273 research outputs found

    "Jeg kan aldrig blive jugoslav igen"

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    Control of salmonella in liquid feeding systems

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    Liquid feeding systems could be a challenge as regards Salmonella contamination in pigs, as the feed is often produced from non-controlled feed ingredients. Moreover, there is a possibility of salmonella growth in the feed. Practical systems consist of one or more mixing tanks with raw material feeding equipment, circulation pipes through all stable units fed by the system, a valve for every or every second pen and a computer to control the mixing and dosage systems. As the systems can never be emptied, there is a continous inoculation of 10 - 50 % left-over feed in the tank and the pipes, which leads to a fermentation. The dominating lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus and Pediococcus) produce lactic acid and to a minor extent acetic acid, thereby lowering the pH to 4.0 - 5.5. Salmonella growth is possible down to about pH 5

    3D seismic characterisation of igneous sill complexes in sedimentary basins: North-East Atlantic Margin

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    This thesis compiles the results of a 3D seismic-based study of the geometry and emplacement mechanics of igneous sills and sill complexes intruded into basins along the NE Atlantic Margin. Dolerite sills were intruded into the Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene mud-dominated sediments of these basins during the Paleocene and Early Eocene, approximately synchronous with the onset of seafloor spreading between NW Europe and Greenland. Detailed interpretation of igneous intrusions in four case-study areas has revealed that sills adopt a wide range of geometries, ranging from near-concordant sheet-like forms to complex discordant forms. Detailed mapping illustrates that the traditional definition of a sill as 'a tabular igneous intrusion with concordant surfaces of contact' is inadequate when describing the fully three-dimensional geometry of sills. This has encouraged the development of a new classification scheme for igneous sills that considers their detailed three-dimensional geometry. Many sills have been found to adopt a saucer-shaped geometry and these are interpreted to form through a three-step model involving lateral propagation, inflation and overburden deformation, and intrusion along deformation-related peripheral fractures. 3D seismic mapping has allowed for igneous sill complexes to be imaged in three dimensions for the first time. These complexes are found to form highly interconnected networks that cover many kilometres of vertical section (∼8 km). Based on the interpretation a new model for the construction of sill complexes is proposed. In this model a sill complex builds up from deeper to shallower levels with sills intruded at one stratigraphic level acting as feeders for sills intruded at shallower levels. Interpretation of hydrothermal mounds and jack-up structures formed during sill intrusion has allowed for the timing of sill emplacement to be constrained in the four case-study areas. This has revealed that several discrete phases of intrusion took place during the Paleocene and earliest Eocen

    Videoobservation - et empirisk blik pÄ undervisning

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    I denne artikel diskuteres, hvordan man kan undersĂžge undervisning som et empirisk genstandsfelt. Artiklen falder i to dele. I fĂžrste del diskuteres empirisk undersĂžgelse af undervisning i forhold til det aktuelle uddannelsespolitiske fokus pĂ„ ”den empiriske vending”. ”Den empiriske vending” har sat fokus pĂ„ undersĂžgelse af undervisning i et bestemt metodisk perspektiv og med henblik pĂ„ effektivisering af undervisning og uddannelse. Det er imidlertid forsimplet, hvis man reducerer al empirisk skoleforskning til effektforskning. Der er andre formĂ„l med og mĂ„der at bedrive empirisk didaktisk forskning pĂ„. Som et eksempel herpĂ„ introduceres i anden del professor David Clarkes fire perspektiver pĂ„ videoobservation, og gennem konkrete eksempler diskuteres, hvordan man kan observere undervisning i fag pĂ„ den ene side med blik for undervisningens kompleksitet og pĂ„ den anden side med viden om forskningsdesign og -redskabers formaterende kraft. Ved at introducere Clarkes fire perspektiver vises, at bĂ„de kvantitative og kvalitative undersĂžgelsesformer kan have deres berettigelse i undersĂžgelse af et vildt og komplekst fĂŠnomen som undervisning, men ogsĂ„ at ikke mindst kvalitativ klasserumsforskning krĂŠver stor metodisk dĂžmmekraft, idet forskeren i situationen mĂ„ kunne foretage en rĂŠkke metodiske valg, vel vidende at disse fĂ„r afgĂžrende betydning for sĂ„vel analysemuligheder som undersĂžgelsens udsigelseskraf

    Findes lĂŠremiddelgenrer?

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    Hvad kan man forstĂ„ ved sammenstillingen “lĂŠremidler” og “genre”, og hvorfor er det interessant og relevant at beskĂŠftige sig med lĂŠremiddelgenrer? Artiklens to forfattere giver her et perspektiv pĂ„ lĂŠremidler i faget dansk

    “I’m sure that there is something healing in the writing process”: Creative Writing Workshops for People with a Cancer Disease

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    The University of Southern Denmark has introduced a mandatory course in Narrative Medicine into the curriculum of undergraduate medical students. It is part of a trajectory called ‘Human First’, which aims to improve the students’ empathic abilities by teaching them narrative competencies to draw on in their future clinical encounters as medical doctors. Although, theoretical accounts seem to make a strong case for the utility and value of educational interventions, such as courses in narrative medicine or medical humanities, there has been a lack of empirical studies providing evidence to support such accounts – especially those focusing on the long-term effects and impact on patient care. Our systematic literature search and review of empirical studies regarding the effects of teaching close reading of fictional texts and creative writing to medical and health care students, tentatively confirmed previous indications of positive effects. Larger, multi-site and more rigorous studies that assess the long-term impacts of these educational interventions and adjust for local variations are, however, still in short supply. Finally, we present critical reflections on whether empathy and similar phenomena are at all measurable and discuss the possibility of meaningfully evaluating the utility of curricular interventions such as narrative medicine courses

    Trends in time to invasive examination and treatment from 2001 to 2009 in patients admitted first time with non-ST elevation myocardial infarction or unstable angina in Denmark

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate trends in time to invasive examination and treatment for patient with first time diagnosis of non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) and unstable angina during the period from 2001 to 2009 in Denmark. DESIGN: From 1 January 2001 to 31 December 2009 all first time hospitalisations with NSTEMI and unstable angina were identified in the National Patient Registry (n=65 909). Time from admission to initiation of coronary angiography (CAG), percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) was calculated. We described the development in invasive examination and treatment probability (CAG, PCI and CABG at 3, 7, 10, 30 and 60 days) for the years 2001–2009, taking the competing risk of death into account using Aalen–Johansen estimators and a Fine-Gray model. SETTING: Nationwide Danish cohort. RESULTS: The proportion of patients receiving a CAG and PCI increased substantially over time while the proportion receiving a CABG decreased for both NSTEMI and unstable angina. For both NSTEMI and unstable angina, a significant increase in invasive examination and treatment probability at 3 days for CAG and PCI were seen especially from 2007 through to 2009. For NSTEMI, the CAG examination probability at 3 days leaped from 20% in 2007 to 32% in 2008 and 39% in 2009, and for PCI the same was true with a leap in treatment probability from 19% to 28% from 2008 to 2009. CONCLUSIONS: In Denmark the use of CAG and PCI in treatment of NSTEMI and unstable angina has increased from 2001 to 2009, while the use of CABG has decreased. During the same period, there was a marked increase in invasive examination and treatment probability at 3 days, that is, more patients were treated faster which is in line with the political aim of reducing time to treatment
