30 research outputs found
Semi-Empirical Estimation of Velocity Profile for Shallow Gravel Bed Channel
The dependence of flow velocity distribution near the bed on the roughness geometry has led to various approaches for estimating the velocity. Themodels proposed bypreviousstudies aremostlybased on segmented velocityprofiles(e.g., a linear distribution within theinterfacial sublayer and logarithmic distributions above the interfacial sublayer). By increasing number of segments, the possibility of errors in the parameters, as well as constants, are likely to rise. This study assessed the applicability of a hyperbolic tangent function velocity model to estimate double-averaged velocity profile for shallow flow over a rough gravel bed as a single model concept, especially for the area within roughness layer. Velocity profiles over gravel beds with different arrangements and roughness densities from previously published studies using laboratory measurements were used to validate this model. The behaviours of related constants for this model in response to changes in the flow depth and roughness geometry were investigated, and limitations on it application were evaluated. It was found that the constants required to apply hyperbolic tangent function are affected by roughness geometry function and relative submergence. Through this study also observed that HTF is reliable to describe the velocity profile for about twice of geometric roughness height
Study on the Transport Characteristics of Floating Garbage in Hori River
Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchiv
Serum levels of Candida-specific IgG(4) antibodies were examined in 66 patients with bronchial asthma, relating to patient age and asthma severity. 1. The levels of Candida-specific IgG(4) antibodies were the highest in patients with 60+years of age, compared to the levels in cases with 0-39 and 40-59 years of age. 2. In cases with 40-59 years of age, the levels of Candida-specific IgG(4) were significantly higher in cases with long-term steroid therapy (severe intractable asthma) than in cases without steroid regimen. The results suggest that increased levels of Candida-specific IgG(4) were observed in relation to patient age and asthma severity.66例の気管支喘息症例を対象に,血清中カンジダ特異的lgG(4)抗体を測定し,その血中レベルと年齢および喘息の重症度との関連について検討を加えた。1.血清カンジダ特異的IgG(4)値は,0~39才,40~59才の年齢層にくらべ,60才以上の年齢層において高く,年齢によりその値が変動することが
Delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity towards Candida albicans was examined in 200 patients with bronchial asthma in relation to patient age and the level of total IgE. 1. Delayed skin reactivity towards C.albicans was depressed in the patients between the ages of 10 and 20 and in those over the age of 61. A significant difference was present in delayed skin reactivity between the groups of 10-20 and 41-50 years old. 2. The frequency of the patients with positive delayed skin reactivity towards C.albicans was the highest in those with low levels of total IgE (0 -100 IU/ml) and the low est in those with high levels of total IgE (over than 1001 IU/ml). The results suggest that cell-mediated immunity towards C.albicans is depressed re lating to atopics in the patients between 10 and 20 and to aging in the patients over 61.気管支喘息200例を対象にカンジダに対する即時型および遅延型皮膚反応を観察し,これらの皮膚反応と年令,血清IgE値との関連について検討を加えた。1. カンジダに対する遅延型皮膚反応は,10~20才の年齢層および61才以上の年齢層の症例において,その陽性率の低下が観察された。そして,10~20才の年齢層と41~50才の年齢層の症例では,両者間で陽性率の有意の差が見られた(p<0.001)。2. カンジダに対する遅延型皮膚反応の陽性率は,血清IgE値が低い(0~100 IU/ml)症例において最も高く,一方血清IgE値が高い(1001IU/ml以上)症例において最も低いという傾向が見られた。これらの結果は,カンジダに対する細胞性免疫は,10~20才の年齢層ではアトピーと,また61才以上の年齢層では加齢と関連して抑制されることを示唆するものと考えられる
Effects of complex spa therapy, which comprises swimming training in a hot spring pool, inhalation of iodine salt solution and fango therapy, were analyzed in patients with steroid-dependent intractable asthma (SDIA) by comparison between the subjects with and without efficacy of the therapy. 1. The complex spa therapy was effective in the patients with lower levels of FEV(1.0%) and % PEFR. 2. The complex spa therapy was not always effective in the patients with a low value of % V(25), which represents depressed airflow in the small airways. 3. The efficacy of the complex spa therapy was found in the patients showing a low value of % V(25) accompanied by BAL neutrophilia, but not found in those without increased proportion (more than 10% ) of neutrophils in BAL fluid. The results reveal that the complex spa therapy is effective in patients with SDIA showing low values of FEV(1.0%) and % PEFR, and in those with a low value of % V(25) and BAL neutrophilia.ステロイド依存性重症難治性喘息を対象に,温泉プール水泳訓練,ヨードゾル吸入療法.鉱泥湿布療法からなる複合温泉療法の臨床効果の解析を行った。1.複合温泉療法は,FEV(1.0%)および% PEFR値の低い症例により有効であった。2.複合温泉療法は、細気管支領域の換気障害を示すと考えられる% V(25)値が低い症例に対して,必ずしも有効ではなかった。3.複合温泉療法の効果は,BAL液中好中球増多(10%以上)が見られ、かつ% V(25)値が低い症例により有効であったが、同様に% V(25)値が低くても,BAL液中に好中球増多
が見られない症例に対しては,有効ではなかった。以上の結果より,複合温泉療法はFEV(1.0%)や% PEFR値の低く,またBAL液中好中球増多が見られ,かつ% V(25)値が低いようなステロイド依存性重症難治性喘息に対して有効性が高いことが示唆された
老年者の気管支喘息. アレルギー反応と気道細胞反応
Clinical features of bronchial asthma in the elderly were analyzed by observlng IgE-mediated allerglc reactions evaluated by immediate skin reaction and specific IgE antibodies to allergens, ventilatory function and cellular composition in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid. 1. The frequency of positive immediate skin reaction and positive RAST score to allergens was in general low in the elderly patients over age 70. 2. Ventilatory function was widely variegated, and fifteen cases (60%) of the 25 Subjects showed considerably high values of FEV(l.0%), % PEFR, % MMF, % V(50) and % V(25), and the mean value of FEV(1.0%) in these cases was 71.3%. 3. The decreased value of % V(25) was related to BAL neutrophilia in 2 cases, but any correlation was not found between BAL neutrophilia and decreased value of % V(25) in 9 csese of the eleven subjects who had the BAL examination. The results show that in asthma of elderly patients, IgE-mediated allergic reactions are weak, and that a decreased value of % V(25)
can be observed without BAL neutrophilia.70才以上の老年者気管支喘息の特徴について,アレルゲンに対する即時型皮膚反応および特異的IgE抗体,換気機能,気管支肺胞洗浄液(BAL)中の細胞成分などにより検討した。1.アレルゲンに対する即時型皮膚反応および特異的IgE抗体の陽性率は,全般的にかなり低い傾向を示した。2.換気機能にはかなりのばらつきが見られたが,25例中15例(60%)では,,いずれの換気パラメー
ターもかなり高い値を示し,これらの症例の平均FEV(1.0%)は71.3%であった。3.BALを施行した11例中,% V(25)値の低下とBAL中好中球増多との間に関連の見られた症例は2例のみで,他の9例では% Ⅴ(25)値の高度な低下にもかかわらず,BAL中の好中球増多は見られなかった。これらの結果より,老年者気管支喘息では,IgEにmediateされるアレルギー反応は全般的に弱いこと,またBAL液中好中球増多なしに% V(25)値の高度な低下が出現してくることが示された
Spa therapy improves ventilatory function in the small airways of patients with steroid-dependent intractable asthma (SDIA).
The improvement of ventilatory function by spa therapy was examined in 37 patients with steroid-dependent intractable asthma (SDIA) in relation to clinical asthma types. All subjects had been on long-term corticosteroid therapy before spa therapy. Spa therapy was found to improve the values of ventilatory parameters. The percent improvement in all subjects was +4.1% in %FVC, +8.9% in FEV1.0%, +9.8% in %PEFR, +22.0% in %MMF, +19.7% in %V50 and +28.2% in %V25, respectively. Relating to clinical asthma types, moderate improvement in %MMF and %V25 from 16.7% to 16.9% was observed in type Ia cases, and marked increase in %MMF, %V50 and %V25 was observed from 42.2% to 43.2% in type Ib cases. However, no significant increase was found in these parameters of types Ia or Ib after spa therapy. In patients with type II, a significant increase was shown in %V50 (p less than 0.05) and %V25 (p less than 0.01) after spa therapy. The results show that spa therapy improves the condition of small airways disorder in patients with SDIA
Asthma classification by a score calculated from clinical findings and examinations in subjects sensitive to inhalant allergens.
Twenty-one patients with atopic asthma were classified into three types according to their symptoms (clinical diagnosis): Ia, simple bronchoconstriction; Ib, bronchoconstriction + hypersecretion; and II, bronchiolar obstruction, and this classification was compared with a classification made according to clinical findings and examinations (score diagnosis). Type Ib asthma was characterized by the increased incidence of eosinophils in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), while type II was characterized by ventilatory dysfunction in small airways and the increased incidence of neutrophils in BALF. Four patients, whose expectoration was between 50 and 99ml/day, of the 12 with type Ia assessed by clinical diagnosis were evaluated as type Ib by score diagnosis. One patient with type II by clinical diagnosis was assessed as questionable type II by score diagnosis. In the other 16 patients, the clinical and score diagnoses were the same
Specific IgE, IgG and IgG4 antibodies against house dust mite in patients with bronchial asthma.
Serum levels of total IgE, specific IgE, IgG and IgG4 against house dust mite were measured in mite-sensitive asthma patients receiving immunotherapy with house dust. Serum levels of total IgE, mite specific IgE and IgG did not significantly change during the course of hyposensitization. Increased levels of mite specific IgG4 were observed in patients during immunotherapy. The increase in specific IgG4 was dependent on the total dose of house dust administered in both children (r = 0.636, p less than 0.001) and adults (r = 0.629, p less than 0.01). However, the increase of specific IgG4 in adults was not as apparent as in children. These results might suggest that mite specific IgG4 is a useful immunological marker in the immunotherapy for allergic asthma, and that IgG4 antibody acts as a blocking antibody in atopic bronchial asthma.</p
Impacts of Flood Disturbance on the Dynamics of Basin-Scale Swimming Fish Migration in Mountainous Streams
This study investigated the response of sweetfish (Plecoglossus altivelis), a species that migrates dynamically throughout a river basin, to two flood events during the summer of 2020 in the Nagara River, located in the central region of Japan. By combining multiple environmental DNA (eDNA) surveys and hydrological modeling, the spatiotemporal distribution of P. altivelis throughout a mountainous river basin was captured and analyzed. The eDNA concentrations at 42 sites in the Nagara River Basin were analyzed five times from August to early October 2020. In addition, Rainfall–Runoff–Inundation model calculations were performed using 1-km resolution precipitation data as input values to analyze the magnitude of the flood disturbance at the eDNA sites. The daily specific discharge Qs (m3/s/km2) was employed as an index of the flood magnitude. The calculation period included Flood Events 1 and 2 with 52 and 38 days of precipitation reaching 1923 and 528 mm, respectively. The results of the eDNA analysis showed that, immediately after Flood Event 1, the spatial distribution of P. altivelis was unevenly distributed in the upper reaches of the Nagara River and some of its tributaries. Subsequently, the distribution expanded to the entire mainstem. The distribution of the maximum daily specific discharge suggested that the river segments with high eDNA concentrations of P. altivelis immediately after the high-magnitude flood event were those with a relatively low intensity of flood disturbance compared with those in the other connected river segments and tributaries. The results of this study indicate that the resilience of riverine communities to extreme floods is supported by the continuity and connectivity between the mainstem and its tributaries in mountainous river basins