriented adult rockfish. Our research tested the possibility of using metomidate hydrochloride to collect open-water and benthic-oriented YOY rockfish. The anesthetic was applied and the fish captured by divers. Several concentrations of metomidate were tested, premixed both in fresh and salt water. The anesthetic was not very useful in collecting open water YOY rockfish as the fish rapidly left the area of application and avoided being anesthetized. Increasing the concentration of metomidate did not increase success of capture of open-water YOY rockfish. However, the anesthetic metomidate worked very well in capturing benthic-oriented YOY rockfishes. (22pp.

    Soi-disant: Writing, screening, theorizing the self in French

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    This paper explores the construction of identity, particularly with reference to texts (literary, philosophic, popular and cinematic) in French, as an introduction to a volume of papers on the topic. We demonstrate that the papers presented in that collection will show the effects on the reading of the self both of inertia and of deliberate modification with respect to convention. In publishing them as a collection, we make no claims to be unveiling a theoretization of the self, c. 2003, which would rise from the ashes of its predecessors. Rather, and despite the recurrence of certain patterns and concerns, we present a corpus that nuances the story of the fragmentation of the coherent self. What emerges from the juxtaposition of these texts is the importance of genre in determining the version of identity presented. That is to say, the instance of the subject, whether the "je" of the text or the focus of narrative identification, is largely determined by generic conventions for writing/producing the self and for formulating identity

    Pismo clams and sea otters

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    Sea otter foraging along Monterey Bay beaches and at Atascadero State Beach has precluded recreational Pismo clam fisheries at six major clamming beaches. Outside the sea otter's foraging range Pismo clam stocks are yielding good catches; apparently the stringent controls on the recreational fishery is adequate to maintain the State's Pismo clam stocks. Clammer interviews at Orange and Los Angeles County beaches and at beaches near Pismo Beach and Morro Bay and in Monterey Bay revealed the clam stocks to be on a healthy, sustainable yield basis. Exceptionally large numbers of small 1.5 to 3.5 inch Pismo clams were reported at all clam beaches surveyed north of Pt. Conception indicating good year class survival in recent years. Sea otters forage dense Pismo clam beds by moving along a "front", progressively foraging from one beach to the next, reducing the clams to low levels before moving on. Some sea otters continue to forage throughout the areas previously depleted by the larger aggregate moving northward, thus the large numbers of sublegal clams in the 1.5 to 3.5 inch size group in these intertidal and shallow subtidal areas are not expected to reach legal size in numbers sufficient to develop a recreational fishery. In Monterey Bay about 60,000 Pismo clams were removed or killed by human activity in the April 1974 to March 1975 period. A rough estimate of the Pismo clams consumed by sea otters during this same period in Monterey Bay is over 500,000 clams. (51pp.

    Low cost, SPF aluminum cryogenic tank structure for ALS

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    Past production work has shown that cryogenic tank structure for the Shuttle Booster Rockets and the Titan system have very high life cycle costs for the fuel tank structure. The tanks are machined stiffener-skin combination that are subsequently formed into the required contour after machining. The material scrap rate for these configurations are usually high, and the loss of a tank panel due to forming or heat treatment problems is very costly. The idea of reducing the amount of scrap material and scrapped structural members has prompted the introduction of built-up structure for cryogenic tanks to be explored on the ALS program. A build-up structure approach that has shown improvements in life cycle cost over the conventional built-up approach is the use of superplastically formed (SPF) stiffened panels (reducing the overall part count and weight for the tank) resistance spot welded (RSW) to outer tank skin material. The stiffeners provide for general stability of the tank, while the skin material provides hoop direction continuity for the loads

    Comment on "A centrosome-independent role for gamma-TuRC proteins in the spindle assembly checkpoint"

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    Müller et al. (Reports, 27 October 2006, p. 654) showed that inhibition of the γ-tubulin ring complex (γ-TuRC) activates the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC), which led them to suggest that γ-TuRC proteins play molecular roles in SAC activation. Because γ-TuRC inhibition leads to pleiotropic spindle defects, which are well known to activate kinetochore-derived checkpoint signaling, we believe that this conclusion is premature

    Findings and Recommendations of the Metropolitan Planning and Zoning Committee of the Jacksonville Chapter of the American Institute of Architects

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    Contained is a proposed bill that was introduced to the 1957 Florida Legislature concerning city development and zoning law