206 research outputs found

    On Tree-Based Neural Sentence Modeling

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    Neural networks with tree-based sentence encoders have shown better results on many downstream tasks. Most of existing tree-based encoders adopt syntactic parsing trees as the explicit structure prior. To study the effectiveness of different tree structures, we replace the parsing trees with trivial trees (i.e., binary balanced tree, left-branching tree and right-branching tree) in the encoders. Though trivial trees contain no syntactic information, those encoders get competitive or even better results on all of the ten downstream tasks we investigated. This surprising result indicates that explicit syntax guidance may not be the main contributor to the superior performances of tree-based neural sentence modeling. Further analysis show that tree modeling gives better results when crucial words are closer to the final representation. Additional experiments give more clues on how to design an effective tree-based encoder. Our code is open-source and available at https://github.com/ExplorerFreda/TreeEnc.Comment: To Appear at EMNLP 201

    The ProfessionAl Go annotation datasEt (PAGE)

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    The game of Go has been highly under-researched due to the lack of game records and analysis tools. In recent years, the increasing number of professional competitions and the advent of AlphaZero-based algorithms provide an excellent opportunity for analyzing human Go games on a large scale. In this paper, we present the ProfessionAl Go annotation datasEt (PAGE), containing 98,525 games played by 2,007 professional players and spans over 70 years. The dataset includes rich AI analysis results for each move. Moreover, PAGE provides detailed metadata for every player and game after manual cleaning and labeling. Beyond the preliminary analysis of the dataset, we provide sample tasks that benefit from our dataset to demonstrate the potential application of PAGE in multiple research directions. To the best of our knowledge, PAGE is the first dataset with extensive annotation in the game of Go. This work is an extended version of [1] where we perform a more detailed description, analysis, and application.Comment: Journal version of arXiv:2205.00254, under revie

    A multi-layer refined network model for the identification of essential proteins

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    The identification of essential proteins in protein-protein interaction networks (PINs) can help to discover drug targets and prevent disease. In order to improve the accuracy of the identification of essential proteins, researchers attempted to obtain a refined PIN by combining multiple biological information to filter out some unreliable interactions in the PIN. Unfortunately, such approaches drastically reduce the number of nodes in the PIN after multiple refinements and result in a sparser PIN. It makes a considerable portion of essential proteins unidentifiable. In this paper, we propose a multi-layer refined network (MR-PIN) that addresses this problem. Firstly, four refined networks are constructed by respectively integrating different biological information into the static PIN to form a multi-layer heterogeneous network. Then scores of proteins in each network layer are calculated by the existing node ranking method, and the importance score of a protein in the MR-PIN is evaluated in terms of the geometric mean of its scores in all layers. Finally, all nodes are sorted by their importance scores to determine their essentiality. To evaluate the effectiveness of the multi-layer refined network model, we apply 16 node ranking methods on the MR-PIN, and compare the results with those on the SPIN, DPIN and RDPIN. Then the predictive performances of these ranking methods are validated in terms of the identification number of essential protein at top100 - top600, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, F-measure, accuracy, Jackknife, ROCAUC and PRAUC. The experimental results show that the MR-PIN is superior to the existing refined PINs in the identification accuracy of essential proteins

    A protein network refinement method based on module discovery and biological information

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    The identification of essential proteins can help in understanding the minimum requirements for cell survival and development. Network-based centrality approaches are commonly used to identify essential proteins from protein-protein interaction networks (PINs). Unfortunately, these approaches are limited by the poor quality of the underlying PIN data. To overcome this problem, researchers have focused on the prediction of essential proteins by combining PINs with other biological data. In this paper, we proposed a network refinement method based on module discovery and biological information to obtain a higher quality PIN. First, to extract the maximal connected subgraph in the PIN and to divide it into different modules by using Fast-unfolding algorithm; then, to detect critical modules based on the homology information, subcellular localization information and topology information within each module, and to construct a more refined network (CM-PIN). To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we used 10 typical network-based centrality methods (LAC, DC, DMNC, NC, TP, LID, CC, BC, PR, LR) to compare the overall performance of the CM-PIN with those the refined dynamic protein network (RD-PIN). The experimental results showed that the CM-PIN was optimal in terms of precision-recall curve, jackknife curve and other criteria, and can help to identify essential proteins more accurately

    A revised model of global silicate weathering considering the influence of vegetation cover on erosion rate

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    Silicate weathering, which is of great importance in regulating the global carbon cycle, has been found to be affected by complicated factors, including climate, tectonics and vegetation. However, the exact transfer function between these factors and the silicate weathering rate is still unclear, leading to large model–data discrepancies in the CO2 consumption associated with silicate weathering. Here we propose a simple parameterization for the influence of vegetation cover on erosion rate to improve the model–data comparison based on a state-of-the-art silicate weathering model. We found out that the current weathering model tends to overestimate the silicate weathering fluxes in the tropical region, which can hardly be explained by either the uncertainties in climate and geomorphological conditions or the optimization of model parameters. We show that such an overestimation of the tropical weathering rate can be rectified significantly by parameterizing the shielding effect of vegetation cover on soil erosion using the leaf area index (LAI), the high values of which are coincident with the distribution of leached soils. We propose that the heavy vegetation in the tropical region likely slows down the erosion rate, much more so than thought before, by reducing extreme streamflow in response to precipitation. The silicate weathering model thus revised gives a smaller global weathering flux which is arguably more consistent with the observed value and the recently reconstructed global outgassing, both of which are subject to uncertainties. The model is also easily applicable to the deep-time Earth to investigate the influence of land plants on the global biogeochemical cycle.</p

    Convergence analysis of environmental efficiency from the perspective of environmental regulation: evidence from China

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze the impact of environmental regulation on regional environmental efficiency convergence using the fixed effects model and threshold regression model. The results show that the differences in environmental efficiency have a convergence trend in China, as well as in the eastern, central and western regions. The effect of environmental regulation on regional environmental efficiency is inhibition first and then promotion, research and development investment and outward foreign direct investment have a positive transmission effect; when environmental regulation intensity exceeds a certain threshold, the growth rate of environmental efficiency in the central and western regions will be significantly higher than that in the eastern regions
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