743 research outputs found

    Towards Ideal Semantics for Analyzing Stream Reasoning

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    The rise of smart applications has drawn interest to logical reasoning over data streams. Recently, different query languages and stream processing/reasoning engines were proposed in different communities. However, due to a lack of theoretical foundations, the expressivity and semantics of these diverse approaches are given only informally. Towards clear specifications and means for analytic study, a formal framework is needed to define their semantics in precise terms. To this end, we present a first step towards an ideal semantics that allows for exact descriptions and comparisons of stream reasoning systems.Comment: International Workshop on Reactive Concepts in Knowledge Representation (ReactKnow 2014), co-located with the 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2014). Proceedings of the International Workshop on Reactive Concepts in Knowledge Representation (ReactKnow 2014), pages 17-22, technical report, ISSN 1430-3701, Leipzig University, 2014. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-qucosa-150562 2014,

    Strong magnetic fields and large rotation measures in protogalaxies by supernova seeding

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    We present a model for the seeding and evolution of magnetic fields in protogalaxies. Supernova (SN) explosions during the assembly of a protogalaxy provide magnetic seed fields, which are subsequently amplified by compression, shear flows and random motions. We implement the model into the MHD version of the cosmological N-body / SPH simulation code GADGET and we couple the magnetic seeding directly to the underlying multi-phase description of star formation. We perform simulations of Milky Way-like galactic halo formation using a standard LCDM cosmology and analyse the strength and distribution of the subsequent evolving magnetic field. A dipole-shape divergence-free magnetic field is injected at a rate of 10^{-9}G / Gyr within starforming regions, given typical dimensions and magnetic field strengths in canonical SN remnants. Subsequently, the magnetic field strength increases exponentially on timescales of a few ten million years. At redshift z=0, the entire galactic halo is magnetized and the field amplitude is of the order of a few ÎĽ\muG in the center of the halo, and 10^{-9} G at the virial radius. Additionally, we analyse the intrinsic rotation measure (RM) of the forming galactic halo over redshift. The mean halo intrinsic RM peaks between redshifts z=4 and z=2 and reaches absolute values around 1000 rad m^{-2}. While the halo virializes towards redshift z=0, the intrinsic RM values decline to a mean value below 10 rad m^{-2}. At high redshifts, the distribution of individual starforming, and thus magnetized regions is widespread. In our model for the evolution of galactic magnetic fields, the seed magnetic field amplitude and distribution is no longer a free parameter, but determined self-consistently by the star formation process occuring during the formation of cosmic structures.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures, accepted to MNRAS after moderate revisio

    Nachwort von: James Joyce, Penelope, The last chapter of "Ulysses"

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    Cross-border supervisory cooperation : a progress report and research agenda

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    National supervisors in a world of integrated financial markets and cross-border banks face limited information and biased incentives, which can exacerbate financial fragility. While supervisory authorities have started cooperating across borders, such cooperation falls mostly short of supranational supervision as in the euro area. This paper summarises recent theoretical and empirical research in this area; it presents data on cross-border supervisory cooperation, shows the (limited) stability impact of such cooperation and reactions of global banking groups to increased supervisory cooperation

    Wege zu einer nachhaltigen und exportstarken Wasserwirtschaft : Eckpunktepapier und Empfehlungen des Projekts "Wasser 2050"

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    Das hier vorgelegte Eckpunktepapier befasst sich mit den Zukunftsperspektiven der deutschen Wasserwirtschaft hinsichtlich ihrer Produkte und Konzepte. Ausgehend von schwierigen Herausforderungen für die globale Wasserwirtschaft legt es dar, wie die deutsche Wasserwirtschaft diesen Herausforderungen gegenübersteht und zeigt auf, welche Maßnahmen zu ergreifen sind, um die wirtschaftlichen Perspektiven der deutschen Wasserwirtschaft dauerhaft zu verbessern. Die Abschnitte 1-5 erläutern die Ausgangslage der deutschen Wasserwirtschaft, beschreiben sich neu stellende Herausforderungen und ordnen in diesen Zusammenhang das BMBF-Verbundprojekt „Wasser 2050“ ein, in dem diese Eckpunkte und Empfehlungen erarbeitet wurden. Die Abschnitte 6-10 wenden sich dann im Einzelnen zu ergreifenden Strategien und Ansätzen zu, die dazu beitragen, die Wettbewerbsposition der deutschen Wasserwirtschaft nachhaltig zu entwickeln. Der abschließende Abschnitt 11 fasst die Empfehlungen des Projekts zusammen.Based on the difficult challenges water management is facing in the coming decades, it is outlined which measures have to be taken in order to maintain the economic perspectives of the German water industry with respect to further improving its sustainability potential. Building upon the results of the project “Water 2050” it is shown how the potential of the German water industry can be developed in order to meet the new requirements for sustainable solutions which can be understood as integrated system solutions. The German water industry’s competitive position on the international market can be improved with the help of medium- to long-term orientated innovation networks. Recommendations for action to policy-makers are geared towards a coordinated cooperation of the individual departments and an improvement of the existing instruments

    Have banks caught corona? : effects of COVID on lending in the U.S.

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    Published online: February 2022Exploiting spatial and time variation, we find that banks geographically more exposed to lockdown measures experience an increase in loss provisions and non-performing loans. Exposures to the pandemic itself have a similar, but slightly weaker effect. We observe an increase in small business lending driven by government-guaranteed loans which seem to replace regular loans. Interestingly, lenders more exposed to lockdown measures rely more on government-guaranteed loans – even when controlling for borrower exposure. Finally, we observe a reduction in the number and average amount of syndicated loans for banks more affected by the pandemic, as well as an increase in interest spreads. These findings point to a negative impact of the pandemic on the supply side of finance, to previously unknown side effects of government support, and to the critical role of banks in channeling government support measures to small firms

    The SME finance gap in the European Union

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    This paper presents SME financing gaps across European countries over the period 2013 to 2020, using two different methodologies, one reliant on firm balance sheets and one on firm-level surveys. We show significant variation in financing gaps across countries and sectors. Variation over time, on the other hand, is not as strong or intuitive. The account- and survey-based measures are only weakly correlated with each other, reflecting their different nature, and both are only weakly correlated with a survey-based measure of self-reported firm financing constraints

    Recent trends in UK financial sector regulation and possible implications for the EU, including its approach to equivalence

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    Brexit poses unique challenges for policymakers in the EU as the most important financial centre in Europe is now outside its regulatory framework. We expect significant divergence over the medium- to long-term, given recent legislative and regulatory initiatives in the UK, but also developments of the regulatory framework in the EU. However, there seem to be limited concerns of an easing of the tax evasion and Anti-Money Laundering framework in the UK. We expect a limited use of the EU equivalence regime for the UK.This document was provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies at the request of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON)
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