53 research outputs found

    Exploring the Mechanical Stability and Visco-elasticity of Membrane Proteins by Single-Molecule Force Measurements

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    Relatively little is known about the folding and stability of membrane proteins. Conventional thermal or chemical unfolding techniques probe the average behavior of large numbers of molecules and thus cannot resolve co-existing minor and major unfolding pathways and intermediates. Here, I applied single-molecule force measurements based on an atomic force microscope (AFM) to characterize the stability of the membrane protein bacteriorhodopsin (BR). In these mechanical unfolding experiments, an external pulling force played the role of the denaturant and lead to unfolding of the three-dimensional structure of individual proteins. It was found that single BRs unfold step-wise in a well-defined sequence of stable intermediates and in different unfolding pathways. Although single [alpha]-helices were sufficiently stable to unfold in individual steps they also exhibited certain probabilities to unfold in pairs. These observations support the "two-stage" and the "helical-hairpin" model of membrane protein folding. Dynamic force measurements showed that [alpha]-helices and helical hairpins are relatively rigid structures, which are stabilized by narrow energy barriers and have stabilities between 100-10?000 seconds. These forced unfolding experiments were complemented with the development of new force measurement techniques. It is demonstrated that hydrodynamic effects need to be considered to obtain more complete kinetic pictures of single molecules. In addition, two force spectroscopy approaches to measure the complex visco-elastic response of single molecules are presented and applied to BR. These experiments revealed that the unfolding patterns of single proteins are dominated by purely elastic polypeptide extension and determined the dissipative interactions associated with the unfolding of single [alpha]-helices. In addition, it was found that kinks result in a reduced unfolding cooperativity of [alpha]-helices

    The optogenetic promise for oncology: Episode I

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    As light-based control of fundamental signaling pathways is becoming a reality, the field of optogenetics is rapidly moving beyond neuroscience. We have recently developed receptor tyrosine kinases that are activated by light and control cell proliferation, epithelial–mesenchymal transition, and angiogenic sprouting—cell behaviors central to cancer progression

    Light-activated Frizzled7 reveals a permissive role of non-canonical wnt signaling in mesendoderm cell migration

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    10.7554/eLife.42093.001Non-canonical Wnt signaling plays a central role for coordinated cell polarization and directed migration in metazoan development. While spatiotemporally restricted activation of non-canonical Wnt-signaling drives cell polarization in epithelial tissues, it remains unclear whether such instructive activity is also critical for directed mesenchymal cell migration. Here, we developed a light-activated version of the non-canonical Wnt receptor Frizzled 7 (Fz7) to analyze how restricted activation of non-canonical Wnt signaling affects directed anterior axial mesendoderm (prechordal plate, ppl) cell migration within the zebrafish gastrula. We found that Fz7 signaling is required for ppl cell protrusion formation and migration and that spatiotemporally restricted ectopic activation is capable of redirecting their migration. Finally, we show that uniform activation of Fz7 signaling in ppl cells fully rescues defective directed cell migration in fz7 mutant embryos. Together, our findings reveal that in contrast to the situation in epithelial cells, non-canonical Wnt signaling functions permissively rather than instructively in directed mesenchymal cell migration during gastrulation

    A phytochrome sensory domain permits receptor activation by red light

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    Optogenetics and photopharmacology enable the spatio-temporal control of cell and animal behavior by light. Although red light offers deep-tissue penetration and minimal phototoxicity, very few red-light-sensitive optogenetic methods are currently available. We have now developed a red-light-induced homodimerization domain. We first showed that an optimized sensory domain of the cyanobacterial phytochrome 1 can be expressed robustly and without cytotoxicity in human cells. We then applied this domain to induce the dimerization of two receptor tyrosine kinases—the fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 and the neurotrophin receptor trkB. This new optogenetic method was then used to activate the MAPK/ERK pathway non-invasively in mammalian tissue and in multicolor cell-signaling experiments. The light-controlled dimerizer and red-light-activated receptor tyrosine kinases will prove useful to regulate a variety of cellular processes with light. Go deep with red: The sensory domain (S) of the cyanobacterial phytochrome 1 (CPH1) was repurposed to induce the homodimerization of proteins in living cells by red light. By using this domain, light-activated protein kinases were engineered that can be activated orthogonally from many fluorescent proteins and through mammalian tissue. Pr/Pfr=red-/far-red-absorbing state of CPH1

    Light-assisted small-molecule screening against protein kinases

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    High-throughput live-cell screens are intricate elements of systems biology studies and drug discovery pipelines. Here, we demonstrate an optogenetics-assisted method that avoids the need for chemical activators and reporters, reduces the number of operational steps and increases information content in a cell-based small-molecule screen against human protein kinases, including an orphan receptor tyrosine kinase. This blueprint for all-optical screening can be adapted to many drug targets and cellular processes

    Grünlicht-induzierte Rezeptorinaktivierung durch Cobalamin-bindende Domänen

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    Optogenetik und Photopharmakologie ermöglichen präzise räumliche und zeitliche Kontrolle von Proteinwechselwirkung und -funktion in Zellen und Tieren. Optogenetische Methoden, die auf grünes Licht ansprechen und zum Trennen von Proteinkomplexen geeignet sind, sind nichtweitläufig verfügbar, würden jedoch mehrfarbige Experimente zur Beantwortung von biologischen Fragestellungen ermöglichen. Hier demonstrieren wir die Verwendung von Cobalamin(Vitamin B12)-bindenden Domänen von bakteriellen CarH-Transkriptionsfaktoren zur Grünlicht-induzierten Dissoziation von Rezeptoren. Fusioniert mit dem Fibroblasten-W achstumsfaktor-Rezeptor 1 führten diese im Dunkeln in kultivierten Zellen zu Signalaktivität durch Oligomerisierung, welche durch Beleuchten umgehend aufgehoben wurde. In Zebrafischembryonen, die einen derartigen Rezeptor exprimieren, ermöglichte grünes Licht die Kontrolle über abnormale Signalaktivität während der Embryonalentwicklung

    Optogenetic delivery of trophic signals in a genetic model of Parkinson's disease

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    Optogenetics has been harnessed to shed new mechanistic light on current and future therapeutic strategies. This has been to date achieved by the regulation of ion flow and electrical signals in neuronal cells and neural circuits that are known to be affected by disease. In contrast, the optogenetic delivery of trophic biochemical signals, which support cell survival and are implicated in degenerative disorders, has never been demonstrated in an animal model of disease. Here, we reengineered the human and Drosophila melanogaster REarranged during Transfection (hRET and dRET) receptors to be activated by light, creating one-component optogenetic tools termed Opto-hRET and Opto-dRET. Upon blue light stimulation, these receptors robustly induced the MAPK/ERK proliferative signaling pathway in cultured cells. In PINK1B9 flies that exhibit loss of PTEN-induced putative kinase 1 (PINK1), a kinase associated with familial Parkinson’s disease (PD), light activation of Opto-dRET suppressed mitochondrial defects, tissue degeneration and behavioral deficits. In human cells with PINK1 loss-of-function, mitochondrial fragmentation was rescued using Opto-dRET via the PI3K/NF-кB pathway. Our results demonstrate that a light-activated receptor can ameliorate disease hallmarks in a genetic model of PD. The optogenetic delivery of trophic signals is cell type-specific and reversible and thus has the potential to inspire novel strategies towards a spatio-temporal regulation of tissue repair