4 research outputs found

    Examples of FLAIR segmentations and regional, segmentation-based subtractions.

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    <p>Axial FLAIR slices of the baseline MRI (a, d) and the follow-up MRI (b, c, e, f) of a patient with GB are shown. Segmentation of baseline FV (a, green), follow-up FV (b, blue) and an overlay image of both segmentations (c) is presented. Baseline FLAIR image (d) and follow-up FLAIR image (e) are displayed without segmentations. The regional, segmentation-based subtraction of FV (sFV) is also shown (f, red).</p

    Examples of contrast-enhanced MPRage segmentations and regional, segmentation-based subtractions.

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    <p>Axial MPRage slices of the baseline MRI (a, d) and the follow-up MRI (b, c, e, f) of a patient with GB are shown. Segmentation of baseline CV (a, red), follow-up CV (b, purple) and an overlay image of both segmentations (c) is presented. Baseline MPRage image (d) and follow-up MPRage image (e) are displayed without segmentations. The regional, segmentation-based subtraction of CV (sCV) is also shown (f, yellow).</p