13 research outputs found

    Two examples of crossed cerebellar diaschisis.

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    <p>1. A 75-year-old female patient with reduced vigilance, dysarthria, and right-sided hemihypaesthesia: <i>A</i> Trace diffusion-weighted image shows an acute ischemic lesion (arrow) in the territory of the left tuberothalamic artery with <i>B</i> matching hypoperfusion (arrow) on the time to peak (TTP) map. <i>C</i> In the cerebellum trace DWI is unremarkable while <i>D</i> TTP demonstrates hypoperfusion in the contralteral cerebellar hemisphere. 2. A 65-year-old female patient with right-sided hemiparesis: <i>E</i> Trace DWI shows an acute ischemic lesion (arrow) in the territory of the left paramedian artery with <i>F</i> minor hypoperfusion (arrow) on TTP. <i>G</i> In the cerebellum trace DWI is unremarkable while <i>H</i> TTP demonstrates hypoperfusion in the contralateral cerebellar hemisphere.</p

    Demographic characteristics, ischemic lesion size and localization on diffusion-weighted images (DWI) as well as frequency of clinical symptoms in isolated thalamic infarction patients with crossed cerebellar diaschisis (CCD) and normal PWI.

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    <p>Demographic characteristics, ischemic lesion size and localization on diffusion-weighted images (DWI) as well as frequency of clinical symptoms in isolated thalamic infarction patients with crossed cerebellar diaschisis (CCD) and normal PWI.</p

    Pre-interventional interventional table positioning and laser-guided puncture.

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    <p>Correct pre-interventional positioning of the free-floating interventional table shown as three lines properly positioned in the indicated triangle (<b>B</b>). Correct laser-guided puncture along the planned trajectory indicated by the needle in-line with the 2D laser cross (<b>B</b>).</p

    Fluoroscopic control images for correct needle positioning.

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    <p>Bulls’eye view (<b>A</b>) and angulated lateral (<b>B</b>) and oblique (<b>C</b>) views confirming the correct trajectory in-line with the indicated road-map. The positioning of the needle tip centered in the bulls’ eye (<b>A</b>, <b>B</b>, and <b>C</b>) confirming the needle tip in the target area.</p

    Needle tip localization in post-puncture control Dyna-CT images.

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    <p>Lateral (<b>A</b>), coronal (<b>B</b>), and axial views (<b>C</b>) of the multiplanar reconstructions, as well as (<b>D</b>) three-dimensional rendering of the Dyna-CT of the <i>ex-vivo</i> lamb cervical spine-model demonstrating the location of the needle tip and the trajectory used to access the neural foramen. The needle tip is located in the posterior part of the neural foramen, anatomically well away from the vertebral vessels but directly adjacent to the path of the nerve root.</p

    Group comparisons of rCBF data in TGA patients and control subjects (median (IQR)).

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    <p>Legend: R = right, L = left</p><p>Group comparisons of rCBF data in TGA patients and control subjects (median (IQR)).</p

    Clinical characteristics of TGA patients.

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    <p>Legend: y = years, h = hours, M = male, F = female</p><p>Clinical characteristics of TGA patients.</p

    Schematic illustration of perfusion MRI postprocessing and analysis.

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    <p>A. CBF map. B. CBF map with superimposed parenchyma mask (red). C. Processed CBF map after application of the parenchyma mask. D. Processed CBF map with superimposed vessel mask (turquoise). E. Processed CBF map after application of the vessel mask. F. Processed CBF map with superimposed hippocampus VOI (blue) and amygdala VOI (violet).</p

    Three-dimensional puncture planning using syngo iGuide®.

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    <p>Three-dimensional puncture planning using syngo iGuide® with indication of the planned needle trajectory in two angulated lateral (<b>A</b> and <b>B</b>) views and the axial (<b>C</b>) orientation on the multiplanar Dyna-CT reconstructions of the <i>ex-vivo</i> lamb spine-model. Additionally three-dimensional rendering of the Dyna-CT (<b>D</b>) visualizing the trajectory path. The distance between skin entry and target area is indicated (<b>A</b>, <b>C</b>, and <b>D</b>).</p