28 research outputs found

    Mettre en scène l’aspect ethnographique de l’histoire de la danse : la danse contemporaine et son jeu avec la tradition

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    Reconstruire et citer des pièces marquantes de l’histoire de la danse, tout comme faire du plateau un espace pour créer des archives “performatives”... Ces pratiques sont devenues des tendances majeures de la danse contemporaine (ainsi qu’un numéro de Dance Research Journal en a témoigné). Les chorégraphes de danse contemporaine ont abandonné leurs efforts incessants visant à créer de nouveaux mouvements ; à la place, ils se sont engagés dans un dialogue avec le passé. L’avant-garde de la scè..

    Kulturelle Bildung in bildungsbenachteiligten Milieus: eine empirische Untersuchung zur Wirkung von Tanz- und Bewegungstheaterangeboten in der Ganztagsgrundschule

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    Die in den letzten Jahren verstärkte Forderung nach empirischen Studien und Belegen für die Wirkungen kultureller Bildungsangebote bezüglich formaler und non-formaler Settings (z.B. Ganztagsgrundschule) und so genannter bildungsbenachteiligter Gruppen dokumentiert sich in verschiedenen Förderinitiativen und Forschungsverbünden. Diese widmen sich meist aus interdisziplinären Perspektiven den Fragen nach Bildungspotentialen künstlerisch-pädagogischer Angebote. Daran anknüpfend wird in der vorliegenden Studie mit 227 Grundschulkindern (MMZP1 = 8,61 Jahre; SDMZP1 = ,83) analysiert, inwiefern sich ein künstlerisch-pädagogisches Tanz- und Bewegungstheaterangebot auf die kreativen Fähigkeiten der Schüler/innen auswirkt (nIV = 139; nKG = 88). Dieser Beitrag fokussiert die Betrachtung der Entwicklung der Kreativitätsfacetten Produktivität, Problemlösungsfähigkeit und Originalität zu drei Messzeitpunkten (prä, post, follow-up) bei Kindern aus bildungsbenachteiligten Milieus. Die Ergebnisse zeigen positive Effekte des Tanz- und Bewegungstheaterangebots auf die Produktivität von Kindern aus Brennpunktschulen. Auch scheint sich das Angebot vor allem positiv auf die Problemlösungsfähigkeit von Kindern aus Nicht-Brennpunktschulen auszuwirken. Beide Interaktionseffekte zeigen gewinnbringende Perspektiven für die Implementierung von Tanz- und Bewegungstheaterangeboten in (außer-)schulischen Kontexten.The recently increased demand for empirical studies about the impact of arts education in formal and non-formal settings (e.g., all-day primary school) is documented in various funding initiatives and research associations. These question, mostly from an interdisciplinary perspective, educational potentials of artistic-pedagogical offers. Following, the purpose of this study with 227 primary school children (MTT1 = 8.61 years; SDTT1 = .83) was to analyze how a creative children dance and movement theatre program influences the creative abilities of students (nIV = 139; nCG = 88). This article focuses on the development of the creative patterns of productivity, problem solving and originality at three different measurement points (pre, post, follow-up) of children from an educationally deprived social environment. Results indicated that the dance and movement theatre program positively affects the productivity of children from schools in socially disadvantaged areas. Additionally, the program seemed to especially improve the problem solving skills of children, who are not socially disadvantaged. Both interaction effects indicated beneficial perspectives for the implementation of dance and movement theatre programs in educational settings

    Salmonella Transiently Reside in Luminal Neutrophils in the Inflamed Gut

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    Enteric pathogens need to grow efficiently in the gut lumen in order to cause disease and ensure transmission. The interior of the gut forms a complex environment comprising the mucosal surface area and the inner gut lumen with epithelial cell debris and food particles. Recruitment of neutrophils to the intestinal lumen is a hallmark of non-typhoidal Salmonella enterica infections in humans. Here, we analyzed the interaction of gut luminal neutrophils with S. enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Tm) in a mouse colitis model.Upon S. Tm(wt) infection, neutrophils transmigrate across the mucosa into the intestinal lumen. We detected a majority of pathogens associated with luminal neutrophils 20 hours after infection. Neutrophils are viable and actively engulf S. Tm, as demonstrated by live microscopy. Using S. Tm mutant strains defective in tissue invasion we show that pathogens are mostly taken up in the gut lumen at the epithelial barrier by luminal neutrophils. In these luminal neutrophils, S. Tm induces expression of genes typically required for its intracellular lifestyle such as siderophore production iroBCDE and the Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 encoded type three secretion system (TTSS-2). This shows that S. Tm at least transiently survives and responds to engulfment by gut luminal neutrophils. Gentamicin protection experiments suggest that the life-span of luminal neutrophils is limited and that S. Tm is subsequently released into the gut lumen. This "fast cycling" through the intracellular compartment of gut luminal neutrophils would explain the high fraction of TTSS-2 and iroBCDE expressing intra- and extracellular bacteria in the lumen of the infected gut. In conclusion, live neutrophils recruited during acute S. Tm colitis engulf pathogens in the gut lumen and may thus actively engage in shaping the environment of pathogens and commensals in the inflamed gut

    Barriers and opportunities for implementation of a brief psychological intervention for post-ICU mental distress in the primary care setting – results from a qualitative sub-study of the PICTURE trial

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    <i>Salmonella</i> contained within luminal neutrophils experience iron limitation.

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    <p>4 groups of streptomycin-treated mice (n = 3) were infected with <i>S.</i> Tm<sup>wt</sup> (red; inflammation induced) or <i>S.</i> Tm<sup>avir</sup> (blue; no inflammation induced) containing the GFP-reporter plasmids p<i>iroBCDE</i>-<i>gfp</i> (<b>A, C</b>) or p<i>sodB</i>-<i>gfp</i> (<b>B, D</b>), respectively. 20 h post infection, the mice were sacrificed and cecum prepared for immunofluorescence staining of <i>S.</i> Tm with α-<i>Salmonella</i>-O-antigen group B serum as described in the <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0034812#s4" target="_blank">materials and methods</a> section. The tissue was either not permeabilized (w/o triton) or permeabilized with 0,1% triton prior to staining (+ triton). All bacteria positively stained with the α-<i>Salmonella</i> LPS antiserum were included for analysis and <i>S.</i> Tm GFP-fluorescence intensity (grey levels; y-axis) was determined by automated image analysis (<b>A, B</b>). Representative images of <i>S.</i> Tm<sup>wt</sup> or <i>S.</i> Tm<sup>avir</sup> in the cecal lumen expressing p<i>iroBCDE</i>-<i>gfp</i> (<b>C</b>) or p<i>sodB</i>-<i>gfp</i> (<b>D</b>) (green). The section was permeabilized with triton-x-100 and stained with α-<i>Salmonella</i> LPS antiserum (red) and phalloidin (blue). Scale bar: 10 µm.</p