87 research outputs found

    Social and Ethical Aspects [of Organic Food Provisioning]

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    This paper indicates the character of social and ethical concerns of consumers with respect to the production, distribution and marketing of organic food, discusses the extent to which these concerns can be addressed within the framework of risk analysis with reference to 'Critical Control Points'(CCPs), and presents examples of control measures with regard to particular risks. Four types of marketing risk, as seen from the standpoint of suppliers, are distinguished. It is shown that risks arising from the fact that some suppliers fail to live up to existing standards can be addressed within a CCP framework, providing particular conditions (regarding, for example, traceability) are met. Other kinds of risk, however, call for the introduction of quite different measures that cannot be successfully addressed by introducing controls at specific critical points of production and distribution

    Production of Bread Wheat Control of Quality and Safety in Organic Production Chains

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    This leaflet provides a practical overview for producers and others involved in wheat production and storage, on what can be done at these steps to improve the quality and safety of organically pro-duced wheat, in addition to certification and general food safety requirements. A separate leaflet covers the milling and baking steps, and other leaflets cover other commodities and separate leaflets aim at consumers and retailers

    European consumers' conceptions of the safety and quality of organic food

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    This paper summarizes some of the research on consumers in different European countries in order to identify consumer expectations, criteria and concerns with respect to the quality and safety og organic foods. Reasons why consumer conceptions differ between countries are considered in relation to differences regarding the institutional settings of consumption. Limitations of the existing research are pointed out and focal points for future research are identified

    European consumers' conceptions of organic food: A review of available research

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    This report is a publication from the project entitled 'Recommendations for Improved Procedures for Securing Consumer Oriented Food Safety and Quality of Certified Organic Foods from a Consumer Perspective' (acronym: 'Organic HACCP'), supported by the European Commission, Fifth Framework Programme, Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources, and co-ordinated by Dr. Kirsten Brandt. The report includes a summary and 9 chapters, which respectively regard a statement of objectives and methods (Chapter 1), critical considerations regarding current approaches to consumer studies (Chapter 2), an overview of factors related to the production, distribution and regulation of organic foods, which differentially affect patterns of consumption in European countries (Chapter 3), 4 case studies regarding the consumption of organic foods and the contextual features influencing consumption patterns in Denmark (Chapter 4), United kingdom (Chapter 5), Italy (Chapter 6) and Hungary (Chapter 7). These case studies are followed by a summary review of trends in Europe with regard to consumer characteristics, buying behaviour and consumer concerns (Chapter 8), as well as a series of recommendations with regard to future research regarding the consumption of organic foods within the European region (Chapter 9)

    Production of White Cabbage Control of Quality and Safety in Organic Production Chains

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    This leaflet provides a practical overview for producers and others involved in white cabbage production and packaging, of what can be done at these steps to improve the quality and safety of organi-cally produced cabbage, in addition to certification and general food safety requirements. Other leaflets cover production of other commodities and separate leaflets aim at consumers and retailers

    Authenticity and Fraud Information to Consumers regarding Control of Quality and Safety in Organic Production Chains

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    This leaflet provides a practical overview for consumers of what is done to secure the authenticity and integrity of 7 types of organically produced foods, where improvements are possible and what the consumers can do to support efforts that meet their demands. Other leaflets for consumers cover taste, freshness and nutrients or safety and contamination, and separate leaflets aim at retailers or at production of specific commodities

    Production of Tomatoes Control of Quality and Safety in Organic Production Chains

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    This leaflet provides a practical overview for producers and others involved in tomato production and packaging, of what can be done at these steps to improve quality and safety of organically pro-duced tomatoes, in addition to certification and general food safety requirements. Other leaflets cover production of other commodities and separate leaflets aim at consumers and retailers

    Authenticity and Fraud Information to Retailers regarding Control of Quality and Safety in Organic Production Chains

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    This leaflet provides a practical overview for retailers of what is done to secure the authenticity and integrity of organically produced foods, where improvements are possible and what the retailers can do to support efforts that meet their customers’ demands. Other leaflets for retailers cover taste, freshness and nutrients or safety and contamination, and separate leaflets aim at consumers or at production of specific commodities

    Producción de Leche Control de la Calidad y Seguridad en las Cadenas de Producción Orgánica

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    Este catálogo se destina a productores y otros agentes envueltos en la producción y distribución de leche orgánica, e pretende dar una visión práctica sobre lo que se puede hacer en varias etapas de la cadena de producción para a mejorar la calidad y la seguridad de la leche orgánica, de acuerdo con los requisitos generales de la certificación de la seguridad alimenticia. Fueron también preparados catálogos para otros productos, así como catálogos dirigidos a los consumidores y minoristas

    Produktion af brødhvede. Kontrol af kvalitet og sikkerhed i økologiske produktionskæder

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    Denne brochure har til formål at informere om, hvad der - udover at opfylde de generelle krav til fødevaresikkerhed og certificering - kan gøres for at forbedre kvalitet og sikkerhed af økologisk produceret brødhvede. Brochuren henvender sig til producenter og andre som beskæftiger sig med produktion og opbevaring af hvede. I samme serie findes brochurer, der behandler produktion af andre fødevarer samt brochurer, der er rettet mod forbrugere og detailhandlere