8 research outputs found

    Meristematic Shoot Tip Culture Obtain Good Quality Seedling of Citrus (Citrus Nobilis Var. Brastepu) Free From Citrus Vein Phloem Degeneration

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    Meristematic shoot tip culture to obtain good quality seedling of citrus (Citrus nobilis Var. Brastepu) free from citrus vein phloem degeneration (CVPD) is explained in this research. The method is conducted by using a diseased plant and is then propagated in optimum conditions. The research is conduted in Tissue Culture Laboratory Department of Biology, University of North Sumatra, Indonesia. Optimum conditions for citrus propagation have been obtained to produce good quality of Citrus seedlings that is free from CVPD. The analysis of the DNA using PCR method has confirmed that the seedlings are healthy and free from CVPD. Genomic analysis using 10 RAPD markers show the planlets regenerated from the cultures are 100% similar with the mother plant

    Pengaruh Remunerasi, Motivasi dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of remuneration, motivation and job satisfaction on employee performance at UIN North Sumatra Medan both partially and simultaneously. The research design used is quantitative research using multiple linear regression analysis techniques supported by classic assumption tests and statistical tests with the help of SPSS 22 program. Data collection techniques in this study by distributing questionnaires to the sample in this study were 153 employees of education staff UIN North Sumatra Medan. From the results of t-statistic research that the variable remuneration significantly influences employee performance. The t-statistic test results of motivation variables significantly influence employee performance. T-statistic test results that variable job satisfaction significantly affect employee performance. Simultaneously it is obtained that F-count is greater than F-table and can also be seen in the probability value smaller than the level of significance. It can be concluded that the variable remuneration, motivation, and job satisfaction jointly influence the performance of UIN North Sumatra Medan employee

    Customers' Perception of the Use of Arabic Terminology in Sharia Banking Products

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    Sharia banking as an Islamic financial institution was founded as the response to conventional banking. The response was realized with the spirit of providing different services and performance (sharia compliance) with those offered by conventional banks. One of these differences can be seen from the use of Arabic (fiqh) terms in various Islamic banking products. However, as an Islamic financial institution established in the midst of heterogeneous communities, the use of these terms could be problematic. This on-going research aims to investigate the perception of sharia banking customers in Medan on the use of Arabic (fiqh) terminology in its products. A qualitative approach using questionnaire and interview as the instruments of data collection is applied in this study. The interim results show that most of the customers do not oppose the use of Arabic terms in Islamic banking products, however they also show a lack of understanding of the terms used. Based on these findings, this study offers two possible recommendation; first, it is necessary to socialize and educate the customers of the Arabic terms in the Islamic banking products. Two, if the customers find them difficult to understand, it is suggested that the terms are replaced by more familiar ones in the banking world while maintaining its sharia substance.     Keywords: Arabic terminology, Islamic banking, customer, perception, sharia

    Verbal and Nonverbal Factors Influencing the Success of Da'wah Communication by Ustadz Abdul Somad

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    Da'wah is the term used to refer to the process of spreading information about Islam by a da'I (a Muslim communicator). Indonesia, as the country with the biggest Muslim population in the world has produced a large number of da'I who gain popularity in either, local, national, or International scale. Ustadz Abdul Somad is one among the most popular da'I from Indonesia who in the last few years has attracted audience across various social economic, educational, and political backgrounds. Driven by the popularity gained by Abdul Somad which outruns most other da'I in Indonesia, this study aims to investigate the factors influencing the success of his da'wah communication. This study applied a descriptive qualitative approach using documentation and interview as the instruments of data collection. The findings show that there are two main factors behind the success of his da'wah communication, First, the verbal factors which include comprehensive reference and the language choice. Second, the nonverbal one, which in this case is the use of various platforms for da'wah dissemination.     Keywords: Communication, Da'wah, Verbal, Nonverba


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    Seorang anak tidak langsung bisa bicara saat baru lahir. Tidak ada juga manusia yang langsung bisa mengendarai mobil tanpa terlebih dahulu belajar. Proses belajar membantu manusia menguasai pengetahuan dan keterampilan. Penguasaan pengetahuan dan keterampilan juga perlu dilakukan secara bertahap. Tahapan tersebut disesuaikan dengan tingkat Perkembangan peserta belajar. Oleh sebab itu mengetahui dengan baik karakteristik perkembangan peserta didik sangat penting. Pengetahuan tersebut dapat membantu para fasilitator proses belajar untuk merancang dan menerapkan cara-cara yang tepat untuk mendukung tercapainya keberhasilan hasil belajar yang maksimal. Buku ini ditulis melalui kolaborasi para pendidik di Indonesia dengan pendekatan teoritis dan praktis. Tujuannya untuk menyajikan inovasi dalam proses pendampingan belajar. Pembahasan dimulai dengan ulasan umum mengenai perkembangan peserta didik baik secara fisik, psikis, maupun sosial. Berdasarkan fondasi teori perkembangan peserta didik, pembahasan dilanjutkan dengan cara-cara mengembangkan pembelajaran untuk peserta didik anak, remaja, dan dewasa. Semua topik dan tulisan yang disatukan dalam buku ini menekankan pada pentingnya proses pembelajaran berkelanjutan dan sepanjang hayat. Pembahasan dalam buku ini juga menunjukkan pergeseran paradigma pendampingan pembelajaran yang progresif. Peserta belajar tidak lagi dijadikan sebagai objek. Peserta belajar dapat dilibatkan secara aktif untuk belajar dan mencari cara terbaik untuk belajar secara berkelanjutan sesuai dengan minat dan keterampilan yang dibutuhkannya. Inilah yang menjadi esensi dari proses belajar dan pendampingan belajar di masa-masa penuh tantangan