87 research outputs found

    Frequency of Dental X-ray Diagnostics in Children and Adolescents: What Is the Radiation Exposure?

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    Children are exposed to ionizing radiation through radiographs during their development for various reasons. At present, there are no officially valid reference values for dental X-rays in children and adolescents for dental X-ray diagnostics. This study retrospectively examined 9680 extraoral dental radiographs in pediatric patients between 2002 and 2020. The aim was to analyze the radiation doses in pediatric patients, which indications were used, and whether there were specific age and gender differences. The evaluation showed that radiation doses were considered low, with dose area products of 2.2 cGy × cm 2 for a lateral cephalogram, 14 cGy × cm 2 for an orthopantomogram (OPG), and 45 cGy × cm 2 for cone beam computer tomography (CBCT). This corresponds to an effective dose of 1.5 μSv for a lateral cephalogram, 7 μSv for an OPG, and 33.8 μSv for CBCT. Of the 9680 images, 78% were orthopantomograms, and only 0.4% were CBCT images. OPG has become more important over the years, as reflected in the indication. Approximately one-third of all extraoral exposures are orthodontic indications. Overall, the indications were similar for both genders. According to the dental indications, boys were X-rayed slightly more frequently than girls (54.5–45.5%). A future publication of dose guide values and corresponding guidelines is of high priority

    Teil d: Uroradiologie - Entzündung & Tumore

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    Vorlesungsinhalt: Anzeichen einer Pyelonephritis; verschiedene Tumore der Niere im Kindesalter; Merkmale des Nephroblastoms in der Bildgebung; diagnostische Vorgehen bei Nephroblasto

    Teil a: Besonderheiten der Kinderradiologie

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    Inhalt: Computertomographie in Deutschland; Rechtfertigende Indikation; Möglichkeiten des Strahlenschutze

    Teil a: Skelettradiologie - Trauma

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    Vorlesungsinhalt: Anwendungsgebiete der Bildgebung beim Kind; Frakturentypen; Begriff "Kadi"-Läsion; typische Röntgenbefunde einer Kindesmisshandlun

    Teil b: Skelettradiologie - Tumor, Entzündung

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    Vorlesungsinhalt: Röntgenzeichen benigner und maligner Knochentumore; Strategien der weiterführenden Diagnostik bei Malignom; typischer Erreger und Befunde der akuten bakteriellen Oseomyelitis; Begriff CNO/CRM

    Teil d: Thorax - Kinder & Jugendliche

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    Inhalt: Schwierigkeiten Röntgenbeurteilung bei Asthma bronchiale; Beurteilung Emphysem; Röntgenzeichen und Bewertung von Mukoviszidose; bildgebende Verfahren des Thora

    Teil c: Thorax - Klein-/Schulkinder

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    Inhalt: Fremdkörper-Aspiration; Pneumonie; Silhouette

    Teil c: Uroradiologie - CAKUT

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    Vorlesungsinhalt: Terminus CAKUT; Stadien der Harntraktdilatation; Unterschiede zwischen UAS, UMS, SVO und VUR; Begriffe und Vorgehen bei MCU und MUS; diagnostische Vorgehen bei Harntraktdilatation bei Kinder