75 research outputs found


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    Belakangan ini pemberitaan tentang teroris semakin sering diberitakan. Para teroris ini menggunakan bom sebagai alat penghancur masal sehingga membuat jumlah korban mencapai ribuan jiwa. Pada penelitian ini akan dikembangkan menjadi Prototype Car Bomb Shield. Prototype Car Bomb Shield adalah salah satu cara agar mengurangi dampak ledakan tersebut. Prototype Car Bomb Shield ini dapat dikendalikan dari jarak jauh sehingga aman dan lebih efektif. Prototype Car Bomb Shield dapat dikendalikan dari jarak yang jauh. Hanya memerlukan laptop/Smartphone yang telah terpasang aplikasi khusus , laptop/Smartphone inilah yang berfungsi sebagai sistem kendali. Eclipse adalah salah satu aplikasi yang mendukung untuk pembuatan aplikasi di Smartphone tersebut. Smartphone ini digunakan karena lebih mudah dan efisien. Eclipse ini lah yang menyambungkan antara Prototype Car Bomb Shield dan Smartphone melalui radio frekuensi dan Bluetooth. Setelah tersambung Smartphone ini dapat mengendalikan tangan Prototype Car Bomb Shield , menggerakan Prototype Car Bomb Shield dan menutup bunker yang berada pada bagian belakang Prototype Car Bom Shield. Prototype Car Bomb Shield juga dilengkap kamera yang berfungsi sebagai monitoring pergerakannya. Monitoring akan memiliki delay, apabila semakin jauh jarak Prototype Car Bomb Shield pada driver maka akan memiliki delay yang banyak. Sedangkan semakin dekat Prototype Car Bomb Shield pada driver maka akan memiliki delay yang sedikit. . Kata Kunci: Android, Sistem Kendali , Monitorin

    Environmental Impacts of Phasing out Energy Subsidies

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    Here, we investigate the environmental impacts of removing these subsidies in terms of emission of air pollutants. The paper employs a multi-pollutant, multi-fuel and multi-sector Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model calibrated using 2001 Energy Micro Consistent Matrix (EMCM) of Iranian Ministry of Energy. We consider the possibility of pollutant substitution, which may change the pollutants mix and cause new environmental problems. Our findings suggest that pollutant substitution may happen if a policy causes extreme changes in relative energy prices. The magnitude of this substitution depends on energy substitution elasticities as well as sectoral activity level changes, energy share parameters, and emission factors. For the Iran case, we found that CO and CH emissions would increase after rising in energy prices

    Impacts of Energy Price Increase and Cash Subsidy Payments on Energy Demand

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    Energy demand is mainly a function of own price, price of substitute energies, the activity level of sectors, cost of materials and labor and capital, cost-share of energy, elasticity of substitution parameters and households income. The main purpose of this paper is to measure the changes in energy demand after energy price increase and cash subsidy payment to households. We apply a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model of Iran as a small open economy. The model is specialized in modeling energy market in Iran. We consider 7 energy goods; the discriminatory energy prices are considered between sectors, and energy markets are modeled to show how government controls the prices. The model is calibrated based on Energy Micro Consistent Matrix (EMCM) of Ministry of Energy. We found that chemical Industry and Transportation Services face the highest reduction in sectoral energy demand. In the counterfactual scenario, the relative price of electricity compared to other energies declines. Therefore electricity demand would increase in the long run when compared to short-run demand level. But as expected, the gas-oil and fuel demand would decrease in the long run

    Impact of Energy Price Reform on Environmental Emissions; A Computable General Equilibrium Approach

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    An increase in energy prices will decrease fossil fuel consumption; on the other hand, the cost-push will encourage technology improvement for firms and households. These changes will affect the emission level. This paper studies the changes in yearly pollutant emissions after an energy price reform in Iran. We apply a computable general equilibrium model which consists of 7 energy goods (Electricity, natural gas, liquid gas, gasoline, kerosene, fuel, gas-oil) and also 7 pollutants (CO, CO2, SO2, SO3, CH, SPM, NOx). The model is calibrated based on a Micro Consistent Matrix of 2001 from the Ministry of Energy. We also assume different scenarios of energy layer elasticity which describe different technology changes in our sensitivity analysis. The findings suggest that by an increase in energy prices, the emission of most pollutants would decrease except for CO and CH. For these two, depending on the technology changes after the policy, their emission may decline or not. The decline in CO2 emission will be between 9 and 16 percent

    A General Equilibrium Model with Labor-Leisure and Domestic-Abroad Choice for Assessment of Labor Migration in a Small Open Economy

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    This paper studies the macroeconomic and sectoral impacts of labor migration. We employ LMGE, a multi-sector, multi-labor Computable General Equilibrium model. We have distinguished between “skilled-labor” and “unskilled-labor” which may be employed in the domestic labor market or abroad. Labor supply is determined endogenously by leisure decision. The Household’s optimization behavior determines the demand functions for commodities and leisure. Finally, time allocation between leisure and work determines the labor supply. The model is calibrated based on the 2001 Labor Micro Consistent Matrix (L-MCM) of the Iranian Economy. The L-MCM is a modified Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) which includes 147 commodities and 99 production activities. We find that labor inflow increases GDP as well as the consumption of households. But, employment may not rise in some sectors. Skilled labor migration increases the employment of unskilled labors in Agriculture, Oil and Gas, and Energy, while it decreases unskilled employment in other sectors. We also find that the labor category with the highest population has a stronger effect on GDP and consumption. Our sensitivity analysis proves the robustness of the results

    A Financial General Equilibrium Model for Assessment of Financial Sector Policies in Developing Countries

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    This paper introduces a real-financial CGE (computable general equilibrium) model for economic policy analysis. It is a multi-investor, multi-asset, and multi-sector model appropriate for what-if policy analysis in a single-country open-economy framework. The financial side includes a central bank, commercial banks, deposits, loans, equities, bonds, and foreign currency. We also consider markets for loanable funds. The model assumes small open economy, imperfect capital mobility, imperfect Armington substitution between imported and domestic commodity, nested CES (constant elasticity of substitution) structure in production, nested CES structure in consumption, and heterogeneity of domestic products in one commodity category. We consider the transport margin, wholesale margin, import tariffs, import subsidy, production tax, value added tax, goods and services tax, and other transfer payments. We calibrate the model based on the 1999 Social Accounting Matrix of Iran. This matrix includes 47 production activities and 112 commodity categories detailed on hydrocarbon resources

    A General Equilibrium Analysis of Unskilled Labor Entry and Skilled Labor Exit in Iran

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    Labor migration affects domestic labor markets. This paper analyzes the impacts of decline in domestic skilled labor and increase inflow of foreign unskilled labor on employment and sectoral production in Iran. For this purpose, we develop a multi-sector computable general equilibrium model with both skilled and unskilled workers. To calibrate the model, we construct a Micro Consistent Matrix as a modified Social Accounting Matrix (SAM). We consider a counterfactual scenario of 10% increase in unskilled labor and 10% decline in skilled labor. The simulation results show that decline in skilled labor and increase in unskilled labor would increase the wage rate of skilled labor. Except for agriculture, the employment of unskilled labor in other sectors will increase by 1.6% to 14.4%. However, the domestic income is decreased despite of increasing wage rate of the skilled labor. The production of all sectors also declines by 2.9% to 3.9%, in such a way agriculture, mining and industry sectors face with the highest decrease in production

    Impacts of Energy Price Increase and Cash Subsidy Payments on Energy Demand

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    Energy demand is mainly a function of own price, price of substitute energies, the activity level of sectors, cost of materials and labor and capital, cost-share of energy, elasticity of substitution parameters and households income. The main purpose of this paper is to measure the changes in energy demand after energy price increase and cash subsidy payment to households. We apply a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model of Iran as a small open economy. The model is specialized in modeling energy market in Iran. We consider 7 energy goods; the discriminatory energy prices are considered between sectors, and energy markets are modeled to show how government controls the prices. The model is calibrated based on Energy Micro Consistent Matrix (EMCM) of Ministry of Energy. We found that chemical Industry and Transportation Services face the highest reduction in sectoral energy demand. In the counterfactual scenario, the relative price of electricity compared to other energies declines. Therefore electricity demand would increase in the long run when compared to short-run demand level. But as expected, the gas-oil and fuel demand would decrease in the long run

    Environmental Impacts of Phasing out Energy Subsidies

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    Here, we investigate the environmental impacts of removing these subsidies in terms of emission of air pollutants. The paper employs a multi-pollutant, multi-fuel and multi-sector Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model calibrated using 2001 Energy Micro Consistent Matrix (EMCM) of Iranian Ministry of Energy. We consider the possibility of pollutant substitution, which may change the pollutants mix and cause new environmental problems. Our findings suggest that pollutant substitution may happen if a policy causes extreme changes in relative energy prices. The magnitude of this substitution depends on energy substitution elasticities as well as sectoral activity level changes, energy share parameters, and emission factors. For the Iran case, we found that CO and CH emissions would increase after rising in energy prices

    A General Equilibrium Model with Labor-Leisure and Domestic-Abroad Choice for Assessment of Labor Migration in a Small Open Economy

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    This paper studies the macroeconomic and sectoral impacts of labor migration. We employ LMGE, a multi-sector, multi-labor Computable General Equilibrium model. We have distinguished between “skilled-labor” and “unskilled-labor” which may be employed in the domestic labor market or abroad. Labor supply is determined endogenously by leisure decision. The Household’s optimization behavior determines the demand functions for commodities and leisure. Finally, time allocation between leisure and work determines the labor supply. The model is calibrated based on the 2001 Labor Micro Consistent Matrix (L-MCM) of the Iranian Economy. The L-MCM is a modified Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) which includes 147 commodities and 99 production activities. We find that labor inflow increases GDP as well as the consumption of households. But, employment may not rise in some sectors. Skilled labor migration increases the employment of unskilled labors in Agriculture, Oil and Gas, and Energy, while it decreases unskilled employment in other sectors. We also find that the labor category with the highest population has a stronger effect on GDP and consumption. Our sensitivity analysis proves the robustness of the results
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