210 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah (Survei Pada Nasabah Tabungan PT. Bank Central Asia Tbk Cabang Borobudur Malang)

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    The results showed statistically that the first hypothesis can be seen that the reliability of variables, Responsiveness, Collateral, Empathy and physical evidence simultaneously shown to have a significant impact on customer satisfaction. The results of the second hypothesis suggests that the independent variables, namely reliability, Responsiveness, Security / Assurance, Empathy and physical evidence tangibles partially have significant influence the Customer Satisfaction. The results of hypothesis testing third shows when variables guarantee / assurance with the largest regression coefficient (0.218), so the variable Assurance / Assurance has the highest influence / advice on Customer Satisfaction. . With the guarantee applied correctly, then this could be a factor guarantees excellence PT. Bank Central Asia Tbk, Borobudur Branch Malang

    Pengaruh Earning Per Share (Eps), Price Earning Rasio (Per), Ukuran Perusahaan (Firm Size) dan Risiko Sistematis (Beta) terhadap Return Saham pada Perusahaan Real Estate & Property yang Terdaftar di Bei Tahun 2006-2009

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    This research was undertaken to test and provide empirical evidence of the influence of Earning Per Share (EPS), Earning Price Ratio (PER), company size (Firm Size) and Systematic Risk (BETA) on stock returns of real estate & property companies listed on the Stock Exchange . Population is the number of whole objects (entities or individuals) whose characteristic are about to suspected. In this study population were observed and all Real Estate & Property companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2006 to 2009 as many as 139 companies.Based on the research results which indicate that EPS significantly influence stock returns. The effect that is positive, namely the level of EPS can certainly improve the quality of the audit. PER significant effect on stock returns. This showed that the effect was significant. PER models that based on the ratio between the stock price per share with EPS which can increase stock returns. Firm size have a significant effect on stock returns, the company size (Firm Size) is a large scale which can be classified as big and small firms, systematic risk has no effect on stock returns.Recommendations can be submitted at the next study is should add a longer observation period to obtain more accurate results. With add the period in the next research by using more samples to be more accurate

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Independensi Akuntan Publik dalam Pelaksanaan Audit (Study Survey pada Kantor Akuntan Publik di Pekanbaru dan Batam)

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the influences of independency in appearance of public accountant which consist of some variables, such as monetary, tying importance factor and relation of effort with client, office public accountant size, measure the duration or assignation of audit, emulation between office public accountant and audit of fee to independency of public accountant.This research applied on public accountant offices in Batam and Pekanbaru. The methode of research is surveilance methode by sending direct and indirectly quistionaires. The results of f-test showed that all independent variables influenced the dependent variables. The results of t-test showed that monetary, tying importance factor and relation of effort with client, the duration or assignation of audit, and audit of fee had a significant effect to independency appearance of public accountant. The R2 effect by all independent variables are 64.2%, and 35.8% influenced by other variables

    Evaluasi Kinerja Program Rehabilitasi Rumah Tidak Layak Huni Di Kabupaten Purbalingga

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    This study was prepared for evaluating program performance of Unliveable Rehabilitation Home Program in Purbalingga using indicators based on AKIP which are the input, output, outome, benefit and impact. As in this program there are gaps or constraints that may affect the results of program performance of Unliveable Rehabilitation Home Program in Purbalingga derived from the input, output, outcome, benefit, and impact The results obtained are that the human resources lacking in terms of quantity, although the existing human resources are appropriate and optimal, overall target number of uninhabitable houses in the district Purbalinga are 27.533 homes, but new in rehab just 100 houses in accordance with appropriate housing ie roof pedestal and wall, this program can not be said to alleviate poverty, overall, the benefits are felt only to the 100 beneficiaries of rehabilitation home, this assistance has not been felt for alleviating poverty because the aid was stimulated and only include one measure, namely board. So, we may conclude that the performance of unliveable rehabilitation home program in Purbalinggawas good, based on the gains that have been achieved. This program was not the final solution to overcome poverty because it only resolve section of the board. Advice can be given by researcher are that the implementation of the program conducted during dry season, helping each other when collecting document, creating more leaders in society or making certain committee to do implementation on the field outside of the instrument

    The Effect of 5K2S Implementation to the Opportunities of Increasing Productivity and Workplace Improvement in PT. Andesen Jaya Plastik

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    The success of Japanese companies in improving productivity is because they have a culture and a high work ethic to the application of KAIZEN management system. One such application is the Cultural 5S (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke). In the Astra group, 5S is known as 5K2S (Order, neatness, cleanliness, sustainability Discipline, Safety, and Service). This study aims to assess the success of the application of the system 5K2S of PT. Andesen Jaya Plastik relating to opportunities for productivity. The method used isquantitative method with a descriptive study. The type of data used is primary and secondary data. While the techniques used in collecting the data are interviews, questionnaires, and literature studies. The number ofrespondents was 31 employees. Analysis of the data used is descriptive and multiple linear regression analysis. The real success rate reachs 82.24% at the stage of familiarization (effective) and they have not yet advanced tothe next stage (prevention). The response of employees is between the Agree and Strongly Agree that is 4.11 point. The correlation between 5K2S to the opportunity of significant Productivity Improvement is Seiri/Order,Seiso/neatness, and Seiketsu/Sustainability

    Perencanaan Gedung Pascasarjana Poltekes Semarang

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    Struktur gedung pascasarjana poltekes didesain dengan mengacu pada SNI 03-2847-2002, SNI 03-1726-2012, SNI 03-1729-2015 dan PPIUG 1987. Metode dynamic respons spectrum digunakan dalam menganalisis gempa.Gaya gempa pada struktur direncanakan dengan menggunakan konfigurasi struktur sistem rangka Pemikul Momen Khusus (SRPMK) karena struktur termasuk kedalam Kategori Desain Seismik tipe D. Sistem rangka berupa rangka yang tersusun dari balok dan kolom, dimana kolom dibuat lebih kuat dari balok (strong column weak beam). Untuk menghindari terjadinya kegagalan struktur pada pertemuan balok-kolom, maka sendi plastis direncanakan terjadi di balok sedangkan pada kolom sendi plastis hanya terjadi di kolom bagian atas pondasi.Program analisis struktur yang digunakan untuk membantu pemodelan struktur dan menghitung gaya dalam yang bekerja pada struktur adalah SAP 2000. Material yang digunakan yaitu beton f'c30 MPa, sedangkan untuk besi tulangan fy 400 Mpa dan 240 Mpa
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