665 research outputs found

    Lifetime limit from nuclear intra-bunch scattering for high-energy hadron beams

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    We discuss the possibility and importance of nuclear scattering processes inside a bunched hadron beam. Estimates are presented for the LHC

    Nulling Emittance Measurement Technique for CLIC Test Facility

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    In order to test the principle of Two-Beam-Acceleration (TBA), the CLIC Test Facility utilizes a high-intensity drive beam of 640 to 1000 nC to generate 30 GHz accelerating fields. To ensure that the beam is transported efficiently, a robust measurement of beam emittance and Twiss parameters is required. This is accomplished by measuring the beam size on a profile monitor, while scanning five or more upstream quadrupoles in such a fashion that the Twiss parameters at the profile monitor remain constant while the phase advance through the beam line changes. In this way the beam size can be sampled at different phases while a near-constant size is of such measurement devices, especially those associated with limited dynamic range. In addition, the beam size is explicitly constant for a matched beam, which provides a ``nulling'' measurement of the match. Details of the technique, simulations, and results of the measurements are discussed

    High power testing of 30 GHz accelerating structures at the Clic Test Facility (CTF II)

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    During the year 2000, experiments using the CLIC Test Facility [1] (CTF II) focused on high-power testing of 30 GHz CLIC prototype accelerating structures [2] (CAS) and on investigating the processes involved in RF breakdown. For this purpose, a 30 GHz high-power test stand equipped with diagnostics for breakdown studies has been developed. The experimental set-up, diagnostics and performance of the one meter long power extraction structure used to feed the accelerating structures with 30 GHz power will be described. A single-feed coupler CAS assembled by AEG, a planar structure produced by the University of Berlin, and a double-feed coupler CAS made at CERN, were tested in CTF. The accelerating and surface gradient limits found for these structures at different RF pulse lengths, and ideas about the processes involved in electrical breakdown, are summarised and discussed

    Fluctuations and Instabilities of Ferromagnetic Domain Wall pairs in an External Magnetic Field

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    Soliton excitations and their stability in anisotropic quasi-1D ferromagnets are analyzed analytically. In the presence of an external magnetic field, the lowest lying topological excitations are shown to be either soliton-soliton or soliton-antisoliton pairs. In ferromagnetic samples of macro- or mesoscopic size, these configurations correspond to twisted or untwisted pairs of Bloch walls. It is shown that the fluctuations around these configurations are governed by the same set of operators. The soliton-antisoliton pair has exactly one unstable mode and thus represents a critical nucleus for thermally activated magnetization reversal in effectively one-dimensional systems. The soliton-soliton pair is stable for small external fields but becomes unstable for large magnetic fields. From the detailed expression of this instability threshold and an analysis of nonlocal demagnetizing effects it is shown that the relative chirality of domain walls can be detected experimentally in thin ferromagnetic films. The static properties of the present model are equivalent to those of a nonlinear sigma-model with anisotropies. In the limit of large hard-axis anisotropy the model reduces to a double sine-Gordon model.Comment: 15 pages RevTex 3.0 (twocolumn), 9 figures available on request, to appear in Phys Rev B, Dec (1994

    CTF3 drive-beam injector design

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    The Two-Beam Accelerator concept is one of the most promising methods for producing RF power for future linear colliders. In particular it allows upgrades to multi-TeV energies. One of its challenges is the production of the high current drive beam, which as it passes through decelerating structures, produces rf power for acceleration of the main beam. These challenges must be studied at a smaller scale test facility

    Berry's phase and Quantum Dynamics of Ferromagnetic Solitons

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    We study spin parity effects and the quantum propagation of solitons (Bloch walls) in quasi-one dimensional ferromagnets. Within a coherent state path integral approach we derive a quantum field theory for nonuniform spin configurations. The effective action for the soliton position is shown to contain a gauge potential due to the Berry phase and a damping term caused by the interaction between soliton and spin waves. For temperatures below the anisotropy gap this dissipation reduces to a pure soliton mass renormalization. The gauge potential strongly affects the quantum dynamics of the soliton in a periodic lattice or pinning potential. For half-integer spin, destructive interference between soliton states of opposite chirality suppresses nearest neighbor hopping. Thus the Brillouin zone is halved, and for small mixing of the chiralities the dispersion reveals a surprising dynamical correlation: Two subsequent band minima belong to different chirality states of the soliton. For integer spin, the Berry phase is inoperative and a simple tight-binding dispersion is obtained. Finally it is shown that external fields can be used to interpolate continuously between the Bloch wall dispersions for half-integer and integer spin.Comment: 20 pages, RevTex 3.0 (twocolumn), to appear in Phys. Rev. B 53, 3237 (1996), 4 PS figures available upon reques

    Beam Dynamics and First Operation of the Sub-Harmonic Bunching System in the CTF3 Injector

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    The CLIC Test Facility 3 (CTF3), built at CERN by an international collaboration, aims at demonstrating the feasibility of the CLIC scheme by 2010. The CTF3 drive beam generation scheme relies on the use of a fast phase switch of a sub-harmonic bunching system in order to phase-code the bunches. The amount of charge in unwanted satellite bunches is an important quantity, which must be minimized. Beam dynamic simulations have been used to study the problem, showing the limitation of the present CTF3 design and the gain of potential upgrades. In this paper the results are discussed and compared with beam measurements taken during the first operation of the system

    Emittance Growth and Energy Loss due to Coherent Synchrotron Radiation in a bunch compressor

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    Bunches of high charge (10 nC) are compressed in length in the CTF II bunch compressor from 1.2 mm rms to less than 0.4 mm. The short bunches start to radiate coherently, thus affecting the horizontal and longitudinal phase spaces of the beam. This paper reports the results of measurements and simulations concerning the increase of the beam emittance and the impact on the energy distribution. Beam emittances were measured for different bunch compression factors and bunch charges. For each compressor setting, the energy spectrum of the beam was recorded in order to measure the energy loss due to coherent synchrotron radiation. For bunch charges of 10 nC a maximum increase of the horizontal emittance of 50% was observed at full compression, while the mean beam energy decreased by 5% from 39 MeV to 37 MeV. Both effects are correlated with an increase of the energy spread from 2.3% to 8.5% rms. The experimental results are compared with simulations

    Inter- and Intragranular Effects in Superconducting Compacted Platinum Powders

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    Compacted platinum powders exhibit a sharp onset of diamagnetic screening at T≃1.9T \simeq 1.9 mK in zero magnetic field in all samples investigated. This sharp onset is interpreted in terms of the intragranular transition into the superconducting state. At lower temperatures, the magnetic ac susceptibility strongly depends on the ac field amplitude and reflects the small intergranular critical current density jcj_{c}. This critical current density shows a strong dependence on the packing fraction f of the granular samples. Surprisingly, jcj_{c} increases significantly with decreasing f (jc(B=0,T=0)≃0.07j_{c}(B=0, T=0) \simeq 0.07 A/cm2^{2} for f = 0.67 and jc(B=0,T=0)≃0.8j_{c}(B=0, T=0) \simeq 0.8 A/cm2^{2} for f = 0.50). The temperature dependence of jcj_{c} shows strong positive curvature over a wide temperature range for both samples. The phase diagrams of inter- and intragranular superconductivity for different samples indicate that the granular structure might play the key role for an understanding of the origin of superconductivity in the platinum compacts.Comment: 11 pages including 9 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. B in Nov. 0
