15 research outputs found

    General Purpose Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Models for Target-Controlled Infusion of Anaesthetic Drugs:A Narrative Review

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    Target controlled infusion (TCI) is a clinically-available and widely-used computer-controlled method of drug administration, adjusting the drug titration towards user selected plasma- or effect-site concentrations, calculated according to pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PKPD) models. Although this technology is clinically available for several anaesthetic drugs, the contemporary commercialised PKPD models suffer from multiple limitations. First, PKPD models for anaesthetic drugs are developed using deliberately selected patient populations, often excluding the more challenging populations, such as children, obese or elderly patients, of whom the body composition or elimination mechanisms may be structurally different compared to the lean adult patient population. Separate PKPD models have been developed for some of these subcategories, but the availability of multiple PKPD models for a single drug increases the risk for invalid model selection by the user. Second, some models are restricted to the prediction of plasma-concentration without enabling effect-site controlled TCI or they identify the effect-site equilibration rate constant using methods other than PKPD modelling. Advances in computing and the emergence of globally collected databases has allowed the development of new "general purpose" PKPD models. These take on the challenging task of identifying the relationships between patient covariates (age, weight, sex, etc) and the volumes and clearances of multi-compartmental pharmacokinetic models applicable across broad populations from neonates to the elderly, from the underweight to the obese. These models address the issues of allometric scaling of body weight and size, body composition, sex differences, changes with advanced age, and for young children, changes with maturation and growth. General purpose models for propofol, remifentanil and dexmedetomidine have appeared and these greatly reduce the risk of invalid model selection. In this narrative review, we discuss the development, characteristics and validation of several described general purpose PKPD models for anaesthetic drugs

    Cardiac Arrest Caused by an Acute Intrathoracic Gastric Volvulus Treated With Percutaneous Gastrostomy

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    During cardiopulmonary resuscitation, one of the first priorities after establishing basic and advanced life support is to identify the cause of the arrest. We present a rare case of cardiac arrest due to a decreased venous return from mediastinal shift caused by a paraesophageal hernia with an incarcerated thoracic gastric volvulus, which was treated by percutaneous gastrostomy

    A response surface model approach for continuous measures of hypnotic and analgesic effect during sevoflurane-remifentanil interaction: quantifying the pharmacodynamic shift evoked by stimulation

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    Background: The authors studied the interaction between sevoflurane and remifentanil on bispectral index (BIS), state entropy (SE), response entropy (RE), Composite Variability Index, and Surgical Pleth Index, by using a response surface methodology. The authors also studied the influence of stimulation on this interaction. Methods: Forty patients received combined concentrations of remifentanil (0 to 12 ng/ml) and sevoflurane (0.5 to 3.5 vol%) according to a crisscross design (160 concentration pairs). During pseudo–steady-state anesthesia, the pharmacodynamic measures were obtained before and after a series of noxious and nonnoxious stimulations. For the “prestimulation” and “poststimulation” BIS, SE, RE, Composite Variability Index, and Surgical Pleth Index, interaction models were applied to find the best fit, by using NONMEM 7.2.0. (Icon Development Solutions, Hanover, MD). Results: The authors found an additive interaction between sevoflurane and remifentanil on BIS, SE, and RE. For Composite Variability Index, a moderate synergism was found. The comparison of pre- and poststimulation data revealed a shift of C50SEVO for BIS, SE, and RE, with a consistent increase of 0.3 vol%. The Surgical Pleth Index data did not result in plausible parameter estimates, neither before nor after stimulation. Conclusions: By combining pre- and poststimulation data, interaction models for BIS, SE, and RE demonstrate a consistent influence of “stimulation” on the pharmacodynamic relationship between sevoflurane and remifentanil. Significant population variability exists for Composite Variability Index and Surgical Pleth Index

    Prospective clinical validation of the Eleveld propofol pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model in general anaesthesia

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    BACKGROUND: Target-controlled infusion (TCI) systems incorporating pharmacokinetic (PK) or PK-pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) models can be used to facilitate drug administration. Existing models were developed using data from select populations, the use of which is, strictly speaking, limited to these populations. Recently a propofol PK-PD model was developed for a broad population range. The aim of the study was to prospectively validate this model in children, adults, older subjects, and obese adults undergoing general anaesthesia. METHODS: The 25 subjects included in each of four groups were stratified by age and weight. Subjects received propofol through TCI with the Eleveld model, titrated to a bispectral index (BIS) of 40-60. Arterial blood samples were collected at 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 60 min after the start of propofol infusion, and every 30 min thereafter, to a maximum of 10 samples. BIS was recorded continuously. Predictive performance was assessed using the Varvel criteria. RESULTS: For PK, the Eleveld model showed a bias < ±20% in children, adults, and obese adults, but a greater bias (-27%) in older subjects. Precision was <30% in all groups. For PD, the bias and wobble were <5 BIS units and the precision was close to 10 BIS units in all groups. Anaesthetists were able to achieve intraoperative BIS values of 40-60 using effect-site target concentrations about 85-140% of the age-adjusted Ce50. CONCLUSIONS: The Eleveld propofol PK-PD model showed predictive precision <30% for arterial plasma concentrations and BIS predictions with a low (population) bias when used in TCI in clinical anaesthesia practice

    Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Dexmedetomidine

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    Dexmedetomidine is an alpha(2)-adrenoceptor agonist with sedative, anxiolytic, sympatholytic, and analgesic-sparing effects, and minimal depression of respiratory function. It is potent and highly selective for alpha(2)-receptors with an alpha(2):alpha(1) ratio of 1620:1. Hemodynamic effects, which include transient hypertension, bradycardia, and hypotension, result from the drug's peripheral vasoconstrictive and sympatholytic properties. Dexmedetomidine exerts its hypnotic action through activation of central pre- and postsynaptic alpha(2)-receptors in the locus coeruleus, thereby inducting a state of unconsciousness similar to natural sleep, with the unique aspect that patients remain easily rousable and cooperative. Dexmedetomidine is rapidly distributed and is mainly hepatically metabolized into inactive metabolites by glucuronidation and hydroxylation. A high inter-individual variability in dexmedetomidine pharmacokinetics has been described, especially in the intensive care unit population. In recent years, multiple pharmacokinetic non-compartmental analyses as well as population pharmacokinetic studies have been performed. Body size, hepatic impairment, and presumably plasma albumin and cardiac output have a significant impact on dexmedetomidine pharmacokinetics. Results regarding other covariates remain inconclusive and warrant further research. Although initially approved for intravenous use for up to 24 h in the adult intensive care unit population only, applications of dexmedetomidine in clinical practice have been widened over the past few years. Procedural sedation with dexmedetomidine was additionally approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in 2003 and dexmedetomidine has appeared useful in multiple off-label applications such as pediatric sedation, intranasal or buccal administration, and use as an adjuvant to local analgesia techniques

    Hemodynamics and tissue oxygenation during balanced anesthesia with a high antinociceptive contribution:an observational study

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    BACKGROUND: In particular surgical conditions, a balanced anesthesia with a high-antinociceptive contribution is required. This may induce cardiovascular impairment and thus compromise tissue oxygenation. In this prospective observational study, we investigated the hemodynamic stability and tissue oxygen saturation (StO2) in 40 patients with a high-antinociceptive general anesthesia, goal-directed fluid therapy, and norepinephrine. In addition, optimal surgical conditions and safe and fast emergence are pivotal parts of anesthetic management. METHODS: In high-antinociceptive propofol/remifentanil anesthesia with bispectral index (BIS) between 40 and 60, norepinephrine was administered to maintain mean arterial pressure (MAP) above 80% of individual baseline. Fluid was administered if the ∆ plethysmographic waveform amplitude exceeded 10%. Surgical and recovery conditions, hemodynamic responses, and tissue oxygenation were investigated. RESULTS: Mean (SD) StO2 at the left thenar eminence increased from 83 (6)% before to 86 (4)% 20 min after induction of anesthesia (p <0.05). Cardiac index dropped from 3.0 (0.7) to 2.1 (0.4) L min(-1) (p <0.05), MAP from 109 (16) to 83 (14) mm Hg, and heart rate from 73 (12) to 54 (8) bpm (p <0.05). Thirteen out of 40 patients received a fluid bolus. The median (range) norepinephrine administration rate was 0.05 (0.0-0.10) ÎŒg kg(-1) min(-1). After complete akinesia in all patients during surgery, a median (IQR) extubation time of 311 (253-386) s was observed. CONCLUSIONS: This high-antinociceptive balanced anesthesia with goal-directed fluid and vasopressor therapy adequately preserved StO2 and hemodynamic homeostasis. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN20153044

    Dexmedetomidine Clearance Decreases with Increasing Drug Exposure:Implications for Current Dosing Regimens and Target-controlled Infusion Models Assuming Linear Pharmacokinetics

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    Background: Numerous pharmacokinetic models have been published aiming at more accurate and safer dosing of dexmedetomidine. The vast majority of the developed models underpredict the measured plasma concentrations with respect to the target concentration, especially at plasma concentrations higher than those used in the original studies. The aim of this article was to develop a dexmedetomidine pharmacokinetic model in healthy adults emphasizing linear versus nonlinear kinetics. Methods: The data of two previously published clinical trials with stepwise increasing dexmedetomidine target-controlled infusion were pooled to build a pharmacokinetic model using the NONMEM software package (ICON Development Solutions, USA). Data from 48 healthy subjects, included in a stratified manner, were utilized to build the model. Results: A three-compartment mamillary model with nonlinear elimination from the central compartment was superior to a model assuming linear pharmacokinetics. Covariates included in the final model were age, sex, and total body weight. Cardiac output did not explain between-subject or within-subject variability in dexmedetomidine clearance. The results of a simulation study based on the final model showed that at concentrations up to 2 ng center dot ml(-1), the predicted dexmedetomidine plasma concentrations were similar between the currently available Hannivoort model assuming linear pharmacokinetics and the nonlinear model developed in this study. At higher simulated plasma concentrations, exposure increased nonlinearly with target concentration due to the decreasing dexmedetomidine clearance with increasing plasma concentrations. Simulations also show that currently approved dosing regimens in the intensive care unit may potentially lead to higher-than-expected dexmedetomidine plasma concentrations. Conclusions: This study developed a nonlinear three-compartment pharmacokinetic model that accurately described dexmedetomidine plasma concentrations. Dexmedetomidine may be safely administered up to target-controlled infusion targets under 2 ng center dot ml(-1) using the Hannivoort model, which assumed linear pharmacokinetics. Consideration should be taken during long-term administration and during an initial loading dose when following the dosing strategies of the current guidelines