21,295 research outputs found

    Kinetics of nitric oxide formation and decomposition

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    Experiments on shock wave structure were conducted in the 12 inch shock tube facility, and it is shown that this work was motivated by the need for improved kinetics for the modeling of NO production in space shuttle flow fields. The experiments on shock structure involved simultaneous observations of pressure and temperature on the wall of the shock tube during reflection of normal shock waves in inert gases

    Productivity Measurement and the Impact of Trade and Technology on Wages: Estimates for the U.S., 1972-1990

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    We develop an empirical framework to assess the importance of trade and technical change on the wages of production and nonproduction workers. Trade is measured by the foreign outsourcing of intermediate inputs, while technical change is measured by the shift towards high-technology capital such as computers. In our benchmark specification, we find that both foreign outsourcing and expenditures on high-technology equipment can explain a substantial amount of the increase in the wages of nonproduction (high-skilled) relative to production (low-skilled) workers that occurred during the 1980s. Surprisingly, it is expenditures on high-technology capital other than computers that are most important. These results are very sensitive, however, to our benchmark assumption that industry prices are independent of productivity. When we allow for the endogeneity of industry prices, then expenditures on computers becomes the most important cause of the increased wage inequality, and have a 50% greater impact than does foreign outsourcing.

    Foreign Direct Investment and Relative Wages: Evidence from Mexico's Maquiladoras

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    In this paper, we examine the increase in the relative wages of skilled workers in Mexico during the 1980s. We argue that rising wage inequality in Mexico is linked to capital inflows from abroad. The effect of these capital inflows, which correspond to an increase in outsourcing by multinationals from the United States and other Northern countries, is to shift production in Mexico towards relatively skill-intensive goods thereby increasing the relative demand for skilled labor. We study the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the share of skilled labor in total wages in Mexico using state-level data on two-digit industries from the Industrial Census for the period 1975 to 1988. We measure the state- level growth in FDI using data on the regional activities of foreign- owned assembly plants. We find that growth in FDI is positively correlated with the relative demand for skilled labor. In the regions where FDI has been most concentrated, growth in FDI can account for over 50 percent of the increase in the skilled labor share of total wages that occurred during the late 1980s.

    Intermediaries in Entrepot Trade: Hong Kong Re-Exports of Chinese Goods

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    In this paper, we examine Hong Kong's role in intermediating trade between China and the rest of the world. Hong Kong distributes a large fraction of China's exports. Net of customs, insurance, and freight charges, re-exports of Chinese goods are much more expensive when they leave Hong Kong than when they enter. Hong Kong markups on re-exports of Chinese goods are higher for differentiated products, products with higher variance in export prices, products sent to China for further processing, and products shipped to countries which have less trade with China. These results are consistent with quality-sorting models of intermediation and with the outsourcing of production tasks from Hong Kong to China. Additional results suggest that Hong Kong traders price discriminate across destination markets and use transfer pricing to shift income from high-tax countries to Hong Kong.

    Ownership and Control in Outsourcing to China: Estimating the Property-Rights Theory of the Firm

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    In this paper, we develop a simple model of international outsourcing and apply it to processing trade in China. We observe China's processing exports broken down by who owns the plant and by who controls the inputs the plant processes. Multinational firms engaged in export processing in China tend to split factory ownership and input control with managers in China: the most common outcome is to have foreign factory ownership but Chinese control over input purchases. To account for this organizational arrangement, we appeal to a property-rights model of the firm. Multinational firms and the Chinese factory managers with whom they contract divide the surplus associated with export processing by Nash bargaining. Investments in input search, production, and marketing are partially relationship specific. In our benchmarks estimates, this relationship specificity is lowest in southern coastal provinces, where export markets are thickest, and highest in interior and northern provinces. The probability contracts are enforced has a similar pattern and is the lowest along the southern coast and the highest in the north.

    The Value of Information in International Trade: Gains to Outsourcing through Hong Kong

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    In this paper, we estimate the benefits to countries that purchase goods from China of having access to intermediary services provided by Hong Kong. Traders in Hong Kong supply information on markets and producers in China, which provides welfare gains to foreign firms using these services. During the 1990s, Hong Kong intermediated about half of the goods that China exported to the rest of the world. Our results suggests that gains to intermediary services provided by Hong Kong equal 16% of the value of goods that China exports to other countries through Hong Kong, and range between 10% and 21% of this export value for various manufacturing goods and across different years.

    Solving the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for gravitationally interacting electromagnetic and scalar fields

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    The spatial gradient expansion of the generating functional was recently developed by Parry, Salopek, and Stewart to solve the Hamiltonian constraint in Einstein-Hamilton-Jacobi theory for gravitationally interacting dust and scalar fields. This expansion is used here to derive an order-by-order solution of the Hamiltonian constraint for gravitationally interacting electromagnetic and scalar fields. A conformal transformation and functional integral are used to derive the generating functional up to the terms fourth order in spatial gradients. The perturbations of a flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmology with a scalar field, up to second order in spatial gradients, are given. The application of this formalism is demonstrated in the specific example of an exponential potential.Comment: 14 pages, uses amsmath,amssymb, referees' suggestions implemented, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Kinetics of the reaction of nitric oxide with hydrogen

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    Mixtures of NO and H2 diluted in argon or krypton were heated by incident shock waves, and the infrared emission from the fundamental vibration-rotation band of NO at 5.3 microns was used to monitor the time-varying NO concentration. The reaction kinetics were studied in the temperature range 2400-4500 K using a shock-tube technique. The decomposition of nitric oxide behind the shock was found to be modeled well by a fifteen-reaction system. A principle result of the study was the determination of the rate constant for the reaction H + NO yields N + OH, which may be the rate-limiting step for NO removal in some combustion systems. Experimental values of k sub 1 were obtained for each test through comparisons of measured and numerically predicted NO profiles

    Microwave remote sensing of snow experiment description and preliminary results

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    The active and passive microwave responses to snow were investigated at a site near Steamboat Springs, Colorado during the February and March winter months. The microwave equipment was mounted atop truck-mounted booms. Data were acquired at numerous frequencies, polarizations, and angles of incidence for a variety of snow conditions. The experiment description, the characteristics of the microwave and ground truth instruments, and the results of a preliminary analysis of a small portion of the total data volume acquired in Colorado are documented

    A theoretical investigation of the aerodynamics of slender wing-body combinations exhibiting leading-edge separation

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    Theoretical investigation of aerodynamics of slender wing-body combinations exhibiting leading edge separatio
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