8 research outputs found

    Gauge independent description of Aharonov-Bohm Effect

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    The Aharonov-Bohm (AB) effect is a pure quantum effect that implies a measurable phase shift in the wave function for a charged particle that encircles a magnetic flux located in a region \textit{inaccessible} to the particle. Classically, such a non-local effect appears to be impossible since the Lorentz force depends on only the magnetic field at the location of the particle. In quantum mechanics, the Hamiltonian, and thus the Schr\"odinger equation, has a local coupling between the current due to the particle, and the electromagnetic vector potential A\mathbf{A}, which extends to the entire space beyond the region with finite magnetic field. This has sometimes been interpreted as meaning that in quantum mechanics A\mathbf{A} is in some sense more "fundamental" than B\mathbf {B} in spite of the former being gauge dependent, and thus unobservable. Here we shall, with a general proof followed by a few examples, demonstrate that the AB-effect can be fully accounted for by considering only the gauge invariant B\mathbf{B} field, as long as it is included as part of the quantum action of the entire isolated system. The price for the gauge invariant formulation is that we must give up locality -- the AB-phase for the particle will arise from the change in the action for the B\mathbf{B} field in the region inaccessible to the particle

    Emergent Chern-Simons Interactions in 3+1 Dimensions

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    Parity violating superconductors can support a low-dimension local interaction that becomes, upon condensation, a purely spatial Chern-Simons term. Solutions to the resulting generalized London equations can be obtained from solutions of the ordinary London equations with a complex penetration depth, and suggest several remarkable physical phenomena. The problem of flux exclusion by a sphere brings in an anapole moment, the problem of current-carrying wires brings in an azimuthal magnetic field, and the problem of vortices brings in currents along the vortices. We demonstrate that interactions of this kind, together with a conceptually related dimensionally reduced Chern-Simons interaction, can arise from physically plausible microscopic interactions.Comment: 11+5 pages, 4+1 figures. Published in Phys. Rev.

    Two-fluid theory of composite bosons and fermions and the quantum Hall proximity effect

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    We propose a two-fluid description of fractional quantum Hall systems, in which one component is a condensate of composite bosons and the other a Fermi liquid formed by composite fermions (or simply electrons). We employ the theory to model the interface between a fractional quantum Hall liquid and a (composite) Fermi liquid metal, where we find a penetration of quantum Hall condensate into the metallic region reminiscent of the proximity effect in superconductor-metal interfaces. We also find a novel and physically reasonable set of gapped quasielectron and neutral modes in fractional quantum Hall liquids.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Relativisera inte synen på människoliv

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    Det sägs ofta att mätt i överdödlighet är Sverige ett av de länder som har klarat coronapandemin bäst. Men de hittills gjorda studierna av överdödlighet hjälper oss inte att bedöma den svenska pandemistrategin. Det skriver forskarna Joacim Rocklöv, Peter Jagers, Holger Rootzen, Thors Hans Hansson och Torsten Åkesson