116 research outputs found

    Communication as an Obstacle for Education: An Analysis on Participation of Hijras in Mainstream Education System of Bangladesh

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    Hijra is a term given to the intersex hermaphrodite and transgender people who are part of the Hijra community in Bangladesh In 2013 Bangladesh government gave the official recognition of Hijras as a third gender community But the society still thing Hijras are aliens they are not supposed to live in society and have a life Though Hijras have official recognition of their sexual identity they are far away to get social recognitio n Educatio n is a basic need for every single person in the world and education is the best medium of communication to construct the social identity of a person According to Bangladesh education policy education is for all Hijras are also included in the term all Though they have all the r ight of being a citizen of the people republic of Bangladesh we never seen a Hijra in school college or any other educational institution Using a qualitative analysis this study will focus on why Hijras are not participating in the mainstream education system of Bangladesh though they have official recognition as a third gender community This paper will also focus on the role of society in making this decimation in the education system This research paper utilizes the co-cultural theory by Mark Orbe and Muted group theory by Ardener This study use these theories to understand how social influence is responsible for a minority community to stay out of the mainstream education system The theories used also helped with explaining the reason how sexual Identity became the main obstacle in the path of educatio

    Determinants of Profitability- A Case from the State-owned Commercial Banks of Bangladesh

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    This study is an attempt to investigate the impact of bank-specific and economy-specific determinants on the performance of selected State-owned Commercial Banks (SCB) operating in Bangladesh in terms of their profitability. This study considers three prominent SCBs, six bank specific determinants, two economy-specific determinants collected as secondary data from 2007-2014. Different financial ratios and statistical tools (descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation & regression analysis) have been utilized for verifying the hypotheses. The results showed that SCBs’ profitability (Return on Assets) has positive relationships with capital adequacy ratio(CAR), cost of fund ratio (COF), cost to income ratio (CIR), GDP growth ratio (GDPR) and negative relationship with classified loans to total loans ratio(CLTL), bank’s size (SIZ) and inflation (INFL).  Among them, CAR and GDPR are the significant determinants of their profitability over the study period. Keywords:  Profitability, State-owned commercial Banks, Internal & External determinants

    Determinants of Profitability- A Case from the State-owned Commercial Banks of Bangladesh

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    This study is an attempt to investigate the impact of bank-specific and economy-specific determinants on the performance of selected State-owned Commercial Banks (SCB) operating in Bangladesh in terms of their profitability. This study considers three prominent SCBs, six bank specific determinants, two economy-specific determinants collected as secondary data from 2007-2014. Different financial ratios and statistical tools (descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation & regression analysis) have utilized for verifying the hypotheses. The results showed that SCBs’ profitability (Return on Assets) has positive relationships with capital adequacy ratio(CAR), cost of fund ratio (COF), cost to income ratio (CIR), GDP growth ratio (GDPR) and negative relationship with classified loans to total loans ratio(CLTL), bank’s size (SIZ) and inflation (INFL).  Among them, CAR and GDPR are the significant determinants of their profitability over the study period. Keywords:  Profitability, State-owned commercial Banks, Internal & External determinants

    Effects of intra-articular autologous mesenchymal stem cell injection under ultrasonogram guidance in patients with osteoarthritis knee

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    Mesenchymal stem cells therapy opened new perspective in the management of osteoarthritis. This study focuses on a randomized controlled trial pilot on 10 patients of osteoarthritis knees to evaluate the intra-articular injections of mesenchymal stem cells could improve the symptoms, functional limitation and regeneration of cartilage. Mesenchymal stem cells were obtained from peripheral blood after mobilization of blood cell with granulocyte colony stimulating factor by apheresis machine. Single dose of mesenchymal stem cells were injected into the affected joints, WOMAC questionnaires scale used to record pre and post-treatment improvement, cartilage thickness measured by high frequency ultrasonogram. Four patients were having Grade II and six were having Grade III osteoarthritis. Kellgren-Lawrence scale was used for radiological grading. Pain score were decreased at the end of 24th weeks from 14.8 ± 2.2 to 4.1 ± 1.3, Stiffness score decreased from 5.8 ± 0.6 to 0.7 ± 0.6, Physical function limitation score reduced from 46.7 ± 6.5 to 20.3 ± 2.5. There was minor improvement of range of motion and cartilage thickness changes. This study demonstrates that mesenchymal stem cells injections improves all parameters of knee osteoarthritis and minimal regeneration of damaged cartilage. &nbsp

    Seasonal Price Variation and Market Intregration of Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) Fish in Some Selected Areas of Bangladesh

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    A study was undertaken to examine the marketing system and price behavior of tilapia fish in selected areas of Mymensingh district of Bangladesh during the month of March-May 2012. The objectives of the study were to estimate costs and margins, seasonal price variation and to test market integration of Tilapia fish. Primary and secondary data were used for this study. The higher marketing cost was incurred by aratdars and the lowest by retailer. On the other hand, retailers earned the highest net marketing margins. Analysis of market integration shows that Tilapia fish market in Bangladesh was well integrated. The study identified some problems related to economic, technical, marketing, social and natural calamities aspects and suggested some measures for solving these problems. The findings of the study revealed that the marketing of tilapia was a profitable business and some recommendations were provided for the improvement of tilapia marketing in the country. Keywords: Engle Granger co-integration, Market integration, marketing system, price behavior, Tilapia

    Influence of Drying and Post-drying Conditions on the Head Rice Yield of Aromatic Rice

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    The effects of various drying temperatures, low final moisture, and post-drying duration, on fissure formation and head rice yield (HRY) reduction in aromatic short-grain rice, were investigated. The results of post-drying duration showed that most fissured kernels were produced within 12-h after drying process ceased and then became to stable within 24 h for all treatments. The whole kernel percentage of Kaori aromatic rice was reduced significantly (P < 0.01) when rice was dried at 50oC and 60oC for both standard and low final moisture content (FMC). For a given post-drying duration and conditions, low FMC treatments exhibited more HRY reduction than did standard FMC. It is well known that moisture gradient has much influence in producing fissure in kernels. In addition, increased difference between immediate storage temperature and drying air temperature augmented the increase in the percentage of fissured kernels (P < 0.01)

    Marketing System of Shrimp in Some Selected Areas of Bangladesh

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    A study was undertaken to examine the marketing system value chin analysis of shrimp in selected areas of Khulna district of Bangladesh during the month of March-April 2012. The objectives of the study were to estimate costs and margins, seasonal price variation and to test market integration of shrimp. Primary were used for this study. The higher marketing cost was incurred by aratdars and the lowest by retailer. On the other hand, retailers earned the highest net marketing margins.T he findings of the study revealed that the marketing of shrimp was a profitable business and some recommendations were provided for the improvement of shrimp marketing in the country. Keywords: Engle Granger co-integration, Market integration, marketing system, price behavio

    Molecular and pathological identification of maize genotypes having Wsm gene governing resistance against MDMV and MCDV

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    Maize is seriously affected by different viruses like Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus (MDMV) and Maize Chlorotic Dwarf Virus (MCDV) throughout the world. In Bangladesh, no genotype has been identified yet as a source of resistant gene against MDMV and MCDV. The study was carried out with the objective to screen nine maize genotypes carrying Wsm gene using three sets of Single Sequence Repeat (SSR) marker. Maize plants were inoculated with viruses. Symptoms were scored at 7, 10 and 14 dpi (days post inoculation) to calculate infection percentage and Area Under Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC). The molecular result indicated that BHM-7, BHM-5, V-92, Uttaran and Duranta carried Wsm gene, but according to pathological test, functional resistance was observed for only BHM-7, V-92 and Uttaran on the basis of infection percentage and AUDPC score. BHM-7 (BARI Hybrid Maize 7) was noticed as the best one for showing resistance against MDMV and carrying Wsm gene. No genotype was found to govern resistance against MCDV

    Human Body Shape Variation of Bangladeshi Young Men Aged 20 -25 Years

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    Introduction: Describing the varieties of the human body shape is in a general sense essential to numerous applications going from liveliness to item plan. This research is aimed to develop the types of men’s human body shapes available in Bangladesh. Methods: Bangladesh has more than 5000 garment factories. To create a loyal customer and own brand in Bangladesh it is very much important to have a specific size chart for this country. To develop a specific size chart, the 1st attempts to detect the body shape variation. Results: In this research, the authors took 500 men’s human body from different regions of Bangladesh to detect the human shape. Most of the body age is limit to 20-25 years old. After putting all the summarized data in the X and Y graph the author tries to detect the body shape types available in Bangladesh. Conclusion: The final results of this research will help to develop the size chart individually for different types of men’s body.Introducción: Describir las variedades de la forma del cuerpo humano es, en un sentido general, esencial para numerosas aplicaciones que van desde la vitalidad hasta el diseño de elementos. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo desarrollar los tipos de formas del cuerpo humano de los hombres disponibles en Bangladesh. Métodos: Bangladesh tiene más de 5000 fábricas de ropa. Para crear un cliente fiel y una marca propia en Bangladesh, es muy importante tener una tabla de tallas específica para este país. Para desarrollar una tabla de tallas específica, el primero intenta detectar la variación de la forma del cuerpo. Resultados: En esta investigación, los autores tomaron el cuerpo humano de 500 hombres de diferentes regiones de Bangladesh para detectar la forma humana. La mayor parte de la edad del cuerpo está limitada a 20-25 años. Después de poner todos los datos resumidos en el gráfico X e Y, el autor trata de detectar los tipos de formas corporales disponibles en Bangladesh. Conclusiones: Los resultados finales de esta investigación ayudarán a desarrollar la tabla de tallas individualmente para diferentes tipos de cuerpo masculino
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