9 research outputs found

    The Impact of Health Education on Parenting Self- Efficacy among Early-married Women

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    Adolescent-marriage has a strong correlation withpoor outcomes on women’s health, such as experiencingpsychological stress and lack of ability in taking care of theirchildren. This study aimed to investigate the impact of healtheducation on young mothers’ knowledge and attitude ofparenting, and also to identify the effect on parenting self-efficacy(PSE). Design: a quasi-experimental and nonequivalent pre-testand post-test control group design was conducted. Setting: Therespondents were recruited from data in the mother and babycohort book in a community health center in Temanggung,Central Java, Indonesia. Subjects were allocated in one of thegroups using cluster random sampling, with the village as therandom unit. Participants: 37 and 31 young mothers participatedin intervention group and control group respectively.Intervention: Health education about parenting was givenindividually for subjects in the intervention group. Measurementsand findings: PSE was measured pre and post-test usingMaternal Self-Efficacy Questionnaire. Data analysis wasconducted using independent samples t-test. The results showedthat the improvement score of PSE in the intervention group washigher than in the control group (p=0.000). The difference ofparenting knowledge post-test between the intervention andcontrol group was 0.000 (p0.05). Keyconclusions: the improvement score of PSE and knowledge aboutparenting in the intervention group was higher than the controlgroup. There is no difference in score changing of parentingattitude in both groups. There is a correlation between familysupport and mother’s occupation with PSE. Implications forpractice: nurses and midwives need to give parenting healtheducation for early-married women in a structured way toimprove their PSE

    Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Tentang Menopause Terhadap Perubahan Kualitas Hidup Perempuan Klimakterik

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    Physical and psychological changes that happen at the climacterium period would influence the quality of life in climacteric women. Therefore, the adaptation process is needed to overcome problems and changes during this period so that the quality of life of climacteric women could be increased. Lack of knowledge and access to information are major challenger that were faced by menopause women. One of efforts that can be done to improve their knowledge is through health education. This study aimed to identify the influence of health education about menopause towards the quality of live changes in climacteric women. The study used quasi experiment design with pretest and posttest nonequivalent control group. The location of this study was in Gamping Kidul Ambarketawang Village in December 2013 to April 2014. The total population is 271 people. Sample consisted of 44 people in the intervention group and 44 people in the control group. The intervention group received 4 times health education and small group discussion, as well as once relaxation and Yoga. Participants in control group received a booklet about menopause, signs and symptoms, nutrition during menopause period, and management of menopause. The quality of life was measured using WHOQOL-BREF. Analysis used paired t-test, independent samples t-test with α = 0.05. The mean scores of quality of life for intervention group were 51.0 (pretest) and 66.5 (posttest). The paired t-test showed that there was a significant difference of quality of life score before and after health education in the intervention group (t =14,436, p=0,001). However, there was no significant difference of quality of life in the control group (t=1,059, p= 0,0295). Based on this results, it can be concluded that health education program about menopause can increase quality of life of climacteric women

    Tradisi dan Lingkungan Sosial Memengaruhi Dukungan Menyusui pada Bayi Berat Badan Lahir Rendah di Kota Malang

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    Low birthweight (LBW) is one of main causes of infant mortality in the world. World Health Organization in 2003 had recommended breastfeeding for LBW handling. However, LBW mothers face many difficulties during early postpartum period. Moreover, breastfeeding in Indonesia is also influenced by social and cultural belief, so it may influence mothers' decision whether remain breastfeeding or not in early postpartum period. This study aimed to explore the meaning of the experience of mothers to remain breastfeeding their LBW infants. This qualitative study was conducted using phenomenological approach. Seven participants were mothers ever breastfeeding their LBW infants. Data were collected through semi-structured in-depth interview, observation and secondary data on May – June 2015. Data analysis used Colaizzi method (1978). There were four themes found namely introduction of breastfeeding since early for LBW infants, granting of early complementary feeding as an alternative to overcome breastfeeding problem, cultural belief and social environment influencing support for breastfeeding mothers as well as accepting breastfeeding as the very nature of woman. Breastfeeding LBW infants has higher difficulty le-vel, also any tradition family believe and social environment really affect support given to mothers in breastfeeding

    Pengalaman Ibu Menghadapi Remaja dengan Gejala Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

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    Mothers experience dealing an adolescent with premenstrual dysphoric disorder symptomsPurposeThe purpose of this study is to explore mothers experience dealing an adolescent with symptoms of the premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). MethodsThe research used quantitative and qualitative methods. In the quantitative method used with a cross-sectional design using the PMDD symptom questionnaire according to DSM-IV in adolescents, while in a qualitative method using in-depth interview technique on the mother of the adolescent. Data analysis on a quantitative method using descriptive analysis while on qualitative using method of data analysis Colaizi (1973). ResultsThis study showed that 23% or 52 of 226 adolescents had PMDD symptoms and found five themes: 1) the mother knew and felt the symptoms of PMDD experienced by the child, 2) The attitude and the limited time of mother and child affected the delivery of PMDD symptoms of the child to the mother, 3 ) Diversity of the mother's response when the child is facing symptoms of PMDD, 4) The handling that the mother gives to the child when the child has PMDD symptoms is sourced from the past, 5) Mother seeks information about the handling that can be done when experiencing PMDD symptoms. ConclusionMothers play an important role in helping adolescent deal with PMDD symptoms. mothers can provide support, be it instrumental support, assessment, emotional and informational. Mothers should have adequate knowledge of PMDD symptoms so that the support provided can be maximized

    Parents Experience in Providing Reproductive Health Education for Adolescent with Visual Disability in YOGYAKARTA

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    Background: Visibility impairment in children with visual disabilities affect their cognitive experiences, reproductive health problems and sexual abuse. One way to prevent negative experiences related to reproductive health and sexuality is to reproductive health education by parents as the closest person to the child. The purpose of this research is to get an idea how parent experience in providing reproductive health education to adolescents with visual disabilities in Yogyakarta. Method: This research is a qualitative research with phenomenology approach. The study was conducted from July to August 2017 in three schools, which are: SLB Negeri I Bantul, SLB Yaketunis and MTs LB Yaketunis Yogyakarta. Participans were selected by purposive sampling based on inclusion and exclusion criterion, and considered the maximum variation sampling. The participants were 10 visual disability parents (father and/or mother). The data was collected through interviews using semi-structured interview guidelines. Data were analyzed using Colaizzi method. Result of the research: Five themes are: 1) Reproductive health education is provided in accordance with the needs of children; 2) The parents have barriers in giving reproductive health education; 3) Reproductive health education in adolescent with visual disability is given by optimizing the sense of listening, touching and kissing  4) Religion and social norms become the basis of parent's consideration in providing reproductive health education; 5) The visual disability conditions experience by parents will affect the education provided Conclusion: Reproductive health education is important since early age in adolescents with visual disability, by considering media and appropriate methode that is by optimizing the function of the sense of hearing, touch and smell

    Pengaruh Pemberian Pendidikan Kesehatan Individu terhadap Perubahan Maternal Depressive Symptoms pada Ibu Postpartum

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    Latar Belakang: Periode postpartum merupakan proses adaptasi Perubahan fisik dan psikologis. Ibu postpartum beresiko mengalami gangguan psikologis. Intervensi berupa latihan rutin dan pemberian pendidikan kesehatan merupakan usaha yang bisa dilakukan oleh tenaga kesehatan untuk menurunkan maternal depressive symptoms. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pendidikan kesehatan individu terhadap Perubahan skor maternal depressive symptoms pada ibu postpartum. Metode: Desain quasy experimental dengan pendekatan pre dan post test. Waktu penelitian pada November 2014 hingga Januari 2015. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh ibu postpartum yang melahirkan di Puskesmas Tegalrejo, Yogyakarta. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan concecutive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 35 orang. Intervensi berupa pemberian pendidikan kesehatan. Intervensi dilakukan 3 kali dalam jangka waktu 3 minggu. Instrumen Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) digunakan untuk mengukur maternal depressive symptoms pada pre dan post-test. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah paired t test. Hasil: Skor maternal depressive symptoms sebelum intervensi yaitu 12,83 dan terjadi penurunan signifikan setelah intervensi (minggu ketiga), 7,69. Delta Perubahan skor adalah 4,89 (p=0,002). Kesimpulan: Pendidikan kesehatan disertai buku panduan berpengaruh signifikan menurunkan maternal depressive symptoms pada ibu postpartum

    Pengaruh Konseling Terhadap Parenting Self Efficacy Pada Ibu Postpartum Dengan Sectio Caesarea

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    Latar Belakang: Parenting Self Efficacy (PSE) merupakan keyakinan orang tua terhadap kemampuannya dalam mengatur dan melakukan tugas yang berhubungan dengan mengasuh anak. Rasa sakit setelah persalinan SC dapat mengurangi kemampuan dan menurunkan keyakinan ibu dalam merawat bayi. Konseling pada ibu postpartum merupakan upaya meningkatkan keyakinan diri dalam mengasuh bayi.Tujuan: menguji pengaruh konseling yang diberikan pada ibu postpartum dengan SC terhadap peningkatan PSE.Metode: Penelitian menggunakan quasi eksperimen dengan pre-test and post-test with control group. Jumlah subjek penelitian sebanyak 66 subjek terbagi menjadi kelompok eksperimen 33 dan kontrol 33. Subjek yang sesuai kriteria inklusi, diberikan kuesioner dan dilakukan pre-test dengan parenting self efficacy scale (PSES), melakukan konseling dan memberi booklet pada kelompok eksperimen dan memberi booklet saja pada kelompok kontrol. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan instrumen parenting self efficacy scale (PSES). Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah paired t-test dan independent sample t-testHasil Penelitian: Peningkatan skor PSE yang bermakna setelah dilakukan intervensi pada kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol (6,19±0,93 Vs 7,54±0,71, P=0,001; 5,56±0,85 Vs 5,87±0,68, P=0,001). Perubahan skor setelah intervensi secara bermakna lebih tinggi pada kelompok eksperimen dibanding kelompok kontrol (1,35±0,58 Vs 0,31±0,26, p= 0,000) Kesimpulan: Konseling dengan menggunakan booklet berpengaruh terhadap parenting self efficacy pada ibu postpartum dengan SC