21 research outputs found

    Cigarette smoke alters inflammatory genes and the extracellular matrix — investigations on viable sections of peripheral human lungs

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a complex chronic respiratory disorder often caused by cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoke contains hundreds of toxic substances. In our study, we wanted to identify initial mechanisms of cigarette smoke induced changes in the distal lung. Viable slices of human lungs were exposed 24 h to cigarette smoke condensate, and the dose–response profile was analyzed. Non-toxic condensate concentrations and lipopolysaccharide were used for further experiments. COPD-related protein and gene expression was measured. Cigarette smoke condensate did not induce pro-inflammatory cytokines and most inflammation-associated genes. In contrast, lipopolysaccharide significantly induced IL-1α, IL-1ÎČ, TNF-α and IL-8 (proteins) and IL1B, IL6, and TNF (genes). Interestingly, cigarette smoke condensate induced metabolism- and extracellular matrix–associated proteins and genes, which were not influenced by lipopolysaccharide. Also, a significant regulation of CYP1A1 and CYP1B1, as well as MMP9 and MMP9/TIMP1 ratio, was observed which resembles typical findings in COPD. In conclusion, our data show that cigarette smoke and lipopolysaccharide induce significant responses in human lung tissue ex vivo, giving first hints that COPD starts early in smoking history

    Functional testing of an inhalable nanoparticle based influenza vaccine using a human precision cut lung slice technique

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    Annual outbreaks of influenza infections, caused by new influenza virus subtypes and high incidences of zoonosis, make seasonal influenza one of the most unpredictable and serious health threats worldwide. Currently available vaccines, though the main prevention strategy, can neither efficiently be adapted to new circulating virus subtypes nor provide high amounts to meet the global demand fast enough. New influenza vaccines quickly adapted to current virus strains are needed. In the present study we investigated the local toxicity and capacity of a new inhalable influenza vaccine to induce an antigen-specific recall response at the site of virus entry in human precision-cut lung slices (PCLS). This new vaccine combines recombinant H1N1 influenza hemagglutinin (HAC1), produced in tobacco plants, and a silica nanoparticle (NP)-based drug delivery system. We found no local cellular toxicity of the vaccine within applicable concentrations. However higher concentrations of NP (?10(3) ”g/ml) dose-dependently decreased viability of human PCLS. Furthermore NP, not the protein, provoked a dose-dependent induction of TNF-? and IL-1?, indicating adjuvant properties of silica. In contrast, we found an antigen-specific induction of the T cell proliferation and differentiation cytokine, IL-2, compared to baseline level (152±49 pg/mg vs. 22±5 pg/mg), which could not be seen for the NP alone. Additionally, treatment with 10 ”g/ml HAC1 caused a 6-times higher secretion of IFN-? compared to baseline (602±307 pg/mg vs. 97±51 pg/mg). This antigen-induced IFN-? secretion was further boosted by the adjuvant effect of silica NP for the formulated vaccine to a 12-fold increase (97±51 pg/mg vs. 1226±535 pg/mg). Thus we were able to show that the plant-produced vaccine induced an adequate innate immune response and re-activated an established antigen-specific T cell response within a non-toxic range in human PCLS at the site of virus entry

    LPS-induced lung inflammation in marmoset monkeys - an acute model for anti-inflammatory drug testing.

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    Increasing incidence and substantial morbidity and mortality of respiratory diseases requires the development of new human-specific anti-inflammatory and disease-modifying therapeutics. Therefore, new predictive animal models that closely reflect human lung pathology are needed. In the current study, a tiered acute lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammation model was established in marmoset monkeys (Callithrix jacchus) to reflect crucial features of inflammatory lung diseases. Firstly, in an ex vivo approach marmoset and, for the purposes of comparison, human precision-cut lung slices (PCLS) were stimulated with LPS in the presence or absence of the phosphodiesterase-4 (PDE4) inhibitor roflumilast. Pro-inflammatory cytokines including tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and macrophage inflammatory protein-1 beta (MIP-1ÎČ) were measured. The corticosteroid dexamethasone was used as treatment control. Secondly, in an in vivo approach marmosets were pre-treated with roflumilast or dexamethasone and unilaterally challenged with LPS. Ipsilateral bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) was conducted 18 hours after LPS challenge. BAL fluid was processed and analyzed for neutrophils, TNF-α, and MIP-1ÎČ. TNF-α release in marmoset PCLS correlated significantly with human PCLS. Roflumilast treatment significantly reduced TNF-α secretion ex vivo in both species, with comparable half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC(50)). LPS instillation into marmoset lungs caused a profound inflammation as shown by neutrophilic influx and increased TNF-α and MIP-1ÎČ levels in BAL fluid. This inflammatory response was significantly suppressed by roflumilast and dexamethasone. The close similarity of marmoset and human lungs regarding LPS-induced inflammation and the significant anti-inflammatory effect of approved pharmaceuticals assess the suitability of marmoset monkeys to serve as a promising model for studying anti-inflammatory drugs

    Transcriptomic analyses reveal anti-viral responses of epithelial cells and multiple immune cell types in HRV infected human lung tissue

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    Background: Human rhinovirus (HRV) is a main cause of airway infections and a major risk factor of exacerbations in asthma and COPD. Investigation of HRV pathogenesis has been hampered by the lack of complex in vitro models that closely represent the human disease. The aim of the study was to characterize the immune response of viable human lung tissue to ex vivo HRV infection using Precision-Cut Lung Slices (PCLS). Method: Human PCLS containing airways were inoculated with HRV1B, UV‐inactivated HRV, medium or HRV in the presence of 3C protease inhibitor Rupintrivir. At day 1 and day 3 post infection (p.i.) tissue vitality, viral load and cytokine release were measured and transcriptomic analyses upon RNA isolation from PCLS were performed. Results: HRV infection of human PCLS induced no strong cytopathic effect as indicated by intact tissue viability. The transcriptomic analyses revealed that HRV infection of PCLS induced 5977 and 4322 gene expression changes at day 1 or day 3 p.i., respectively. These gene signatures were indicative of interferon signalling, epithelial cell differentiation, lymphocyte regulation, antigen presentation and NK cell cytotoxicity. Rupintrivir downregulated about one third of the HRV upregulated genes. These data were confirmed by increased protein levels of pro‐inflammatory and anti‐viral cytokines induced by HRV, e.g. TNF‐α and IFNα2a, which were also diminished by Rupintrivir. Conclusion: In conclusion, ex vivo infection of human lung tissue with HRV induced a strong antiviral and pro‐inflammatory immune response. The observed gene expression profile revealed involvement of epithelial but also multiple immune cells. This enables us to study HRV induced immune responses in the human lung microenvironment

    Human lung tissue provides highly relevant data about efficacy of new anti-asthmatic drugs.

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    Subgroups of patients with severe asthma are insensitive to inhaled corticosteroids and require novel therapies on top of standard medical care. IL-13 is considered one of the key cytokines in the asthma pathogenesis, however, the effect of IL-13 was mostly studied in rodents. This study aimed to assess IL-13 effect in human lung tissue for the development of targeted therapy approaches such as inhibition of soluble IL-13 or its receptor IL-4Rα subunit. Precision-cut lung slices (PCLS) were prepared from lungs of rodents, non-human primates (NHP) and humans. Direct effect of IL-13 on human lung tissue was observed on inflammation, induction of mucin5AC, and airway constriction induced by methacholine and visualized by videomicroscopy. Anti-inflammatory treatment was evaluated by co-incubation of IL-13 with increasing concentrations of IL-13/IL-13 receptor inhibitors. IL-13 induced a two-fold increase in mucin5AC secretion in human bronchial tissue. Additionally, IL-13 induced release of proinflammatory cytokines eotaxin-3 and TARC in human PCLS. Anti-inflammatory treatment with four different inhibitors acting either on the IL-13 ligand itself (anti-IL-13 antibody, similar to Lebrikizumab) or the IL-4Rα chain of the IL-13/IL-4 receptor complex (anti-IL-4Rα #1, similar to AMG 317, and #2, similar to REGN668) and #3 PRS-060 (a novel anticalin directed against this receptor) could significantly attenuate IL-13 induced inflammation. Contrary to this, IL-13 did not induce airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) in human and NHP PCLS, although it was effective in rodent PCLS. Overall, this study demonstrates that IL-13 stimulation induces production of mucus and biomarkers of allergic inflammation in human lung tissue ex-vivo but no airway hyperresponsiveness. The results of this study show a more distinct efficacy than known from animals models and a clear discrepancy in AHR induction. Moreover, it allows a translational approach in inhibitor profiling in human lung tissue

    Coagulation factor XII regulates inflammatory responses in human lungs

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    Increased procoagulant activity in the alveolar compartment and uncontrolled inflammation are hallmarks of the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Here, we investigated whether the contact phase system of coagulation is activated and may regulate inflammatory responses in human lungs. Components of the contact phase system were characterized in bronchoalveolar lavage fluids (BALF) from 54 ARDS patients and 43 controls, and their impact on cytokine/chemokine expression in human precision cut lung slices (PCLS) was assessed by a PCR array. Activation of the contact system, associated with high levels of coagulation factor XIIa (Hageman factor, FXIIa), plasma kallikrein and bradykinin, occurred rapidly in ARDS lungs after the onset of the disease and virtually normalized within one week from time of diagnosis. FXII levels in BALF were higher in ARDS non-survivors than survivors and were positively correlated with tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α concentration. FXII induced the production and release of interleukin (IL)-8, IL-1ÎČ, IL-6, leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), CXCL5 and TNF-α in human PCLS in a kallikrein-kinin-independent manner. In conclusion, accumulation of FXII in ARDS lungs may contribute to the release of pro-inflammatory mediators and is associated with clinical outcome. FXII inhibition may thus offer a novel and promising therapeutic approach to antagonize overwhelming inflammatory responses in ARDS lungs without interfering with vital haemostasis

    Changes in absolute cell numbers in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid after LPS challenge.

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    <p>Sham-treated, dexamethasone (dxm)-treated, and roflumilast (rof)-treated marmosets were intrabronchially challenged with 500 ng LPS. Eighteen hours later, ipsilateral BAL was performed. Total cells (A), neutrophils (B), macrophages (C), and lymphocytes (D) were differentiated and quantified using light microscopy after Pappenheim staining. Data are presented as scatter dot plot with median, *p<0.05, ***p<0.001, one-tailed Mann-Whitney test against sham.</p

    LPS-induced changes in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid.

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    <p>Representative cytospots of BAL at x200 original magnification after Pappenheim staining. (A) Macrophages are the predominant cell type in unchallenged lung lobes. (B) LPS challenge induced strong neutrophilic influx in sham-treated animals. This effect could be significantly attenuated by (C) roflumilast and (D) dexamethasone pre-treatment. Scale bar  = 50 ”m.</p