7 research outputs found

    Gadepædagogiske greb om ungdom, udsathed og fællesskaber

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    ResuméArtiklen sætter fokus på gadeidrættens fritids- og ungdomspædagogiske potentialer og bidrager med viden om nye former for fritidsorganiseringer omkring gadekulturelle praksisser, f.eks. skateboarding, parkour og panna. Vi zoomer ind på, hvilke forhåbninger gadeidrættens aktører har til gadepædagogiske praksisser, og hvordan disse forhåbninger rummer en rettethed mod at skabe fællesskaber blandt udsatte unge. Gennem et interviewbaseret empirisk studie fremanalyserer vi to forskellige, men forbundne forhåbninger om dels gadeidrættens pædagogiske bidrag i forhold til udsatte ungdomsliv og dels orkestreringen af ungefællesskaber via gadeidrætsaktiviteter. Analyserne afslører det høje ambitionsniveau, der cirkulerer omkring gadeidrættens fritidsorganiseringer om at bidrage til sociale forandringer og fællesskaber gennem gadepædagogiske praksisser i storbyen. AbstractThis article focuses on the pedagogical potentials of street sport projects as organised leisure sites for socially vulnerable youth. The article aims to contribute to knowledge of new organisational sites for young people´s leisure activities embedded in street cultures, for example skateboarding, parkour and panna. The paper illuminates through an interview-based empirical study how street pedagogical hopes function in street sport projects. The analysis shows how these hopes frame the desires of different street sport project organisers to orchestrate communities among socially vulnerable youth. In conclusion, the paper reveals the high ambitions that circulate around these street sport project to create social change and communities for socially vulnerable youth through urban street pedagogical practices

    Humoristiske bøsserier og latterens perversiteter - tilblivelse af heteroseksuel maskulinitet i skolelivet på automekanikeruddannelsen

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    Frisky Faggoting and the Perversity of Laughter - the Production of Heterosexual Masculinity in the School life at a Car mechanic programme.Humour is conceptualized as a subjectification in the formation of masculinity and the processes of inclusion and exclusion. The article produces knowledge about the creation of hierarchy among boys in a homosocial educational context. Inspired by British educational and youth studies and Danish poststructuralist informed empirical gender studies a theoretical perspective is established on intersections between masculinity and locally composed categories in school life. The point of empirical departure is homosocial relations among boys and between boys and teachers where a dynamic hierarchy of masculinities are produced. The article shows a dominant masculinity revolving around humour and laughter, use of sexual language, ‘disgusting' practices and desires directed at imaginary female bodies. Humour enables a play with homoerotic relations and non-heterosexual desires, but at the same time a heterosexual masculinity is valued, which eliminates and subordinates the perversions of laughter and the frisky faggoting among the boys at the Car mechanic programme


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    RACHEL ADAMS & DAVID SAVRAN (eds.): The Masculinity Studies Reader. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Inc. 2002. 382 sider. ISBN 0-631-22660-5 (pb). Pris: £16.99. &nbsp

    Dette nummers samlede anmeldelser

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    Agneta Ney: Drottningar och sköldmör. Gränsöverskridande kvinnor i medeltida myt och verklighet ca 400-1400. Gidlunds förlag 2004.Kirsten Hyldgaard: Det utidige Subjekt. Roskilde Universitetsforlag 2003.Stine Marie Eriksen, Malene Nors Tandrup og Marie Reynolds (red.): Kvinder stiller skarpt – fotografi og historie. Informations Forlag 2004.Kvinder på Værtshus (red.): Udsigt – feministiske strategier i dansk billedkunst. Informations Forlag 2004.Dorthe Staunæs: Køn, Etnicitet og Skoleliv. Samfundslitteratur 2004.Madonna’s Drowned Worlds – New Approaches to her Cultural Transformations, 1983-2003 redigeret af Santiago Fouz-Hernández og Freya Jarman-Ivens. Ashgate, London 2004