13 research outputs found

    A comparison of trends in population size and life history features of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and anadromous and non-anadromous Brown trout (Salmo trutta) in a single catchment over 116 years

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    We use a long time series of catch abundance from a recreational fishery over 116 years to look for population trends in Atlantic salmon, and anadromous (sea trout) and non-anadromous (brown) trout for a single catchment, Loch Lomond, west central Scotland. Year strongly predicted variation in catches but catch effort did not meaningfully increase explained variation. Salmon showed periods of increasing and decreasing trends, for sea trout and brown trout there was an overall declining trend. Since 1952, Lomond salmon population trends differed from both wider Scotland and southern Europe, indicating that the Lomond population is partially buffered from drivers of change in salmon populations more widely. In contrast Lomond sea trout showed a similar declining trend to that of populations from the wider west of Scotland over this period. The Lomond populations showed some evidence of shorter-term cycling patterns; the drivers for which are unknown. Body size in salmon and sea trout declined but increased in brown trout; salmon returned to freshwater later, and the relative proportion of all caught trout that were anadromous increased across the time series. This study shows a long and protracted period of fundamental change to populations of these two species over 116 years

    Is shape in the eye of the beholder? Assessing landmarking error in geometric morphometric analyses on live fish

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    Geometric morphometrics is widely used to quantify morphological variation between biological specimens, but the fundamental influence of operator bias on data reproducibility is rarely considered, particularly in studies using photographs of live animals taken under field conditions. We examined this using four independent operators that applied an identical landmarking scheme to replicate photographs of 291 live Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) from two rivers. Using repeated measures tests, we found significant inter-operator differences in mean body shape, suggesting that the operators introduced a systematic error despite following the same landmarking scheme. No significant differences were detected when the landmarking process was repeated by the same operator on a random subset of photographs. Importantly, in spite of significant operator bias, small but statistically significant morphological differences between fish from the two rivers were found consistently by all operators. Pairwise tests of angles of vectors of shape change showed that these between-river differences in body shape were analogous across operator datasets, suggesting a general reproducibility of findings obtained by geometric morphometric studies. In contrast, merging landmark data when fish from each river are digitised by different operators had a significant impact on downstream analyses, highlighting an intrinsic risk of bias. Overall, we show that, even when significant inter-operator error is introduced during digitisation, following an identical landmarking scheme can identify morphological differences between populations. This study indicates that operators digitising at least a sub-set of all data groups of interest may be an effective way of mitigating inter-operator error and potentially enabling data sharing

    Evidence of Long-Distance Coastal Sea Migration of Atlantic Salmon, Salmo Salar, Smolts from Northwest England (River Derwent).

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    Publication history: Accepted - 10 January 2022; Published online - 26 January 2022Background Combining data from multiple acoustic telemetry studies has revealed that west coast England Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) smolts used a northward migration pathway through the Irish Sea to reach their feeding grounds. Hundred Atlantic salmon smolts were captured and tagged in May 2020 in the River Derwent, northwest England as part of an Environment Agency/Natural England funded project. Results Three tagged smolts were detected on marine acoustic receivers distributed across two separate arrays from different projects in the Irish Sea. One fish had migrated approximately 262 km in 10 days from the river mouth at Workington Harbour, Cumbria to the northernmost receiver array operated by the SeaMonitor project; this is the longest tracked marine migration of an Atlantic salmon smolt migrating from the United Kingdom. This migrating fish displayed behaviours which resulted in fast northward migration. The remaining two fish were detected on a receiver array operated by a third project: the Collaborative Oceanography and Monitoring for Protected Areas and Species (COMPASS). Conclusion These detections further provide evidence that migration to reach marine feeding grounds of at least a proportion of salmon smolts from rivers draining into the Irish Sea is northerly, though without a southern marine array it is impossible to conclude that this is the only route. The pattern of these detections would not have been possible without the collaborative efforts of three distinct and separately funded projects to share data. Further work is required to fully understand migration trajectories in this species on the west coast of the British Isles.The main Funding bodies for this project were the Environment Agency, Cumbria and Natural England, Cumbria. Additional funding was provided by The Derwent Owners Association and Bowland Game: Isel Fishings

    Genetic structuring across alternative life history tactics and small spatial scales in brown trout (Salmo trutta)

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    Facultative migration occurs when, in response to prevailing conditions, individuals in a population may (or may not) undertake a migration. The brown trout (Salmo trutta) is a species that exhibits facultative migration, where some individuals within populations may move to mainstem rivers (fluvial–adfluvial migration), lakes (lacustrine–adfluvial migration), estuaries (partial anadromy) or sea (anadromy) to feed, while others remain resident. This study attempts to separate two alternative hypotheses for the population structuring that underpins the expression of facultative migration in this species: (a) that anadromous and nonanadromous fish comprise two gene pools; (b) that individual genetic variation or individual variation in gene–environment interactions is responsible for the expression of different life‐history tactics within the same gene pool. The study design involved sampling and analyses of anadromous and nonanadromous brown trout from three independent tributary rivers known to produce (sea‐run) trout within the same catchment. Results indicate that, in all cases, population genetic divergence was linked to geographical location and not to life‐history tactics. Two genetically distinct coexisting population pairs were identified in two separate tributaries. Despite similar environmental conditions in both tributaries, the frequency of each life‐history tactic (anadromy vs. nonanadromous) within these population pairs differed significantly. The results of this study support the hypothesis that facultative migration in brown trout is likely to be driven by a quantitative threshold trait, where the threshold value varies both among populations and among individuals within populations

    Inshore and offshore marine migration pathways of Atlantic salmon post-smolts from multiple rivers in Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Ireland

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    The migratory behavior of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) post-smolts in coastal waters is poorly understood. In this collaborative study, 1914 smolts, from 25 rivers, in four countries were tagged with acoustic transmitters during a single seasonal migration. In total, 1105 post-smolts entered the marine study areas and 438 (39.6%) were detected on a network of 414 marine acoustic receivers and an autonomous underwater vehicle. Migration pathways (defined as the shortest distance between two detections) of up to 575 km and over 100 days at sea were described for all 25 populations. Post-smolts from different rivers, as well as individuals from the same river, used different pathways in coastal waters. Although difficult to generalize to all rivers, at least during the year of this study, no tagged post-smolts from rivers draining into the Irish Sea were detected entering the areas of sea between the Hebrides and mainland Scotland, which is associated with a high density of finfish aquaculture. An important outcome of this study is that a high proportion of post-smolts crossed through multiple legislative jurisdictions and boundaries during their migration. This study provides the basis for spatially explicit assessment of the impact risk of coastal pressures on salmon during their first migration to sea

    Inshore and offshore marine migration pathways of Atlantic salmon post-smolts from multiple rivers in Scotland, England, Northern Ireland, and Ireland

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    The migratory behavior of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) post-smolts in coastal waters is poorly understood. In this collaborative study, 1914 smolts, from 25 rivers, in four countries were tagged with acoustic transmitters during a single seasonal migration. In total, 1105 post-smolts entered the marine study areas and 438 (39.6%) were detected on a network of 414 marine acoustic receivers and an autonomous underwater vehicle. Migration pathways (defined as the shortest distance between two detections) of up to 575 km and over 100 days at sea were described for all 25 populations. Post-smolts from different rivers, as well as individuals from the same river, used different pathways in coastal waters. Although difficult to generalize to all rivers, at least during the year of this study, no tagged post-smolts from rivers draining into the Irish Sea were detected entering the areas of sea between the Hebrides and mainland Scotland, which is associated with a high density of finfish aquaculture. An important outcome of this study is that a high proportion of post-smolts crossed through multiple legislative jurisdictions and boundaries during their migration. This study provides the basis for spatially explicit assessment of the impact risk of coastal pressures on salmon during their first migration to sea

    Combining acoustic telemetry with a mechanistic model to investigate characteristics unique to successful Atlantic salmon smolt migrants through a standing body of water

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    The Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar Linnaeus 1758, is a charismatic, anadromous species that has faced dramatic declines throughout its range. There is currently a lack of information on the effect of free-standing bodies of water on a key life event, sea migration, for the species. This study extends our understanding in this area by combining acoustic telemetry with a correlated random walk model to try to examine potential morphological and behavioural factors that differentiate successful from unsuccessful migrants through Scotland’s largest lake. Consistent with other studies, we found that smolts experienced a high rate of mortality in the lake (~ 43%), with approximately 14% potentially predated upon by birds and 4% by Northern pike. Migration speed in the lake was slow (the mean minimum movement speed between centres of activity was 0.13 m/s), and pathways frequently deviated away from the outlet river. There was no evidence of a morphological or behavioural trait or migratory pathway that distinguished successful from unsuccessful smolts. This suggests that migration movement direction in the main body of Loch Lomond appeared to be random. This was further supported by the output of a correlated random walk model which closely resembled the pathway and migration speed and distance patterns displayed by successful migrants. However, once successful smolts came within ~2 km of the lake exit, a high proportion remained in this region prior to entering the River Leven. We suggest that this “goldilocks zone” is where directional cues become apparent to migrating fish. Future studies should combine random walk models with environmental variables to determine if external factors are driving the apparently random movement patterns exhibited by smolts in lakes

    Density- and species-dependent errors in single-pass timed electrofishing assessment of riverine salmonids

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    Electrofishing techniques are widely used for the estimation of the size of stream?dwelling fish populations for both fishery management and scientific study. In contrast to multiple pass, population depletion methods, single?pass catch?per?unit?effort (CPUE) methods are less time?consuming and labour?intensive. A possible issue with the commonly used fixed total time CPUE protocol is that it does not differentiate between the time spent actively fishing and the time incurred while not actively fishing (e.g. removing fish from nets and navigating the site). This issue is likely related to fish density. This study compared two methods of CPUE electrofishing and tested the hypothesis that time spent handling fish and navigating a site can be a source of error in the commonly used fixed total time electrofishing method. Seventy?one sites were sampled across three subcatchments in the Foyle catchment in Northern Ireland. We found a difference in the catch per unit time between the two methods and that this difference increased with fish density. The fixed?time CPUE method also failed to detect a species presence in low?density sites

    Counterintuitive migration patterns by Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts in a large lake

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    What little is known about the seaward migration of Salmo salar smolt migration through standing waters indicates that it is both slow and results in high mortality rates, compared with riverine migration. This may be partly because smolts in lakes need to swim more actively and require more complex directional cues than they do in rivers. In this telemetry study of smolt migration through Loch Lomond, S. salar smolts made repeated movements in directions away from the outflowing river, which considerably increased migration time

    The benefits of merging passive and active tracking approaches: new insights into riverine migration by salmonid smolts

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    The process of smolting is a critical phase in the life cycle of anadromous salmonids, and it has been associated with substantial rates of mortality. Survival during freshwater and marine migration is known to have population-level effects; thus, an understanding of the patterns of mortality has the potential to yield important insights into population bottlenecks. Despite important advancements in tracking techniques, the specifics of mortality events in anadromous salmonids during their initial migration to sea remain somewhat elusive. Here, we develop a framework combining spatial and temporal detections of smolt riverine migration from two tracking techniques, which enable inferences to be made about mortality locations, causes, and rates. In this study, we demonstrate that during their initial riverine transitional phase, smolts were particularly vulnerable to predators. Specifically, avian predation appeared to be the main cause of mortality (42%), although piscine predation events were not trivial (14%). Our results suggested some direct and indirect tagging-induced mortality (e.g., through increased predation vulnerability), which highlights the importance of determining tagging mortality in a telemetry study to ensure adequate interpretation of migration success. Overall, by estimating migration loss and its variability, our study framework should help to guide management actions to mitigate the widespread population declines these species are currently facing