15 research outputs found

    Polymer-drug conjugates as inhalable drug delivery systems: A review

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    Accelerating interest by the pharmaceutical industry in the identification and development of less invasive routes of nanomedicine administration, coupled with defined efforts to improve the treatment of respiratory diseases through inhaled drug administration has fuelled growing interests in inhalable polymer-drug conjugates. Polymer-drug conjugates can alter the pharmacokinetic profile of the loaded drug after inhaled administration and enable the controlled and sustained exposure of the lungs to drugs when compared to the inhaled or oral administration of the drug alone. However, the major concern with the use of inhalable polymer-drug conjugates is their biocompatibility and long-term safety in the lungs, which is closely linked to lung retention times. A detailed understanding about the pharmacokinetics, lung disposition, clearance and safety of inhaled polymer-drug conjugates with significant translational potential is therefore required. This review therefore provides a comprehensive summary of the latest developments for several types of polymer-drug conjugates that are currently being explored as inhalable drug delivery systems. Finally, the current status and future perspective of the polymer-drug conjugates is also discussed with a focus on current knowledge gaps

    Effect of increased surface hydrophobicity via drug conjugation on the clearance of inhaled PEGylated polylysine dendrimers

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    PEGylated polylysine dendrimers are attractive and well tolerated inhalable drug delivery platforms that have the potential to control the release, absorption kinetics and lung retention time of conjugated drugs. The clinical application of these systems though, would likely require partial substitution of surface PEG groups with drug molecules that are anticipated to alter their lung clearance kinetics and clearance pathways. In the current study, we therefore evaluated the impact of increased surface hydrophobicity via substitution of 50% surface PEG groups with a model hydrophobic drug (α-carboxyl OtButylated methotrexate) on the lung clearance of a Generation 5 PEGylated polylysine dendrimer in rats. PEG substitution with OtBu-methotrexate accelerated lung clearance of the dendrimer by increasing polylysine scaffold catabolism, improving systemic absorption of the intact dendrimer and low molecular weight products of scaffold catabolism, and enhancing mucociliary clearance. These results suggest that the conjugation of hydrophobic drug on the surface of a PEGylated dendrimer is likely to accelerate lung clearance when compared to a fully PEGylated dendrimer

    The applications of 3D printing in pulmonary drug delivery and treatment of respiratory disorders

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    Background: Pulmonary diseases are the third leading cause of morbidity worldwide, however treatment and diagnosis of these diseases continue to be challenging due to the complex anatomical structure as well as physiological processes in the lungs. Methods: 3D printing is progressively finding new avenues in the medical field and this technology is constantly being used for diseases where diagnosis and treatment heavily rely on the thorough understanding of complex structural-physiology relationships. The structural and functional complexity of the pulmonary system makes it well suited to 3D printing technology. Results: 3D printing can be used to deconstruct the complex anatomy of the lungs and improve our understanding of its physiological mechanisms, cell interactions and pathophysiology of pulmonary diseases. Thus, this technology can be quite helpful in the discovery of novel therapeutic targets, new drugs and devices for the treatment of lung diseases. Conclusion: The intention of this review is to detail our current understanding of the applications of 3D printing in the design and evaluation of inhalable medicines and to provide an overview on its application in the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary diseases. This review also discusses other technical and regulatory challenges associated with the progression of 3D printing into clinical practice

    Liposomes are poorly absorbed via lung lymph after inhaled administration in sheep

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    Enhancing the delivery of therapeutic agents to the lung lymph, including drugs, transfection agents, vaccine antigens and vectors, has the potential to significantly improve the treatment and prevention of a range of lung-related illnesses. One way in which lymphatic delivery can be optimized is via the use of nanomaterial-based carriers, such as liposomes. After inhaled delivery however, there is conflicting information in the literature regarding whether nanomaterials can sufficiently access the lung lymphatics to have a therapeutic benefit, in large part due to a lack of reliable quantitative pharmacokinetic data. The aim of this work was to quantitatively evaluate the pulmonary lymphatic pharmacokinetics of a model nanomaterial-based drug delivery system (HSPC liposomes) in caudal mediastinal lymph duct cannulated sheep after nebulized administration to the lungs. Liposomes were labelled with 3 H-phosphatidylcholine to facilitate evaluation of pharmacokinetics and biodistribution in biological samples. While nanomaterials administered to the lungs may access the lymphatics via direct absorption from the airways or after initial uptake by alveolar macrophages, only 0.3 and 0.001% of the 3 H-lipid dose was recovered in lung lymph fluid and lymph cell pellets (containing immune cells) respectively over 5 days. This suggests limited lymphatic access of liposomes, despite apparent pulmonary bioavailability of the 3 H-lipid being approximately 17%, likely a result of absorption of liberated 3 H-lipid after breakdown of the liposome in the presence of lung surfactant. Similarly, biodistribution of 3 H in the mediastinal lymph node was insignificant after 5 days. These data suggest that liposomes, that are normally absorbed via the lymphatics after interstitial administration, do not access the lung lymphatics after inhaled administration. Alternate approaches to maximize the lung lymphatic delivery of drugs and other therapeutics need to be identified

    Disposition and safety of inhaled biodegradable nanomedicines: opportunities and challenges

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    The inhaled delivery of nanomedicines can provide a novel, non-invasive therapeutic strategy for the more localised treatment of lung-resident diseases and potentially also enable the systemic delivery of therapeutics that are otherwise administered via injection alone. However, the clinical translation of inhalable nanomedicine is being hampered by our lack of understanding about their disposition and clearance from the lungs. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the biodegradable nanomaterials that are currently being explored as inhalable drug delivery systems and our current understanding of their disposition within, and clearance from the lungs. The safety of biodegradable nanomaterials in the lungs is discussed and latest updates are provided on the impact of inflammation on the pulmonary pharmacokinetics of inhaled nanomaterials. Overall, the review provides an in-depth and critical assessment of the lung clearance mechanisms for inhaled biodegradable nanomedicines and highlights the opportunities and challenges for their translation into the clinic

    A comparison of the lung clearance kinetics of Solid lipid nanoparticles and Liposomes by following the 3H-labelled structural lipids after pulmonary delivery in rats

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    The utility of biodegradable nanosized drug carriers for the local and controlled delivery of therapeutics to the lungs has prompted significant interest in the development of inhalable nanomedicines. Still, little is known about how these systems are cleared from the lungs, including the kinetics of the structural lipids. Most preclinical and clinical studies to date have evaluated the lung clearance of loaded drugs, which in many cases poorly reflects the kinetics of the nanocarrier, or the bulk-labelled particles. This study therefore aimed to describe and compare the pulmonary pharmacokinetic behaviour and patterns of lung clearance of two commonly explored inhalable nanocarriers (anionic ∼150 nm liposomes and solid lipid nanoparticles [SLNs]) in rats by following the 3H-labelled structural lipids (phosphatidylcholine and tristearin respectively). The data showed that SLNs and liposomes were cleared from the lungs at similar rates, despite SLNs being deposited after intratracheal instillation in the upper respiratory track, and primarily via the mucociliary escalator, but this process was more pronounced for SLNs. Structural lipids were mainly associated with plasma proteins rather than nanocarrier in plasma. The lipids also exhibit prolonged lung exposure and are associated with the lung tissue (rather than BALF) over 2 weeks

    Suggested procedures for the reproducible synthesis of poly(d,l-lactide-co-glycolide) nanoparticles using the emulsification solvent diffusion platform

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    Background: Poly(d,l-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) based biodegradable nanoparticles are of key interest for the development of controlled release drug delivery systems and for other biomedical applications. It has been reported that PLGA polymers can be converted into colloidal nanoparticulate systems by various techniques, such as emulsification-diffusion, emulsification-evaporation, interfacial deposition, salting out, dialysis and nanoprecipitation. Emulsification-evaporation with water immiscible solvents including dichloromethane and chloroform has been the preferred method for the synthesis of PLGA nanoparticles due to the low boiling point and limited water solubility of these solvents. We and others, however, have found that when water-immiscible solvents are used for the synthesis of PLGA nanoparticles, particle aggregation, non-uniform particle size and multimodal size distribution are commonly encountered problems. This suggests that the synthesis of PLGA nanoparticles using water immiscible solvents is highly sensitive to small procedural variations that affect overall reproducibility. Objective: This study presents a simple and robust procedure for the preparation of PLGA nanoparticles with very small batch to batch variability

    The impact of size and charge on the pulmonary pharmacokinetics and immunological response of the lungs to PLGA nanoparticles after intratracheal administration to rats

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    Polylactide-co-glycolide (PLGA) nanoparticles are one of the most commonly explored biodegradable polymeric drug carriers for inhaled delivery. Despite their advantages as inhalable nanomedicine scaffolds, we still lack a complete understanding of the kinetics and major pathways by which these materials are cleared from the lungs. This information is important to evaluate their safety over prolonged use and enable successful clinical translation. This study aimed to determine how the size and charge of H-labeled PLGA nanoparticles affect the kinetics and mechanisms by which they are cleared from the lungs and their safety in the lungs. The results showed that lung clearance kinetics and retention patterns were more significantly defined by particle size, whereas lung clearance pathways were largely influenced by particle charge. Each of the nanoparticles caused transient inflammatory changes in the lungs after a single dose that reflected lung retention times

    Local inflammation alters the lung disposition of a drug loaded pegylated liposome after pulmonary dosing to rats

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    The development of inhalable ‘nanomedicines’ based on biocompatible lipids and polymers is attracting increasing interest worldwide. Our understanding of how pulmonary inflammation impacts on lung distribution and clearance kinetics however, is limited. Similarly, there is limited information on how the inhaled delivery of biocompatible nanomaterials affects existing respiratory disease. We have addressed these knowledge gaps by describing and comparing the pulmonary pharmacokinetic behaviour of a H-labelled PEGylated liposome loaded with a model drug (ciprofloxacin) after intratracheal administration to healthy rats and rats with bleomycin-induced lung inflammation by following both H label and drug. Cell- and cytokine-based markers of lung inflammation were used to evaluate the response of healthy and inflamed lungs to the liposome. Liposomes were initially cleared more rapidly from inflamed lungs than from healthy lungs, but exhibited similar rates of lung clearance after 3 days. This was interesting given that mucociliary clearance was more efficient from healthy lungs, despite evidence of higher mucus retention in inflamed lungs and reduced association of the liposome with lung tissue. Although the plasma pharmacokinetics of ciprofloxacin did not differ between rats with healthy or inflamed lungs after pulmonary administration, the plasma pharmacokinetics of H-phosphatidylcholine suggested higher liposome bioavailability and more prolonged absorption from inflamed lungs. Concentrations of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1β were increased in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid after a single pulmonary dose of liposomes to rats with inflamed lungs, but no other significant changes in lung inflammatory markers were identified in healthy or bleomycin-challenged rats